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nited States, and absolving them from all obligations arising from oaths to support that Constitution. On the same day Governor Letcher called out the volunteer forces of the State to resist invasion, and on the 3d issued a call for volunteers. On the 4th Col. George A. Porterfield was assigned to the command of the Virginia troops in northwestern Virginia and directed to establish his headquarters at Grafton, where the two branches of the Baltimore & Ohio railroad diverge, the one to Wheeling and the other to Parkersburg. On the 10th Maj.-Gen. R. E. Lee was assigned to the command of all the Confederate forces serving in Virginia. On the 23d of May the Virginia ordinance of secession was ratified, by a popular vote, by a majority of about 130,000. On the 24th the Federal army at Washington advanced into Virginia and occupied Arlington heights and Alexandria, and on the 26th the Federal forces tender General McClellan advanced into northwestern Virginia and occupied Grafton.
of rebellion, for which he had been waiting, McClellan, on the 26th, ordered Col. B. F. Kelley, of nsiderable victory, on the strength of which McClellan mounted the first round of his ladder of fam artillery could enfilade its intrenchments, McClellan waited all day, but had no word from Rosecranett, and sent one of his troopers to notify McClellan. In the camp Rosecrans captured some 69 offumed. Scott, impressed with the idea that McClellan was in rapid pursuit and would soon fall on ue the retreat. Scott's exaggerated idea of McClellan's force and of an energetic pursuit by him, Between 7 and 8 a. m. of the 13th, two of McClellan's staff and some twenty cavalry brought a norganized but having suffered little loss. McClellan telegraphed to Washington his first report or good news, and took it as literally true. McClellan was the hero of the moment, and when, but a force at Huttonsville and on Cheat mountain, McClellan returned to Beverly and proceeded to reorgan[7 more...]
t was a portion of Scott's plan of invasion of Virginia that was intrusted to McClellan; deferring until later the consideration of military operations along the Potomac, which, in sequence of time, would at this point demand attention. McClellan's original intention was to begin the invasion of Virginia from Ohio by way of thereat Kanawha valley on the 11th of July, in accordance with instructions from McClellan, crossing the Ohio from Gallipolis to Point Pleasant, and moving up the Kanawat of Garnett's forces from Rich mountain and Laurel hill, and the advance of McClellan to Cheat mountain, thus threatening a movement on Staunton, or to the Virginied the Confederate authorities to promptly reinforce the Northwestern army in McClellan's front, and to concentrate forces on the Kanawha line by withdrawing Wise tocompanies of cavalry and artillery to swell the numbers of the Federal army. McClellan had good reason to exult at his success, no matter if it had been easily won.
berland valley from Chambersburg toward Hagerstown, and from the northwest by McClellan along the line of the Baltimore & Ohio railroad. His outposts were extended Richmond as their objective, and from what he could learn, that Patterson and McClellan would direct their first movements so as to combine at Winchester. He considays ready, not only to meet the attack of Patterson from the northeast and of McClellan from the northwest, but also to unite quickly with the army of the Potomac atf Leesburg, was under the enemy's guns on the north side of the river; and if McClellan should come in by the Northwestern turnpike to Winchester, he would be comple Winchester, that 2,000 Federal troops, sup. posed to be the advance guard of McClellan's army, had marched into Romney, 43 miles west of Winchester by turnpike. Achester, and by thus opposing Patterson prevent his anticipated junction with McClellan. While waiting for a guide, he received a letter from Cooper, dated June 13t
y awaited the order to advance, and his men were held ready with three days cooked rations in their haversacks. But his superiors gave no sign, and he was reluctantly compelled to abandon all hope of reaping the fruits of the victory. When McClellan, summoned in hot haste from northwestern Virginia to avert further disaster, reached Washington, on the 26th of July, he rode around the city inspecting the existing conditions. Of these he wrote: I found no preparations whatever for defench. He advanced to Fairfax Court House on the morning of the 23d, and a little later established his pickets along the Potomac, and in front of Washington, in sight of the dome of the capitol. The infantry of the army was moved to new camps beyond Bull run, with advanced detachments in support of the cavalry. McClellan took command at Washington on the 27th, and at once proceeded to make that city an intrenched camp, to which large numbers of troops were hurried from all the Union States.
al Reynolds resigned the command of the Cheat Mountain district of the Federal army to Brig.-Gen. R. H. Milroy. At about the same time General Kelley was placed in command of the Baltimore & Ohio railroad district, and with a Federal force moved up the South Branch valley and took possession of Romney, thus threatening the line of communication from Alleghany mountain to Staunton, since Monterey, in that valley and on that line, was but 70 miles, by a good road, from Romney. Kelley asked McClellan for 10,000 men, saying that with these he could go up the South Branch valley and, falling on the rebels, utterly destroyed their whole force at Monterey and Greenbrier. Pierpoint, the bogus governor of Virginia, also urged the same thing, saying that a combined movement by Reynolds and Kelley would bag all the rebels on Cheat mountain. (He meant Alleghany mountain; being mixed in his geography.) Ambitious of winning reputation on the line to Staunton on which his predecessor had sign
, was created, to include Washington and vicinity, northeastern Virginia and the Shenandoah valley; and on the 20th General McClellan assumed command of this department with his headquarters at Washington. On the 24th this department was still furnattached regiments of infantry, and the numerous bodies of cavalry and artillery in his division, on the 5th of August McClellan called upon his outposts for information concerning the Confederate forces in his front. On the 25th of August a scoutnce beyond the northwestern fortifications of Washington. On September 3d General Beauregard, in person, reconnoitered McClellan's front from Munson's and Mason's hills, from which the Federal camps, earthworks and outposts, and the cities of Washietreat and claim the expedition a success. This small affair was, at the time, greatly magnified in importance. General McClellan, in person, met the returning detachment at its camp, and, anxious to score a victory in his new command, sent this
ac, near that town, directly to his Bull run encampment; to watch the large Federal force that McClellan had located on the opposite side of the Potomac; to keep up a connection with the Confederate position of so large a force was, not only to guard the right of the big Federal army that General McClellan was gathering at Washington, but especially to cover the important approaches from the normountain, in Maryland, reported, The enemy have moved away from Leesburg. This Banks wired to McClellan, whereupon the latter wired to Stone, at Poolesville, that a heavy reconnaissance would be sene them away. Perhaps a slight demonstration on your part would have the effect to move them. McClellan desired Stone to make demonstrations from his picket line along the Potomac, but did not inten on Evans' right, leaving Colonel Baker in command at Ball's bluff. Stone then telegraphed to McClellan: There has been sharp firing on the right of our line, and our troops appear to be advancing t
rcumstances in reference to a campaign farther to the northwest. Preparations were energetically pushed, and by the last day of the year the army was ready to move. Rosecrans, satisfied that there would be no further westward movement of the Confederates until spring, had determined, under cover of his 5,000 troops at Romney, to collect the whole force of his department, some 22,000 men, along the line of the Baltimore & Ohio railroad, with the hope of securing permission from General McClellan to use these forces in an attack upon the Valley for the purpose of seizing, fortifying and holding Winchester, and thus dominating all of northeastern Virginia, and at the same time threatening Johnston's position at Manassas. These intentions of the enemy were speedily frustrated by Jackson, when, on the 1st of January, 1862, a bright and pleasant day, his army started for Bath, near the line of the Baltimore & Ohio railroad. The army consisted of his own old brigade, commanded by Gen.
n its rolls, March 1, 1862, 222,000 men—that McClellan had, during more than half a year, been coll's Ferry, to attack and drive back Jackson. McClellan advanced his great army, from the intrenchede had started on the wrong road to Richmond, McClellan, on the 13th of March, called his corps commtance of fully 400 miles. The shipment of McClellan's army from Washington to his new field of oty of the capital, and induced him to modify McClellan's plan of campaign by ordering, April 3d, thngton, if necessary, to aid in its defense. McClellan objected to this arrangement, but was compelia and the Confederacy, on the very day that McClellan was conferring at Fairfax Court House concerf this grand game of war was in the hands of McClellan, who, for an insignificant victory in the mod the success of their strategic movements. McClellan's plan of campaign was to hold back Lee's win front of Williamsburg and Yorktown, to bar McClellan's way to Richmond. Having thus outlined t[1 more...]
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