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The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), The First iron-clad Monitor. (search)
who, in the meantime, had arrived, with the exception of Mr. Blair, as well as one or two others-naval and military officers-among them, Commander Dahlgren and Colonel Meigs. The Merrimac, said Stanton, who was vehement, and did most of the talking, will change the whole character of the war; she will destroy, seriatim, every purchase of all the boats that could be procured in Washington, Georgetown and Alexandria, which were being laden with stone and earth, under the direction of Colonel Meigs and Dahlgren, with a view of sinking them at Kettle Bottom Shoals, some fifty miles or more below, in order to prevent the ascension of the Merrimac. That whised with my approval, were actively engaged, they had been suddenly stopped by an order from me to Dahlgren. He was still complaining when Dahlgren, and I believe Meigs also, came in, and I then learned that great preparations had been made to procure a fleet of boats, which were to be sunk at Kettle Bottom, to protect Washington.
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), The First great crime of the War. (search)
equired, whether gained in front of Washington or further South, and that our difficulties would probably be as great on the Peninsula as they would be at Centreville. I thought that the President, who said little, was much impressed by what Judge Blair said, and he adjourned the meeting until three o'clock the next day, directing General McDowell and myself to see the Quartermaster General in the meantime as to water transportation for the army. On Sunday General McDowell and I saw General Meigs, the Quartermaster General. He thought that a month or six weeks would be required to collect the water transportation necessary for the movement of the army. Some of us were gathered at three o'clock for the ordered meeting. Suddenly Mr. Seward hurried in, threw down his hat in great excitement, and exclaimed, Gentlemen, I have seen General McClellan, and he is a well man. I think that this meeting would better adjourn. A general discussion was entered upon as to what was the best c
Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 1: parentage, and Early years. (search)
ndants bearing the name of Davis, Brake, and Regar. Talent and capacity were not limited to this second generation. The sons of George Jackson deserve especially to be noted among the men of the third generation. Of these, the eldest was John G. Jackson, a lawyer of great distinction at Clarksburg. He succeeded his father in Congress, married first Miss Payne, the sister of the accomplished lady who married Mr. Madison, President of the United States; and then, the only daughter of Mr. Meigs, Governor of Ohio, afterwards Postmaster-General; who was appointed first Federal Judge for the district of West Virginia. This office he filled with distinction until his death about the year 1825. He was a learned lawyer, a man of great energy and enterprise, and sought to develop the resources of his country by the building of iron furnaces and forges, mills, woollen factories, and salt-works. These endeavors absorbed large sums of money, and at his death left his princely estate hea
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 5: invasion of Virginia. (search)
the South Carolina regiments were the best armed and equipped, had negroes with them as servants, were in high spirits, and though the month was June, were freezing for a fight. It was fully determined now that the Federal army should move against Manassas, and General McDowell was requested to submit a plan of operations and an estimate of the force necessary to carry it out. He did so, and the plan was approved by General Scott, the Cabinet, and Generals Sanford, Tyler, Mansfield, and Meigs, who were present. It was then given to the engineer officers to discuss, and finally was fully adopted. The Federal army was to move out from the vicinity of Washington and Alexandria in four columns and give battle to the enemy by turning their right flank. McDowell exacted two conditions: One that he should be provided with thirty thousand troops; the other that he should not be required to fight any of the Confederate forces then opposed to General Patterson in the Valley of Virginia.
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Index. (search)
04, 203, 206, 213. Marshall, Colonel, Charles, of Lee's staff, 393. Marshall, John, 10. Marshall, William, 19. Mason, Captain, 39. Matamoras, city of, 63. Mattapony River, 338. Matthews, John, 9. Maxey, General, killed at Fredericksburg, 233. Mayflower, slaves on, 83. Meade, Bishop, 95. Meade, General George G., succeeds Hooker, 269; his character, 269; statement by, 299; censured, 306; mentioned, 227, 228, 277, 278, 283, 302, 304. Meagher's Irish brigade, 231. Meigs, General, 107. Merrimac frigate, 138. Merritt, General, Wesley, mentioned, 333, 373. Mexican Republic, 31. Mexican treaty, 40. Miles, Colonel, 203. Milroy, General, mentioned, 143, 262, 263, 264. Minnigerode, Rev. Dr., 379. Mitchell, Private W. B., 204. Moltke, Field-Marshal, 261, 423. Molino del Rey, 41. Monocacy, battle of, 351. Mont St. Jean, Waterloo, 421. Monroe, James, I. Montezuma's gifts, 31. Moore, Anne, 20. Morales, General, 35. Mosby, Colonel, J
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, XXII. January, 1863 (search)
r; and Lieut.-Col. Lay, his next officer, was an acquaintance. I shall not now, perhaps, see so much of the interior of this moving picture of Revolution; my son, however, will note important letters. It is said that Sumner's corps (of Burnside's army) has landed in North Carolina, to take Wilmington. We shall have news soon. We are sending troops rapidly from Virginia to North Carolina. The Northern papers say the following dispatch was sent to Washington by our raiding Stuart: Gen. Meigs will in future please furnish better mules; those you have furnished recently are very inferior. He signed his own name. A large body of slaves passed through the city to-day, singing happily. They had been working on the fortifications north of the city, and go to work on them south of it. They have no faith in the efficacy of Lincoln's Emancipation. But it is different in Norfolk; 4000 enfranchised slaves marched in procession through the town the other day in a sort of frantic
put a new face upon the proposed campaign against Richmond. During the forenoon of the next day, March 9, a despatch was received from Fortress Monroe, reporting the appearance of the rebel ironclad Merrimac, and the havoc she had wrought the previous afternoon — the Cumberland sunk, the Congress surrendered and burned, the Minnesota aground and about to be attacked. There was a quick gathering of officials at the Executive Mansion-Secretaries Stanton, Seward, Welles, Generals McClellan, Meigs, Totten, Commodore Smith, and Captain Dahlgren-and a scene of excitement ensued, unequaled by any other in the President's office during the war. Stanton walked up and down like a caged lion, and eager discussion animated cabinet and military officers. Two other despatches soon came, one from the captain of a vessel at Baltimore, who had left Fortress Monroe on the evening of the eighth, and a copy of a telegram to the New York Tribune, giving more details. President Lincoln was the coo
arms belonging to the State, that have been unlawfully seized, to immediately deliver them up, that they may be returned to the State Arsenal, at Frankfort.--(Doc. 157.) The Senate of the United States confirmed numerous army appointments. Among them are Major-Generals McClellan, Fremont, Dix, and Banks; and Brigadier-Generals Hooker, Curtis, McCall, Sherman, Lander, Kelly, Kearney, Pope, Heintzelman, Porter, Stone, Reynolds, Hunter, Franklin, Rosecrans, Buell, Mansfield, McDowell, and Meigs.--Philadelphia Inquirer, August 5. The Twenty-ninth Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteers, under the command of Colonel John K. Murphy, left Hestonville, West Philadelphia, for the seat of war.--Philadelphia Press, August 3. Mrs. Lincoln having kindly consented to receive and distribute the havelocks made by the ladies of Katonah and Bedford, Westchester, N. Y., a case was despatched to-day from the Jay homestead to the executive mansion by Pullen's and Adams's express, containing 1,
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., chapter 9.96 (search)
of the time in which we can use it for wagons. On October 19th, under General Rosecrans's orders to General Hooker, I was charged with the work on this road. 20th.--Commenced work on the Jasper branch. 22d.--General Grant and Quartermaster-General Meigs arrived on their way to the front with Hooker and staff. I accompanied them as far as Jasper. During the ride I gave Grant what information I had of the country, the streams, roads, the work being done and required to be done on the ity of supplying by the dirt road, and approved the building of the Jasper branch, and extending it if practicable to Kelley's; also appreciated the importance of the little steamboat, which will be ready for launching to-morrow or Saturday. General Meigs . . . approved of the Jasper branch scheme and gave me a message ordering the iron forwarded at once. 23d.--Steamboat ready to launch to-morrow. Railroad work progressing. 24th.--Steamer launched safely. 26th.--Work on boat progress
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 5: the Chattanooga campaign.--movements of Sherman's and Burnside's forces. (search)
d. Hearing nothing from either, and startled by the saddening news from the Chickamauga, Halleck at once, as we have observed, See page 99. detached the Eleventh (Howard's) and Twelfth (Slocum's) corps from the Army of the Potomac, and sent them, under the general command of Hooker, to Middle Tennessee, with orders, until further directed, to guard Rosecrans's communications between Nashville and Bridgeport. These troops were moved with marvelous celerity under the wise direction of General Meigs, the Quartermaster-General, and the skillful management of Colonel D. E. McCallum, the Government Superintendent of railways, and W. Prescott Smith, Master of Transportation on the Baltimore and Ohio road. In the space of eight days, the two corps, twenty thousand strong, marched from the Rapid Anna to Washington, and were thence conveyed through West Virginia, Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee, to the Tennessee River. Halleck determined to hold Chattanooga and East Tennessee at all haza
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