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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 6. (ed. Frank Moore) 70 2 Browse Search
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s, came upon the field. The former was ordered to advance upon the right, and the latter on the left, which they did by rapid movements, throwing back the flanking columns of the enemy. At the same moment company B, Capt. Hopkins, company D, Lieut. Moore, company E, Capt. Gardner, company H, Lieut. Ball, and company K, Capt. Russell, of the Second Kansas, all under command of Capt. S. J. Crawford, made a gallant charge, driving in their centre, capturing their artillery, and bringing it in triYet I feel that I ought to say to Captain Crawford, who commanded the battalion that made the charge upon and captured the rebel battery, great credit is due for his gallantry; and the names of Capts. Ayres, Russell, Hopkins, and Gardner, and Lieuts. Moore, Cosgrove, Ballard, Lee, and Johnson, and Sergeant Baker, all of whom commanded companies, are worthy of especial and honorable mention. Lieut. Stover proved himself not only a gallant officer but a good artillerist, abundantly shown by the
and other intelligent and brave officers like them are still to the good work. In the Sixty-third New-York volunteers I have lost, for some time at all events, the efficient services of Major Joseph O'Neill--services that were ever most promptly and heartily rendered where-ever and whenever his military obligations or patriotism required them. Had I time it would be, indeed, a pleasing duty for me to speak, in connection with the Sixty-third, of such officers as Captains Gleason, Condon, Moore, and Lieut. James R. Brady, and others, whom it would be difficult for me now to mention without having the leisure to speak of them with adequate commendation. Within the last three months two regiments were incorporated in the brigade. Pennsylvania contributed the One Hundred and Sixteenth; Massachusetts contributed the Twenty-eighth. The fact that Col. Heenan, Lieut.-Col. Mulholland and Major Bardwell, of the first named regiment, were badly wounded, speaks filly for the intrepidity
a quantity of arms, three hundred and fifty fat hogs, a large number of horses, cattle, wagons, etc. The infantry were routed and entirely dispirited, fleeing to the mountains. Their cavalry were, unfortunately for us, away on an expedition, or our success would have been complete. We burnt their camp and returned to this place this evening. I had with me a detachment of the First New-York cavalry, under the command of Colonel McReynolds, the Ringgold cavalry, under the command of Captain Keys, the Washington cavalry, commanded by Captain Greenfield, Rourk's battery, and three companies of the Twenty-third Illinois infantry, under the command of Major Moore. The infantry companies were carried in wagons. My troops cannot be surpassed for patient endurance on the march or for gallant bearing when in action. Our attack was so unexpected and impetuous that our loss is trifling, three or four men slightly and one severely wounded; none killed. B. F. Kelley, Brigadier-General.
lled, and not a spadeful of earth thrown up. Col. Moore, of the One Hundred and Fourth Illinois, comThe latter either said nothing about it to Colonel Moore, or was unheeded when he did. Suffice it tailed to do, being ordered, as he says, by Colonel Moore, to keep his position. Lacking the expect without the order, consent, or knowledge of Col. Moore, believing that such a step would promote thg had continued three quarters of an hour, Colonel Moore gave the order to retire to the hill upon ety by the rebels in the woods below. But Colonel Moore had doubtless somewhere read that the highreated across the Cumberland. Again, if Colonel Moore had possessed sufficient intrepidity, he mudgment. Let us return to the time when Colonel Moore ordered his force to retreat from the edgeake a stand. Almost immediately, however, Colonel Moore perceived the trap into which he had led h still they might be victorious. No, said Colonel Moore, we are whipped; I shall surrender. Do no[10 more...]
es engaged in the affair on our side were the Ninth and Second Kentucky infantry, commanded by Col. Thomas H. Hunt, numbering six hundred and eighty men, and the cavalry regiments of Chenault, Cluke, Bennett, and Huffman, with Cobb's Kentucky battery. All told, our forces were about one thousand three hundred. The enemy was the Thirty-ninth brigade of Dumont's division, composed of three regiments, one battalion, a squadron of cavalry, and section of artillery. It was commanded by Col. Abraham B. Moore, of Peru, Lasalle County, Illinois, whose commission, we are authorized to say, is now in possession of Corporal Whelan, company K, Second Kentucky. The attack was made just after sunrise, but instead of surprising the Yankees, they were found strongly posted on the top of a steep hill, and in perfect line of battle. Our line was formed under the fire of the enemy, but it was done with great precision and perfect accuracy. After our boys had commenced the forward movement there
Doc. 83.-the fight at Hartsville, Tenn. see Doc. 65, page 237, ante. Letter from Colonel A. B. Moore, Libby prison, Richmond, Va., January 29, 1863. friend H. : Of course you are aware that I am a prisoner of war, and am now confined in a room seventy-three by forty-three, with one hundred and twenty-five men, composed of officers, citizens, sutlers, thieves, deserters, highwaymen and robbers, all thrown together promiscuously, and you can fancy what a comfortable position I am in. We are full of vermin ; if we did not slaughter them wholesale, every morning, we should soon be eaten up alive. As I assure you, that these filthy creepers and confederate money are the only two things abundant in Dixie. It is useless for me to write about our living, etc., in this place; I must reserve that until 1 see you, for I indulge the hope that I shall get out of this place by and by, but when I cannot say. I purchase the Southern papers, and from the Northern extracts contained
tain Dickey having less than eighty men for duty, on account of the exertions of the twenty-third and twenty-fourth, was compelled to fill back on Munfordville, fighting his way. Learning this by courier, I shifted Colonel Shanks, with the exception of two companies, from the Greensburgh road to cover the retreat of the Second Michigan by attacking the enemy, and, gradually falling back on Munfordville, to draw him in and give play for the skirmishers; the Twenty-fifth Michigan infantry, Colonel Moore, on the right, Lieutenant-Colonel Carey, Thirty-first Indiana, in the centre, with the convalescent battalion and Major Hobson commanding Fifteenth Kentucky on the left. The officers and men of these commands acted with great promptness and ease while performing the various evolutions, but the wary foe would not engage them. A few shots were fired by the Twelfth Kentucky cavalry, when the enemy fell back to Bacon Creek. During this skirmish our loss was twenty-one men and two officers
es the less appreciated if I mention, for conspicuous bravery, such names as Lieutenant-Col. Smith, Major Brott, and Adjutant Casey, of the Eighty-third, and Lieutenants Moore and McIntyre, of Flood's battery. In truth, all are alike entitled to share in the laurels of this most brilliant achievement. By it, another bright page hst occurred at this post. Our forces consisted of nine companies of the Eighty-third Illinois, Col. Harding, two sections of Flood's (Illinois) battery, under Lieut. Moore, and part of one company of the Fifth Iowa cavalry, in all, six hundred effective men. The attacking force was four thousand five hundred strong — some rebel p Eighty-third. Capt. P. E. Reed, of company A, and Quartermaster Bissell are killed. Capts. McClanahan, of company B, and Gillson, of company E, are wounded. Lieuts. Moore, of the battery, and Sykes, of company I, Eighty-third, are wounded. Fourteen of our men are killed and fifty-one wounded--a few fatally. Two officers and tw
y had not the slightest doubt of their ability to pick up Col. Hall whenever it should suit their convenience. Why not? The redoubtable Morgan himself was here with the brigade which had first frightened almost to death and then captured poor Col. Moore at Hartville. And Colonel Hall had fewer men than Col. Moore had on that disgracefully famous occasion. In addition to Morgan's force here was the redoubtable Major-General Wheeler, with a brigade from his division — Wheeler, entirely recoverCol. Moore had on that disgracefully famous occasion. In addition to Morgan's force here was the redoubtable Major-General Wheeler, with a brigade from his division — Wheeler, entirely recovered from the effects of the thrashing which Dan McCook gave him in January, and flush from the big haul which he and Van Dorn made at Thompson's Station. Still more, these worthies had three regiments of Tennessee mounted infantry to assist them. And here were Colonel W. C. P. Breckinridge, and Duke, and Gano, and Grigsby, and heaven knows how many rebel heroes besides. Would A. S. Hall, a mere political Colonel, as some of our regular friends would say, attempt to make battle against Major-Ge
de. It was met by fire from artillery and musketry, which mowed down more than half its number. The Sixteenth regiment Tennessee, under the command of Col. John II. Savage, lost two hundred and seven out of four hundred and two. It could not advance, and would not retire. Their (Colonel, with characteristic bravery and tenacity, deployed what was left of his command as skirmishers, and held his position for three hours. In the Eighth Tennessee, of tile right wing, under the lamented Colonel Moore, who fell mortally wounded, and who was succeeded by Lieut.-Col. J. H. Anderson, the loss was three hundred and six men and officers, out of four hundred and twenty-five. The enemy was now driven from the field at all points occupied by him in the morning, along his whole line, from his right to the extreme left, and was pressed back until our line occupied a position at right angles to that which we held at the opening of the battle. After passing the Nashville and Murfreesboro turn
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