Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 7. (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Mowry or search for Mowry in all documents.

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ed a force of twelve thousand men at Richmond, in Louisiana, nine miles from Milliken's Bend, I sent General Ellet to General Mowry, at Young's Point, to act in conjunction to wake them up. General Mowry promptly acceded to the request, and, with abGeneral Mowry promptly acceded to the request, and, with about one thousand two hundred men in company with the Marine brigade, General A. W. Ellet commanding, proceeded to Richmond, where they completely routed the advance-guard of the rebels, consisting of four thousand men and six pieces of artillery, cateenth instant, and proceeded toward Richmond, La. At the forks of the road, within three miles of Richmond, I met General Mowry's command, and we proceeded forward together, my forces being in advance. We met the enemy about a mile from the tat Milliken's Bend, a week before, and was repulsed. Our entire loss was three men wounded, one only dangerously. Gen. Mowry's command participated throughout most vigorously, and I feel indebted to the General for his prompt cooperation and ad