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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 26. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), William Henry Chase Whiting, Major-General C. S. Army. (search)
sorrowing relatives and friends. General Beale (the agent in this city for supplying the Confederacy with soldiers' blankets in exchange for cotton), with five other intimate friends of the deceased general, most of whom are paroled Confederate officers, acted as pall-bearers on the occasion. Several Federal officers, in uniform, were in attendance at the obsequies. [The pall-bearers were General Beall, of the Confederate service, and General Stone, Major Trowbridge, Major Prime and Lieutenant Mowry, of the United States service, and Mr. S. L. Merchant.—C. B. D.] The Rev. Dr. Morgan Dix, Rector of Trinity, was the officiating minister, assisted by Rev. Dr. Ogilvie. The corpse of the deceased was brought from Governor's Island about 12.30 o'clock on Saturday morning, and placed in the vestibule of Trinity, where, for half an hour, the friends and relatives were allowed to view the features of the late general. The body was embalmed, and on the coffin lid were laid beautiful fl