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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The treatment of prisoners during the war between the States. (search)
on the last named day, I addressed the following communication to Brigadier-General John E. Mulford (then Major), Assistant Agent of Exchange: Richmond, August 10, 1864. Major John E. Mulford, Assistant Agent of Exchange: Sir — You have several times proposed to me to exchange the prisoners respectively held by the two tates Commissioner of Exchange, covering a copy of the foregoing letter to General Mulford, and requesting an acceptance of my propositions. No answer was received to either of these letters. General Mulford, on the 31st day of August, 1864, informed me in writing that he had no communication on the subject from the United Stany equivalents, assuring at the same time the agent of the United States, General Mulford, that if the number for which he might send transportation could not readiny reply. Incredible as this appears, it is strictly true. V. General John E. Mulford is personally cognizant of the truth of most, if not all, the facts wh
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Report of Colonel D. T. Chandler, (search)
aptain Welford's investigations and conferences with friends in Washington, was that it was not deemed judicious for Mr. Seddon to be represented directly by counsel, but that he should place his materials of defence and explanation touching the Chandler report in the hands of Wirz's counsel; and this was done. The Government had gone into all this matter, and the response, therefore, on every principle of fair dealing or of law, was legitimate in that cause. Colonel Robert Ould and General J. E. Mulford, therefore, were summoned to show what the action of the Confederate Government on Colonel Chandler's report was. Judge Ould attended, and General Mulford was prepared to do so and to corroborate him. Judge Ould, as Mr. Welford informed me, unless my memory is at fault, was prepared to state that as soon as Colonel Chandler's report was presented to Mr. Seddon, the latter sent for him and showed the terrible mortality prevailing at Andersonville, instructed him to go down James river
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The treatment of prisoners during the war between the States. (search)
al to your own records for the cases where your reports have shown that our officers and men have been held for long months and even years in violation of the cartel and our agreements. The last phase of the enormity, however, exceeds all others. Although you have many thousands of our soldiers now in confinement in your prisons, and especially in that horrible hold of death, Fort Delaware, you have not, for several weeks, sent us any prisoners. During those weeks you have dispatched Captain Mulford with the steamer New York to City Point, three or four times, without any prisoners. For the first two or three times some sort of an excuse was attempted. None is given at this present arrival. I do not mean to be offensive when I say that effrontery could not give one. I ask you with no purpose of disrespect, what can you think of this covert attempt to secure the delivery of all your prisoners in our hands, without the release of those of ours who are languishing in hopeless mise
Benjamnin F. Butler, Butler's Book: Autobiography and Personal Reminiscences of Major-General Benjamin Butler, Chapter 13: occupations in 1863; exchange of prisoners. (search)
ided to me. In pursuance of my plan I sent Major Mulford, assistant agent of exchange (to whose fai the return of the boat, I was informed by Major Mulford, that the Confederate agent of exchange woe on the part of the United States, I sent Major Mulford with a steamer, to officially inform Mr. O5th of August, when I received a note from Major Mulford, assistant agent of exchange, from which ta, in the field, Aug. 16, 1864, 8.15 A. M. Major Mulford, agent of exchange, Fortress Monroe: Bre letter of instructions under which Lieutenant-Colonel Mulford sailed for Savannah carrying down th allegiance if they could be released. Colonel Mulford was much delayed in carrying out his instix No. 10. In compliance with the order Colonel Mulford got off, and arrived in Savannah River abof the operations of General Sherman, but Colonel Mulford succeeded in getting about twelve thousanursuance of the negotiations concluded by Colonel Mulford, an order See Appendix No. 12. was iss
, 4.20 P. M. Major-General Butler: I think it probably advisable, whilst Major Mulford is here, to get the naval prisoners on hand put through the lines. Points e what to do, and believe me, Very respectfully, your obedient servant, John E. Mulford, Lieutenant-Colonel and Assistant Agent of Exchange. [no. 10. see page 608.] New York, Nov. 8, 1864. Colonel J. E. Mulford, Assistant agent of exchange, Fortress Monroe, Va.: Start immediately with the Atlantic and Baltic. It is bers and have the honor to be, Very respectfully, your obedient servant, John E. Mulford, Lieutenant-Colonel and United States Agent for Exchange of Prisoners. oe to have ready all transportation there, making use of that provided for Colonel Mulford except the Atlantic and Baltic. I would desire that the particular brigad4. Major-General Butler: I have files of Savannah and Augusta papers by Colonel Mulford, from which I gather that Bragg has gone to Georgia, taking with him, I ju
Annapolis, his romance and relief, 196. Missouri Compromise, 130-131. Mobile Harbor entered by blockade runners, 849. Moise, Judge, 397. Monroe, Major, of New Orleans, 437-438. Moore, Gov. Thomas O., of Louisiana, 385; letter from Lovell to, 397; letter to Davis, 477; reference to, 430-431. Moore, Peter, the case of, 986-987. Morgan, Senator of New York, 362. Morris, Major, at Fort McHenry, 231-232. Mount Benedict, destruction of Ursuline Convent on, 110-123. Mulford, Colonel, assistant agent for exchange of prisoners, 586, 588, 589, 597, 606, 608, 609. Mumford pulls down flag at New Orleans, 370, 376; arrest, trial, and execution of, 437, 443; his widow befriended by Butler, 443; Butler proclaimed an outlaw for the execution of, 542-546; comment on, 547. Munroe, Col., Timothy, commanding Eighth Massachusetts, 174. N Napoleon, I. reference to, 741, 864, 865, 997, Butler reads history of, 868. Napoleon, Louis, Butler's recall from New Orleans,
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Captain Irving and the steamer Convoy --supplies for prisoners. (search)
ed. On the 6th of October, 1864, I wrote the following letter: Confederate States of America, war Department, Richmond, Virginia, October 6th, 1864. Major John E. Mulford, Assistant Agent of Exchange: Sir,--As it appears to be more than probable that a large number of prisoners will be held in captivity by both belligereners from Judge Ould, Commissioner of Exchange of prisoners on the part of the Confederate States, and the Honorable E. M. Stanton, Secretary of War, and Lieutenant-Colonel Mulford, Assistant Commissioner of Exchange of United States. I understand your letter to be an acceptance of the general proposition submitted by Judge Ould f both parties, and shall transmit it to him that arrangements may be made for carrying it into effect. The necessary details will be submitted to you through Colonel Mulford for agreement. In order to simplify the matter and to remove, so far as possible, causes of complaint, I suggest that the articles sent by either party shoul
sed ashore on Sullivan's Island during the night of the 22d, and was destroyed the next day by our guns. On or about the 29th, Brig.-Gen. Edward E. Potter assumed command of the district, relieving General Scammon. About this period our fire upon the city was stronger than for some time. November 5, a small vessel was discovered ashore in front of Fort Moultrie. She seemed to be loaded with cotton and turpentine, for our shells soon set her on fire, and she burned until after dark. Colonel Mulford, our commissioner of exchange, had arrived at Hilton Head with 3,200 Confederate prisoners. He met Captain Black, the Confederate agent, on the 11th, in the Savannah River, and arranged for exchanges at that point which took place soon afterward. With November came colder and more stormy days, rendering it bleak and cheerless on Morris Island, exposed to the chilling winds and damp atmosphere. News of the re-election of President Lincoln was received with enthusiasm as a guarantee th
thers, 229, 230. Moore, Henry, 161. Moorehouse, S. W., 166, 301. Morgan Guards, 10. Morgan, S. Griffiths, 10. Morris Island, S. C., 51, 52, 54, 55, 60, 66, 68, 69, 70, 72, 140, 146, 186, 187, 188, 196, 207, 216, 217, 234, 235, 270, 282, 284. Morris, Robert C., 14. Morris, William H., 183. Mosquito Creek, S. C., 193. Moultrie, Fort, 116, 128, 141, 282, 314. Moultrie House, 138. Moultrieville, S. C., 128. Mount Pleasant, S. C., 282, 310, 311, 316. Muckenfuss, A. W., 102. Mulford, John E., 233. Murrell's Inlet, S. C., 192. Muster of Colored Officers, 194, 233, 268, 315. Muster-out, 314, 317. Myers, Frank, 91. Myers, Stephen, 12. N. Nahant, monitor, 139. Nantucket, monitor, 52. National holiday, 49, 209, 314. Naval assault, Sumter, 128. Navy Department, 114, 199. Neale, Rev. Dr., 15, 24. Negro laborers in C. S. Army, 122. Netson, William J., 232. New Bedford Band, 321. New Bedford, Mass., 9, 321. New Hampshire Troops. Infantry: Third
dressed the following communication to Major John E. Mulford, Assistant Agent of Exchange, in chargpartment Richmond, Va, August 10, 1864 Major John E. Mulford, Assistant Agent of Exchange: sir: the communication which I had addressed to Major Mulford on the tenth of August: Richmond, Va instant, I addressed and delivered to Major John E. Mulford, Assistant Agent of Exchange. Under tat Varina. On the following day I sent to Major Mulford the following note, to wit: Richmondy respectfully, Your obedient servant, John E. Mulford, Major, and Assistant Agent for Exchange.issioner of Exchange: sir: Your note to Major Mulford, Asssistant Agent of Exchange, under date referred to me. You therein state that Major Mulford has several times propsed to exchange pris proposition, and agree to deliver to you [Major Mulford] the prisoners held in captivity by the CoIt is true, a proposition was made both by Major Mulford and myself, as Agent of Exchange, to excha[3 more...]
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