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ed have not been badly treated by our captors; they give them what they have, but that is often very little. The weather has been very hot for the last few days, and the poor fellows have suffered much, and we have lost several. To-day little Newlan died; he was a German boy, not more than seventeen years old, but a good soldier and a brave fellow. He, with three others and a lieutenant, stood by one of our two cannons till the last moment. Three of the five were struck down, and his comrades, scattered by the fire, fled to the depot and called upon him to follow, but he would not leave his lieutenant. In another moment they fell together; Lieutenant S----with a bullet through his foot, and poor little Newlan with his arm fractured, a ball through his body, and a charge of buckshot in the head. He stood his wounds bravely, but this hot weather proved too much for him, and he died in great pain, babbling about his home in the vaterland. There are many other pitiful case
iment after the commandant thereof has received an order requiring a draft or detail to be made, and of which such person shall have been informed in any way, until such detail or draft shall have been made." Every person so offending, who shall be subsequently detailed to march, unless he join the detachment with which he is detailed, at its rendezvous, or show that he was prevented from so doing by unavoidable cause shall be considered and treated as a deserter. Every person who shall refuse to give his name to the proper officer, when called upon for enrollment, under the act passed February 8th, 1862, entitled "An Act for ascertaining and enrolling the military forces of the Commonwealth," shall be considered and treated as a deserter. The bill has yet to be acted on by the House. A bill for the relief of John S. Harrison, Sheriff of Tazewell county. A bill incorporating Marengo Lodge I. O. C. F., in the town of Martinsburg, On motion of Mr. Newlan the Senate adjourned.
ties of our city — whether under the circumstances he boasted of a year ago, he can now determine. The list is not complete Gen. P. had no communication with other detachments that have arrived: Brig-Gen B M Prentiss. Madison MillerColonel18th Movola. J. L. Geddes.Colonel8th Iowa. W. F. LynchColonel58th Ill John C FergusonColonel8th Iowa. Quin MortonLt Col.23d Mo. Isaac RutshowserLt Col.58th Ill. J V PrattLt Col.18th Mc. Jno McCullochmajor23d Mo. Wm Stonemajor3d Iowa. Thes Newlanmajor58th Ill. J G BoltAdjutant58th Ill. Wm. McMichaelCaptainA Gen. J. T. DulapCaptain23d Missouri B T BoltCaptain23d Missouri A TrumboCaptain23d Missouri E WestCaptain23d Missouri W N CrandalCaptain23d Missouri R H BrownCaptain23d Missouri S G HootsCaptain(Suri,)18th Missouri P R DolmenCaptain(Suri,)18th Missouri Jonss DusmapCaptain(Suri,)18th Missouri G W WyckeffCaptain(Suri,)18th Missouri I P MikeswellCaptain(Suri,)18th Missouri H P StuitsCaptain(Suri,)18th Missouri James P