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Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 1. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book IV:—the first autumn. (search)
t was reported, were on their way to Cassville and had reached the St. Francis River, in Missouri. Grant despatched Colonel Oglesby with four regiments, also numbering about three thousand men, to look for it in that direction. But on the 5th, he the most important. On receiving the last instructions from Fremont, Grant immediately sent an additional regiment to Oglesby, with orders to fall back upon New Madrid, a little below Belmont, so as to threaten that position, against which he was. Finally, very late in the evening, the flotilla came to anchor in front of Cairo. Grant immediately sent an order to Oglesby to leave New Madrid and return to the point whence he had started—an order which that officer promptly and successfully public believed, Grant had intended to take up his position at Belmont, the affair was a complete failure. The fact of Oglesby's column being sent to New Madrid, to the south of Belmont, would seem to justify that assumption. Such an intention, h
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 1. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book V:—the first winter. (search)
those inspirations which sometimes decide the fate of a battle. He caused part of his troops to file off on his left along the river: thanks to a deep ravine, the enemy reached McArthur's flank unperceived, and threw confusion into the ranks of Oglesby's brigade, which formed the centre of McClernand's division, and which the Confederates were already vigorously pressing in front. Being in turn attacked in flank, it fell back like its neighbor. It reformed for an instant near the third brigas he occupied, in front of Smith, such troops as were strictly required for their occupancy, and had followed Pillow with the rest of his division. As soon as Pillow had deployed his forces he took position on his right; and when McArthur's and Oglesby's soldiers began to lose ground, he threw a portion of his men upon the brigades of W. Wallace, which formed the left of McClernand, and of Cruft, who had come to his assistance. The Confederates had thus far succeeded in throwing their entire