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Bentonville, Ark. (Arkansas, United States) (search for this): chapter 7
tle. Sigel, who had begun this movement in the morning, and had already sent a few regiments, with Colonel Osterhaus, to occupy a position on the side of Leetown, in order to forestall the enemy by a counterattack, thus found himself forming the left of the Federal line. Asboth's division, which had been placed under his command, formed the extremity of his line, and rested upon the crest of the Pea Ridge plateau, above Sugar Creek. Osterhaus's troops stretched out a little beyond the Bentonville road, towards the Elkhorn Tavern, and faced north-west. The right of the Federal army was composed of Carr's division, which, at the first indication of the enemy's presence on the post-road, hastened to contest with him the important position of Elkhorn. A little beyond, and at a certain distance from his front, wound the ravine of Cross-Timber Hollows, which, by an abrupt turning, covered his right flank. The attack of the enemy forced Carr to face northward, and thus gave to the Fed
Pamlico Sound (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 7
ind and sea. Thanks to the untiring zeal of the navy, the disaster which had seemed imminent was avoided, and on the 24th of January the whole fleet, favored by an extraordinary tide, raised by the end of the gale entered the calmer waters of Pamlico Sound. The first object of the expedition was to take possession of Roanoke Island, situated at sixty kilometres to the north, which, as we have already mentioned, commands the entrance of Albemarle Sound. It required some time, however, for the ke. The Virginia was not enough of a sea vessel and carried too little coal to venture upon the high sea, and, as it was then thought, to carry dismay even into the port of New York; but she could take advantage of a calm to go and recapture Pamlico Sound from Goldsborough's fleet; or, better still, she could ascend the Potomac as far as in front of Washington and throw bomb-shells into the capital of the Union. The parts would then have been reversed; it would no longer have been the part of
Bentonville (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 7
gfield, descended into Arkansas, and after crossing the Ozark Mountains near Bentonville, reached Fort Smith, on the great Arkansas River. Beyond this last station of wagons would not have sufficed to perform that service between Rolla and Bentonville. In those regions of the far West, therefore, armies were always obliged to small divisions, neither of which was larger than a French regiment, was at Bentonville, about fifteen kilometres from Sugar Creek. But the positions selected by Crees shooting up from the watery bottoms. Communicating by cross-roads with Bentonville, which it leaves on its right, the post-road descends into the ravine of Sugary building called Elkhorn Tavern. Here branches off a road which leads to Bentonville through the hamlet of Leetown, situated in the centre of the ridge. Such iseat haste, he suddenly changed his route, and marched to the northwest, upon Bentonville, on the same day. One of his columns met there the rear-guard of the small c
North Carolina (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 7
rely to occupy one of the passes leading into the inland sea of North Carolina, which we have already compared with the lagoons of Venice, but Union in countenance, who were believed to be very numerous in North Carolina, and detach at least a portion of that State from the rebel Con waters. Nothing could be seen from the low and humid beach of North Carolina but the large forests of pine which produce turpentine, whose ttions in a campaign directed against the network of railways in North Carolina. This campaign was in fact undertaken, and Newberne played an euse, he was able to menace the most important railway lines of North Carolina, cutting off, at the same time, all communication with the porte casemated battery and one en barbette. When the government of North Carolina took possession of it at the breaking out of the rebellion, it ot answer the expectations of the Federal government. Not that North Carolina was as ardently devoted to the Confederate cause as her souther
Smithland, Ky. (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): chapter 7
he Cumberland, ran parallel from south to north, the former to the left, the latter to the right, and finally emptied into the Ohio, one at Paducah, the other at Smithland, a little higher up. It was a road with two tracks, open in the most vulnerable part of the Confederate line. In order to command its entrance they had erectedamusing the Confederates at Russellville, not far from Bowling Green, embarked on Green River, a tributary of the Ohio, and came down this latter river as far as Smithland, at the confluence of the Cumberland, where they joined the large convoy of transports. Some of the troops who had appeared before Fort Henry also re-embarked tFort Henry, rapidly descended the Tennessee, with instructions to turn back whatever reinforcements they might meet on their way and direct them to rendezvous at Smithland. On the same day Grant started with his two divisions; and easily driving before him Forrest's cavalry, which had at last come to watch him, he presented himsel
Front Royal (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 7
the utmost. On the morning of the 23d he resumed his march, having yet nearly forty kilometres to travel before he could reach Winchester. On the same morning the three brigades of Shields's division took position five kilometres in advance of this town. The turnpike road leading southward divides into three branches on the summit of a hill situated this side of Kernstown village, and sloping down gradually to the edge of a ravine running from west to east. The left branch leads to Front Royal, the right to a ford of Cedar Creek at the foot of North Mountain; the principal road in the centre runs to Strasburg. The country, highly cultivated and intersected with wall fences and small woods, is one of the richest in the valley of Virginia. In the absence of Shields, who was kept in Winchester by his wound, Colonel Kimball had assumed command of the three brigades. His own was drawn up in front across the turnpike road, his right wing extending opposite a wooded hill among the
El Paso, Woodford County, Illinois (Illinois, United States) (search for this): chapter 7
e only fertile valley to be found in those regions, where it seldom rains. After passing not far from the city of Santa Fe, it leaves New Mexico at the gorges of El Paso, and from this point to its mouth, at Matamoras, it separates Mexico from Texas. The Federal government had established a line of fortified posts along this rive rebellion were scattered among these forts, and had their depots and victualling stations at Santa Fe. The most important of these posts were Fort Fillmore, near El Paso, then Fort Craig and the town of Albuquerque, higher up, and to the east, in the mountains, Forts Union and Staunton. Since the capitulation of Major Lynde's troops, near Fort Fillmore, in July, 1861, the Confederates had been masters of the course of the Rio Grande, in the southern portion of New Mexico, from El Paso to above Fort Thorn, also situated on that river. But they had refrained from disturbing the Federals in their possession of the rest of that territory, and had contented t
Fort Donelson (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 7
they had erected two forts, called Henry and Donelson. The first, of comparatively small dimensionund a little later among the vanquished of Fort Donelson; and apart from that, a few prisoners the n of Fort Henry, which had taken refuge in Fort Donelson since the rout of the 5th. Buckner with hefore Fort Henry also re-embarked to reach Fort Donelson by water. There remained fifteen thousandatch him, he presented himself in front of Fort Donelson during the afternoon at the moment when Flin points. Differing widely from Fort Henry, Donelson was much better defended on the river than on of Kentucky. The fate of the garrison of Fort Donelson was a warning to Polk's army not to allow y reached Columbus to learn of the capture of Donelson, and his first act in the exercise of his newo experience the same fate as the garrison of Donelson. If, on the contrary, it should abandon Mempe central States—Mill Springs, Bowling Green, Donelson, Fort Henry, Columbus, and Island No.10; the [21 more...]
Muscle Shoals (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 7
northeast to south-west, along the foot of the Alleghanies, it pursues a course almost due west for nearly one hundred and eighty kilometres. Towards the middle of this part of its course it is intersected, near Florence, by shallows, called Muscle Shoals, which do not allow large vessels to proceed higher up, and which at times even completely interrupt its navigation. Finally, at Eastport it again resumes its original course to run directly north as far as Paducah. The distance in a straig the necessary provisions to the quarters of each corps. The position of Corinth was the key of all that region. An important line of railway leaves the Mississippi at Memphis, pursuing an easterly direction. It crosses the Tennessee above Muscle Shoals, and consequently cannot be interfered with by large vessels, and it continues in a north-easterly direction as far as Chattanooga. It was the great artery which connected the east of the Confederacy with the west. It was intersected at Cor
Hatch (New Mexico, United States) (search for this): chapter 7
ains, Forts Union and Staunton. Since the capitulation of Major Lynde's troops, near Fort Fillmore, in July, 1861, the Confederates had been masters of the course of the Rio Grande, in the southern portion of New Mexico, from El Paso to above Fort Thorn, also situated on that river. But they had refrained from disturbing the Federals in their possession of the rest of that territory, and had contented themselves with drawing them into two unimportant engagements in the vicinity of Fort Craig.nd plunder who, under the name of settlers, occupied Texas. When, in the early part of February, he had thus collected a small army of two thousand three hundred men — a considerable force for those regions-he took up his line of march, passed Fort Thorn, and proceeded in the direction of Fort Craig, where Canby, apprised of his movements, had repaired with all the troops at his disposal, about four thousand men, to await his coming. This position, well fortified, and defended by a few guns of
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