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e war. This meeting spoke the sentiments of the conservative citizens, who regarded war and disunion as evils greater than the existence of slavery, or even of its further extension; and yet they were anti-slavery men, and regarded slavery as a great moral and political wrong, and would gladly have seen it abolished. A few days later, on the 11th of February, a great meeting was held in Cambridge. The City Hall was crowded. The meeting was called without distinction of party. Hon. John G. Palfrey spoke briefly. He said, South Carolina has marshalled herself into revolution; and six States have followed her, and abandoned our Government. Richard H. Dana, Jr., Esq., made the speech of the occasion. He said the South was in a state of mutiny; he was against John-Brown raids, and uncompromisingly for the Union. He was opposed to the Crittenden compromise, and held to the faith of Massachusetts. This meeting uttered the sentiments of the majority of the State, and was designe
es of the tree, Washington first took command of the American army, in 1775, which was drawn up in line on the Common in front. On this historic spot, on the same day that Mr. Everett and Mr. Hallett spoke in Chester Square, the people of Cambridge held a meeting. John Sargent, the mayor of the city, presided. Among the vice-presidents were Jared Sparks, Henry W. Longfellow, Joel Parker, Emory Washburn, Isaac Livermore, and Theophilus Parsons. A preamble and resolutions were read by John G. Palfrey. One of the resolutions was in these words:— Resolved by us, citizens of Cambridge, convened under the shadow of the Washington Elm, that animated, we trust, by the spirit of him who, in the clouded dawn of the Revolution which created our nation, drew his sacred sword on this memorable spot, we desire to consecrate ourselves to the services of freedom and our country. The meeting was addressed by John C. Park, ex-Governor Banks, George S. Hillard, and Thomas H. Russell in sp
commanded a company in the Eighth Regiment in the three months service, was commissioned lieutenant-colonel; and Major Henry J. How, of Haverhill, a graduate of Harvard College, class of 1859, who was killed in battle June 30, 1862, was commissioned major. The Twentieth Regiment was recruited at Camp Massasoit, Readville, and left the State for Washington on the 4th of September, 1861. William Raymond Lee, of Roxbury, a graduate of West Point; Francis W. Palfrey, of Boston, son of Hon. John G. Palfrey; and Paul J. Revere, of Boston,—were chiefly instrumental in raising the regiment: and they were commissioned, severally, colonel, lieutenant-colonel, and major. The roster of this regiment contains the names most distinguished in the history of Massachusetts. The Twentieth bore a prominent part in the disastrous Battle of Ball's Bluff, Oct. 21, 1861. Many of the officers were killed and wounded. Colonel Lee, Major Revere, and Adjutant Charles L. Peirson, of Salem, were taken pris
am told, would enlist, if this opportunity were given. He also telegraphed to the Secretary of War, asking that Lieutenant Palfrey, of the regular army, stationed at Fortress Monroe, and Lieutenant Paine, of the regular army, stationed at Fort Scngaged in it. They behaved with great gallantry, and suffered severely, especially the Twentieth. On the 25th, Lieutenant-Colonel Palfrey telegraphed, Colonel Lee, Major Revere, Adjutant Peirson, Dr. Revere, and Lieutenant Perry, prisoners; Lieutenarliest clergymen of Salem, whose ghost must be astonished at the strange incongruity. On the same day, he writes to Colonel Palfrey, of the Twentieth, Please write to me at once the facts concerning the young man now under arrest for sleeping on hirs should be employed to catch and return fugitive slaves, sorely vexed the Governor, who immediately wrote to Lieutenant-Colonel Palfrey against Massachusetts men being employed in such duty. He also wrote a long letter to Secretary Cameron, prote
been miserably helpless, had not General Devens sent down his orderlies, with horses and wagon, and Lieutenant Church Howe, aide-de-camp to General Sedgwick, to show me the way. We had to take refuge at this general's headquarters. This gave me a chance of talking with him. He spoke most warmly of the Fifteenth, Nineteenth, and Twentieth, which are in his division, Sumner's corps. The officers he particularly commended were Hinks, whom he has repeatedly urged for a brigadier-generalship; Palfrey, who, he says, is a most excellent officer; and Major Paul Revere, who, he says, ought to have a regiment. General Sumner says that he has offered Revere the inspector-generalship of his staff. Revere hesitates, as he has made application for a position in one of the new regiments. The brigade commanded by General Devens included the Seventh and Tenth Massachusetts Regiments. The brigade was in Keyes's corps. These were next visited by Colonel Ritchie. The Seventh had been but litt
e carried out, the class-meetings in the different halls, the hand-shakings, the singing of camp-songs by those who had followed the flag, and defended it on so many bloody fields. It was truly a re-union of the men of Harvard. Many of the young men who, three or four years before, had graduated, bore on their shoulders the insignia of generals and colonels. Among these were Barlow, Force, Devens, Payne, Hayes, Loring, Bartlett, Eustis, Sargent, Ames, Walcott, Stevens, Higginson, Savage, Palfrey, Crowninshield, and Russell. Some appeared with but one arm, others with but one leg. Then there were scrolls commemorative of those who had fallen, among whom were Wadsworth, Webster, Revere, Peabody, Willard, the Dwights, Lowell, Hopkinson, How, Shurtleff, and the two brothers Abbott, and many others, whose love of country closed but with their lives. The procession was formed at eleven o'clock, under the direction of Colonel Henry Lee, Jr., who acted as chief marshal, and it marched,