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The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley) 286 4 Browse Search
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 4. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.) 135 5 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 6. (ed. Frank Moore) 85 1 Browse Search
William F. Fox, Lt. Col. U. S. V., Regimental Losses in the American Civil War, 1861-1865: A Treatise on the extent and nature of the mortuary losses in the Union regiments, with full and exhaustive statistics compiled from the official records on file in the state military bureaus and at Washington 71 1 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 33 3 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 8. (ed. Frank Moore) 30 2 Browse Search
Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Chapter XXII: Operations in Kentucky, Tennessee, North Mississippi, North Alabama, and Southwest Virginia. March 4-June 10, 1862. (ed. Lieut. Col. Robert N. Scott) 29 1 Browse Search
Adam Badeau, Military history of Ulysses S. Grant from April 1861 to April 1865. Volume 1 25 1 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4. 20 2 Browse Search
Oliver Otis Howard, Autobiography of Oliver Otis Howard, major general , United States army : volume 2 18 0 Browse Search
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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Bull Run, battles of. (search)
Without these he had small hopes of success. There had been a lull in the conflict; and at 2 P. M. it was announced they were not in sight. At that time the Confederates had 10,000 soldiers and twenty-two heavy guns in battle order on the plateau. The Nationals proceeded to attempt to drive them from this vantage-ground. To accomplish this, five brigades — Porter's, Howard's, Franklin's, Wilcox's, and Sherman's — with the batteries of Ricketts, Griffin, and Arnold, and cavalry under Major Palmer, advanced to turn the Confederate left, while Keyes's brigade was sent to annoy them on their right. General Heintzelman accompanied McDowell as his lieutenant in the field, and his division began the attack. Ricketts and Griffin advanced with their troops, and planted their batteries on an elevation that commanded the whole plateau, with the immediate support of Ellsworth's Fire Zouaves, commanded by Colonel Farnham. To the left of these batteries, New York, Massachusetts, and Minneso
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Grand army of the republic, the. (search)
d unemployed soldiers. Dr. Stephenson had been a surgeon in a volunteer regiment during the war, and was firmly convinced that an organization of the returned volunteers, for mutual benefit, was imperatively needed. A ritual was drafted under his supervision, and the first post of the new order was formed at Decatur, Ill. Other posts were soon mustered throughout Illinois and contiguous States, and the first department (State) convention was held at Springfield, Ill., July 12, 1866. Gen. John M. Palmer was there elected department commander. Oct. 31, 1866, Dr. Stephenson, as provisional commander-in-chief, sent out an order to all the posts then formed, calling for the first national convention of the Grand Army of the Republic. This was held in Indianapolis, Ind., on Nov. 20 following, and representatives were present from the States of Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Wisconsin, New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Iowa, Kentucky, Indiana, and the District of Columbia. Gen. S. A. Hurlbut wa
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Illinois. (search)
seph Duncanassumes office1834 Thomas Carlin1838 Thomas Ford1842 Augustus C. French1846 Joel A. Matteson1853 William H. Bissell1857 John WoodactingMarch 18, 1860 Richard Yatesassumes officeJanuary, 1861 Richard J. OglesbyJanuary, 1865 John M. PalmerJanuary, 1869 Richard J. OglesbyJanuary, 1873 John L. BeveridgeactingMarch 4, 1873 Shelby M. Cullomassumes officeJanuary, 1877 John M. HamiltonactingFeb. 7, 1883 Richard J. OglesbyJanuary, 1885 Joseph W. FiferJanuary, 1889 John P. Altgeields31st to 33d1849 to 1855 Lymnan Trumbull34th to 42d1855 to 1871 Orville H. Browning37th1861 William A. Richardson37th to 39th1863 to 1865 Richard Yates39th to 42d1865 to 1871 John A. Logan42d to 45th1871 to 1877 Richard J. Oglesby43d to 46th1873 to 1878 David Davis45th to 47th1877 to 1883 John A. Logan46th to 49th1879 to 1886 Shelby M. Cullum48th to —1883 to — Charles B. Farwell50th to 51st1887 to 1891 John M. Palmer52d to 55th1891 to 1897 William E. Mason55th to 58th1897 to
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Johnston, Joseph Eccleston 1809- (search)
st him, he sent two divisions of Hardee's corps, under Generals Stewart and Anderson, to assist Polk. Grant, in command at Chattanooga (February, 1864), sent General Palmer with a force to counteract this movement. Palmer moved with his corps directly upon Dalton (Feb. 22), Joseph Eccleston Johnston. where Johnston was encampePalmer moved with his corps directly upon Dalton (Feb. 22), Joseph Eccleston Johnston. where Johnston was encamped. The Confederates were constantly pushed back and there was almost continual heavy skirmishing. In the centre of Rocky Face Valley, on a rocky eminence, the Confederates made a stand, but were soon driven from the crest by General Turchin, after a severe struggle. The Confederates rallied, and, returning with an overwhelming force, retook the hill. Palmer, finding his adversaries gathering in force larger than his own, and learning that the object of his expedition had been accomplished, in the calling back of Hardee by Johnston, fell back and took post (March 10) at Ringgold. In this short campaign the Nationals lost 350 killed and wounded; the Co
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Kenesaw Mountains, action near (search)
s formed a triangle. Confederate batteries covered their summits, and on the top of each Confederate signal-stations were placed. Thousands of men were busy in the forest casting up intrenchments from base to base of these rugged hills in preparation for a great struggle. Sherman advanced to Big Shanty, and there made preparations to break through the Confederate works between Kenesaw and Pine mountains. Hooker was on the right and front of his line, Howard was on the left and front, and Palmer between it and the railway. Under a heavy cannonade, the advance began, June 14, 1864. The Nationals pushed over the View of Kenesaw from Pine Mountain. rough country, fighting at almost every step. That night the Confederates abandoned Pine Mountain, and took position in the intrenchments between Kenesaw and Lost mountains. Upon the latter eminence the Nationals advanced in a heavy rain-storm, and on the 17th the Confederates abandoned Lost Mountain and the long line of intrenchment
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), McKinley, William 1843- (search)
to offset the fusion on the head of the ticket. A so-called Silver convention met in St. Louis at the same time and endorsed Bryan and Sewall. When the Democratic delegates from the East returned, many of them openly repudiated the Silver platform and announced their intention of voting for McKinley. Gradually, however, there began a movement for the formation of a new party, and on Sept. 2, there met in Indianapolis a convention of Gold Democrats. This convention nominated Gen. L. Mt. Palmer, of Illinois, for President, and Gen. S. B. Buckner, of Kentucky, for Vice-President. The convention declared for the single gold standard. With affairs in this condition the election resolved itself into a struggle between the East and the West. Throughout the East party lines were forgotten, and New York City, formerly a Democratic stronghold, became a hot-bed of Republicanism, the sound-money parade in that city during September being a sight not easily forgotten. Two leading featur
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Presidential elections. (search)
Gratz BrownMoD. L.47 Charles O'ConorN. Y.Dem29,408John Q. AdamsMass.Dem James BlackPa.Temp5,608John RussellMich.Temp Thomas A. HendricksInd.Dem42George W. JulianInd.Lib5 B. Gratz BrownMo.Dem18A. H. ColquittGaDem5 Charles J. JenkinsGa.Dem2John M. PalmerIll.Dem3 David DavisIll.Ind.1T. E. BramletteKyDem3 W. S. GroesbeckO.Dem1 Willis B. MachenKyDem1 N. P. BanksMass.Lib1 1876. Samuel J. TildenN. Y.Dem4,284,885250,235184T. A. HendricksInd.Dem184 Rutherford B. Hayes*O.Rep4,033,950(h) 185WilSoc. L. 1896. William McKinley*O.Rep7,104,779601,854271Garret A. Hobart*N. J.Rep271 William J. BryanNeb.Dem6,502,925176Arthur SewallMeDem176 William J. BryanNeb.PeopThomas E. WatsonGaPeop Joshua LeveringMd.Pro132,007Hale JohnsonIll.Pro John M. PalmerIll.N. Dem133,148Simon B. BucknerKyN. Dem Charles H. MatchettN. Y.Soc. L.36,274Matthew MaguireN. J.Soc. L. Charles E. BentleyNebNat. (j)13,969James H. SouthgateN. C.Nat. (j) 1900. William McKinley*O.Rep7,206,677832,280292Theodore Roose
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Ringgold, battle of (search)
Ringgold, battle of When, on Nov. 25, 1863, the Confederates retreated from Missionary Ridge towards Ringgold they destroyed the bridges behind them. Early the next morning, Sherman, Palmer, and Hooker were sent in pursuit. Both Sherman and Palmer struck a rear-guard of the fugitives late on the same day, and the latter captured three guns from them. At Greysville Sherman halted and sent Howard to destroy a large section of the railway which connected Dalton with Cleveland, and thus sevePalmer struck a rear-guard of the fugitives late on the same day, and the latter captured three guns from them. At Greysville Sherman halted and sent Howard to destroy a large section of the railway which connected Dalton with Cleveland, and thus severed the communication between Bragg and Burnside. Hooker, meanwhile, had pushed on to Ringgold, Osterhaus leading, Geary following, and Cruft in the rear, making numerous prisoners of stragglers. At a deep gorge General Cleburne, covering Bragg's retreat, made a stand, with guns well posted. Hooker's guns had not yet come up, and his impatient troops were permitted to attack the Confederates with small-arms only. A severe struggle ensued, and in the afternoon, when some of Hooker's guns were
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Sound-money Democrats. (search)
l-tender paper money as a part of our permanent financial system; and we therefore favor the gradual retirement and cancellation of all United States notes and treasury notes, under such legislative provisions as will prevent undue contraction. We demand that the national credit shall be resolutely maintained at all times and under all circumstances. The convention ultimately endorsed the free-silver movement, and nominated William J. Bryan and Arthur Sewall. The sound-money Democrats organized a national party, and in its convention nominated Gen. John M. Palmer, of Illinois, for President, and Gen. Simon B. Buckner, of Kentucky, for Vice-President. In the ensuing election the organized sound-money Democrats polled 132,870 popular votes. There is no doubt but that a large number of other Democratic voters who favored the maintenance of sound-money standards voted for the Republican candidates on the national ticket, while supporting their own party candidates on State tickets.
Chicago to issue 5-per-cent. bonds to $5,000,000 to aid the World's Columbian Exposition, adopted by legislature......July 31, 1890 George R. Davis selected as directorgeneral of the World's Columbian Exposition......Sept. 19, 1890 Gen. John M. Palmer, Democrat, elected United States Senator on the 154th ballot......March 11, 1891 Laws reducing the legal rate of interest from 6 to 5 per cent., and making the first Monday in September (Labor Day) and Feb. 12 (Abraham Lincoln's Birthdainates Samuel Alschuler for governor......June 26, 1900 Grand Army of the Republic meets at Chicago......Aug. 25, 1900 Death of John A. McClernand, of Springfield, distinguished Union general in Civil War......Sept. 20, 1900 Death of John M. Palmer, of Springfield, distinguished general in Civil War, governor, United States Senator, and candidate of National Democratic party in 1896 for President......Sept. 25, 1900 Election carried by Republicans......Nov. 6, 1900 Richard Yates i