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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The treatment of prisoners during the war between the States. (search)
negar3 quarts, Salt3 3/4 pounds, Now all this means only bread and meat--sixteen ounces of the former, and fourteen ounces of the latter; and we will add one-hundredth part of eight pounds of hominy. For let the reader observe that if hominy is issued, rice or peas or beans is not issued. Here, then, we have only three articles of food according to the official document, but in so far as that represents the quantities and the kind of articles issued to the prisoners, it is a fraud; as Paul wrote the Galations, Behold, before God, I lie not. Here is what the prisoners actually received: Twelve ounces corn bread, four and a half ounces salt beef (usually unfit for human food). No man can conceive the effect of this diet. To realize what he would eat at the end of a month he must experience this treatment for a month. Did the prisoners eat rats and mice and dogs when they could get them? What would they not eat? The cravings of hunger were never relieved. One continued gn
Eliza Frances Andrews, The war-time journal of a Georgia girl, 1864-1865, chapter 3 (search)
peritual songs, in contradistinction to the hymns that the preachers read to them in church, out of a book, and seem to enjoy them a great deal more. One of them has a quick, lively melody, which they sing to a string of words like these: Mary an' Marthy, feed my lambs, Feed my lambs, feed my lambs; Mary an' Marthy, feed my lambs, Settin‘ on de golden altar. I weep, I moan; what mek I moan so slow? I won'er ef a Zion traveler have gone along befo‘. Mary an' Marthy, feed my lambs, etc. Paul de ‘postle, feed my lambs, Feed my lambs, feed my lambs and so on, through as many Bible names as they could think of. Another of their sperrituals runs on this wise: I meet my soul at de bar of God, I heerd a mighty lumber. Hit was my sin fell down to hell Jes' like a clap er thunder. Mary she come runnin‘ by, Tell how she weep an' wonder. Mary washin‘ up Jesus' feet, De angel walkin‘ up de golden street, Run home, believer; oh, run home, believer! Run home, believer, run home.
Eliza Frances Andrews, The war-time journal of a Georgia girl, 1864-1865, chapter 7 (search)
ughed more. You can be so free and easy with a married man and let him say things you wouldn't take from a single one. He and Cousin Bolling nicknamed me Zephyr because they said my hair looked like a zephyr would if they could see it. I knew they were poking fun at me, for the damp had wilted my frizzes dreadfully, and I put my hand up involuntarily, to see if there was any curl left in them. You needn't be uneasy, the captain said, they only need another good pinching. I have pinched Paul's hair for her too often not to know the signs. Then I said, what was really true,--that I had never used curling irons in my life. Then you do worse, he answered; you twist up your hair in curl papers. I asked if he had ever played the part of Mr. Pickwick. He said no, but he had been married long enough not to be fooled with hot iron and yellow paper devices. Oh, but it is worse even than that sometimes, I acknowledged, pulling out a little bunch of artificial frizzettes that I u
amation, denouncing the action of General Johnston, and placing him before the people of the Territory in an entirely false light: By Alfred Cumming, Governor of Utah Territory: a proclamation. Whereas, One company of the United States Infantry, under the command of Captain Heth, is now stationed around the court-house at Provo, where the Hon. Judge Cradlebaugh is now holding court, and eight additional companies of infantry, one of artillery, and one of cavalry, under the command of Major Paul, are stationed within sight of the court-house; and- Whereas, The presence of soldiers has a tendency not only to terrify the inhabitants and disturb the peace of the Territory, but also to subvert the ends of justice, by causing the intimidation of witnesses and jurors; and- Whereas, This movement of troops has been made without consultation with me, and, as I believe, is in opposition to both the letter and spirit of my instructions; and- Whereas, General Johnston, commander of the milit
Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, The Passing of the Armies: The Last Campaign of the Armies., Chapter 11: the disbandment. (search)
ight to civil favors. Now our camps were thinning; our army was melting away. We too, in this fading camp, had opportunity to observe many things. Most manifest and largely shown it was that not a few about the capital were sorry the war was over; for this took the soft snaps away from them, and the soft spots out from under them. These persons soon pretended to be sole judges and champions of loyalty. There was a certain Demetrius once who made silver shrines for Diana, and did not like Paul because his teaching disturbed this sinecure. He skillfully therefore turned the issue upon religious loyalty. Not only is this, our craft, in danger to be set at nought, he cries, but also the temple of the great goddess Diana would be despised, and her magnificence destroyed, whom all Asia and the world worshipeth. And they all cried, Great is Diana of the Ephesians. There were some loud-mouthed patriots about the capital whose zeal was rooted in the opportunity given by the country's
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 3: a cavalry officer of the army of the United States. (search)
he walls raised and a fine breeze blowing through it, stood at eighty-nine degrees. I could not bear the blanket at night, but about twelve o'clock a norther came roaring down the valley of the Clear Fork and made all my blankets necessary. This morning fires and overcoats are in fashion again. A general courtmartial has been convened here for the trial of Lieutenant Eagle, Second Cavalry. I am president of the court, I am sorry to say. Colonel Bainbridge, Major Thomas, Major Van Horn, Major Paul, Captain King, and others are members. I have pitched a couple of tents by the side of mine for the Major and Mrs. Thomas, for she has accompanied him again, and they are to take their meals with me. The major can fare as I do, but I fear she will fare badly, for my man Kumer is both awkward and unskilled. I can, however, give them plenty of bread and beef, but, with the exception of preserved vegetables, fruits, etc., I can give very little else. I sent yesterday to the settlements bel
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 10: Sharpsburg and Fredericksburg. (search)
illing successor, Ambrose E. Burnside, was the soul of good-fellowship, an amiable officer, and a kind-hearted gentleman. He possessed these qualities as a cadet. The celebrated Benny Havens, who kept a saloon in the old days outside of West Point limits, had a special toast which he invariably repeated every time he indulged in a stimulant-and the repetition of the toast was very frequent during the day. He drank to the health of the two greatest men, in his opinion, who had ever lived-St. Paul and Andrew Jackson; but he took such a fancy to Burnside, when he was a cadet, that he added his name to his toast, and ever thereafter, to the day of his death, he drank to St. Paul, Andrew Jackson, and A. E. Burnside. This officer conceived the idea of concentrating his army on the Rappahannock River opposite Fredericksburg. The position there would be about sixty miles from Richmond, and by a short railroad to his rear he could reach the Potomac near Acquia Creek, and then, by water s
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 12: Gettysburg. (search)
leon having seventy-two thousand men, and Wellington sixty-eight thousand, a total of one hundred and forty thousand, while the total of the Army of the Potomac and the Army of Northern Virginia was about one hundred and sixty thousand. Both armies mourned the death of brave men and competent officers. In the Army of the Potomac four general officers were killed-Reynolds, Vincent, Weed, and Zook-and thirteen wounded, viz., Hancock, Sickles, Gibbon, Warren, Butterfield, Barlow, Doubleday, Paul, Brook, Barnes, Webb, Stanard, and Graham. In the Army of Northern Virginia five general officers were killed-Pender, Garnett, Armistead, Barksdale, and Semmesand nine wounded, viz., Hood, Hampton, Heth, J. M. Jones, G. T. Anderson, Kemper, Scales, and Jenkins. Meade showed no disposition to assume the offensive after Pickett's repulse. Like Lee at Fredericksburg, he did not want to lose the advantages of position, and was not certain the battle was over. The relative numbers in each
alienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their powers from the just consent of the governed, &c. But to return to my theme. When, after passing through innumerable hardships and perils, being imprisoned in Columbus, Mobile, Montgomery, and Macon, and spending twentyone weary days in the dismal swamps and pinewoods of Georgia, I reached the home of the sheriff, I, like Paul the apostle, thanked God and took courage. As soon as practicable we set out for Macon, and while memory holds a place in my being, I can never forget the parting of ourselves and the kind family by whom we had been so befriended Good-bye, gentlemen, said the lady of the house, her eyes suffused with tears; and should we never meet again on earth, we shall, perhaps, in that better land, where all is love and peace. There was such a sincerity in the fair speaker's tones, that I could no
pockets to a lady's dress not having proved on all occasions a place of safety. The loss to the railroad company will be considerable; to the public very small, for they are already replacing the broken rails, and the telegraph was put in operation yesterday. The morning papers give the Northern account of a battle in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. It gives the victory to the Federals, though it admits a very heavy loss on their side; announces the loss of Major-General Reynolds and Brigadier-General Paul by death. We pause for the truth. July 8th, 1863. Accounts from Gettysburg very confused. Nothing seems to be known certainly; but Vicksburg has fallen! So says rumour, and we are afraid not to believe. It is a terrible loss to us; but God has been so good to us heretofore that we can only say, It is the Lord. A victory is announced to the War Department gained by General Loring in the West; and another gained by General Richard Taylor over Banks. For these successes I
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