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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 9. (ed. Frank Moore) 212 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 10. (ed. Frank Moore) 140 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 8. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 133 1 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 33 1 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 6. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 18 0 Browse Search
A Roster of General Officers , Heads of Departments, Senators, Representatives , Military Organizations, &c., &c., in Confederate Service during the War between the States. (ed. Charles C. Jones, Jr. Late Lieut. Colonel of Artillery, C. S. A.) 15 1 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II. 14 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 25. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 12 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: March 9, 1864., [Electronic resource] 9 1 Browse Search
A Roster of General Officers , Heads of Departments, Senators, Representatives , Military Organizations, &c., &c., in Confederate Service during the War between the States. (ed. Charles C. Jones, Jr. Late Lieut. Colonel of Artillery, C. S. A.) 9 1 Browse Search
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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., Lee's attacks north of the Chickahominy. (search)
along the line of Beaver Dam, which was held by a thin line of skirmishers, the main force having retreated to Gaines's Charge of Confederates under Ripley and Pender at Beaver Dam Creek, just above Ellerson's Mill. Mill and New Cold Harbor. A. P. Hill's division was ordered to pursue on to the mill, and my division to takeys that the slope of the hill was fairly covered with dead and wounded. The Catlin farm was occupied chiefly by Ripley's brigade of D. H. Hill's division, and by Pender's brigade of A. P. Hill's. The 44th Georgia alone lost 335 killed and wounded, and its efforts to reform in the rear without officers are described as pathetic. hanicsville until Jackson had turned the works on the creek, an d all that waste of blood could have been avoided. Ripley's brigade was sent to the assistance of Pender, by the direct order, through me, of both Mr. Davis and General Lee. They both felt pressing upon them the vast importance of keeping near Richmond, and of openi
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., chapter 4.50 (search)
bayonets with the Iron Brigade, had a prominent part in the grand charge. The 2d Mississippi of that brigade lost half of its men on that day, but was still intact, ready and willing to fight, and its courage in the great charge has become a matter of history. Its battle-flag is in the possession of the old color-bearer, who lives at Blossom Prairie, Texas, and has the names of more than a score of battles stamped on it. Scales's and Lane's North Carolina brigades, commanded by General Isaac R. Trimble, belonged to General W. D. Pender's division of A. P. Hill's corps, and were 2500 strong. General Pender was mortally wounded on the second day. When General Lee saw the men of Scales's brigade, bleeding from wounds received on the first day, he said, Many of these poor fellows should go to the rear. When a brigade would fight under such circumstances as Scales's did, it ought not to be robbed of its military fame. General Trimble was wounded in the charge. Prairie Grove, Tex.
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 21: beginning of the War in Southeastern Virginia. (search)
Military Academy, which furnished several distinguished general officers for the war that ensued. There were forty-six graduates of his class of one hundred, of whom twenty-three remained true to the Union, and fourteen joined the insurgents when the war broke out. At that time, seven of them were known to be dead. Ten of the fourteen disloyal ones became generals in the Confederate army, namely, G. W. C. Lee, Jas. Deshler, John P. Pegram, J. E. B. Stuart, Archibald Gracie, S. D. Lee, W. D. Pender, J. B. Villepigue, J. T. Mercer, and A. B. Chapman. Only four of the loyal graduates were raised to the rank of general, namely, Henry L. Abbot, Thomas E. Ruger, 0. 0. Howard, and S. H. Weed. Of the forty-six graduates, it is known that twelve were killed in battle, and, up to this time (December, 1865), eight have died. Generous, brave, and good, he was greatly beloved by all who knew him, and was sincerely mourned by the nation. His name will forever be associated, in the minds and
s posted on an eminence to the left of the road. The brigades of Branch and Field, Col. Brockenbrough commanding the latter, were sent forward to feel and engage the enemy. A cold and drenching thunder-shower swept over the field at this time, striking directly into the faces of our troops. These two brigades gallantly engaged the enemy; but so severe was the fire in front and flank of Branch's brigade as to produce in it some disorder and falling back. The brigades of Gregg, Thomas, and Pender were then thrown into the fight. Soon, a portion of Ewell's division became engaged. The conflict now raged with great fury; the enemy obstinately and desperately contesting the ground until their Gens. Kearny and Stevens fell in front of Thomas's brigade; after which, they retired from the field. By the following morning, the Federal army had entirely disappeared from our view; and it soon appeared, by a report from Gen. Stuart, that it had passed Fairfax Court House and had moved in the
on either side were too prone. His actual loss, as embodied in the detailed reports of Longstreet and Jackson, was over 5,000, Longstreet reports his losses tims: killed, 251; wounded, 1,516; missing, 127: total, 1,894. Jackson gives his as — killed, 344; wounded, 2,545; missing, 526: total, 3,415: grand total, 5,309. Among their killed, beside those already mentioned, was Brig-Gen. T. R. R. Cobb, of Ga., brother of Howell Cobb. Among their wounded, were Brig.-Gens. J. R. Cooke and W. D. Pender. and may probably be fairly estimated at 6,000, including 500 unwounded prisoners. He claims to have taken 900 prisoners and 9,000 small arms, but no guns. Thus closed what the exulting correspondent at Lee's headquarters of The Times (London) calls a memorable day to the historian of the Decline and Fall of the American Republic. Not so, O owl-eyed scribe! but rather one of those days of bloody baptism from whose regenerating flood that Republic was divinely appointed to rise to a
the divisions of Hood, McLaws, and Pickett posted from right to left. Hill's corps, including the divisions of Anderson, Pender, and Heth, held the center; while Ewell's, composed of Rhodes's, Early's, and Johnson's divisions, formed the Rebel left, filed to advance. This failure of these two brigades to advance is assigned, as I learn upon inquiry, as the reason why Pender's division, of Hill's corps, did not advance — the order being, that the advance was to commence from the right, and be taken up along our whole line. Pender's failure to advance caused the division on his left — Heth's — to remain inactive. Here we have two whole divisions, and two brigades of another, standing idle spectators of one of the most desperate and importRebel killed were Brig.-Gens. Barksdale, Miss., and Garnett, Va. Among their wounded, Maj.-Gens. Hood, Trimble, Heth, and Pender, the latter mortally: Brig.-Gens. Pettigrew, Kemper, Scales, G. T. Anderson, Hampton, J. M. Jones, Jenkins, Armistead, an<
333. Pea Ridge, battle of, 27 to 32; losses at, 31. Peace negotiations in Hampton roads, 675. Peace overtures at Niagara and Richmond, 664-6. Peck, Gen. John J., repels Longstreet at Suffolk, Va., 367. Pegram, Gen., routed by Gillmore near Somerset, Ky., 427; wounded at the Wilderness, 568; killed at Dabney's Mill, Va., 726. Pelouze, Major, severely wounded, 177. Pemberton, Gen. John C., defeated at Champion Hills, 307; his defense and surrender of Vicksburg, 310-16. Pender, Brig.-Gen., at second Bull Run, 189; wounded mortally at Gettysburg, 380; 387; 389. Pennsylvania Reserves, at Gaies's Mill, 157; in White Oak Swamp, 161-2; at second Bull Run, 189. Pennsylvania, invaded by Lee, 393. Pensacola, retaken by Union forces, 459. Perczel, Col., 10th Iowa, repulses Rebels at Iuka, 224. Perryville, Ky., battle and map of, 219. Petersburg, Va., Lee's retreat from, 739. Pettigrew, Brig.-Gen., wounded at Gettysburg, 389; killed at Falling Waters, 3
troops engaged, and at a late hour united with Pender's brigade, of A. P. Hill's division, in an effupported by the brigades of Gregg, Thomas, and Pender; also of Hill's division, which, with part of only by abattis of felled timber, directed General Pender, with his own brigade and those of Archer several batteries on the eminence taken by General Pender, and under the direction of Colonel Crutchire of artillery, the three brigades of Gregg, Pender, and Archer attacked the enemy vigorously and stationed behind the interval between Lane and Pender, and Gregg's in rear of that, between Lane and to flight by the Sixteenth North-Carolina, of Pender's brigade, assisted by the Fifty-fourth and Firgia,Trimble's,Ewell's,235 22d North-Carolina,Pender's,A. P. Hill's,65763 16th North-Carolina,PendPender's,A. P. Hill's,84452 38th North-Carolina,Pender's,A. P. Hill's,22224 34th North-Carolina,PenderPender's,A. P. Hill's,22224 34th North-Carolina,Pender's,A. P. Hill's,22325 55th Virginia,Field's,A. P. Hill's,32932 47th Virginia,Field's,A. P. Hill's,[5 more...]
the brigades of J. R. Anderson, Gregg, Field, Pender, and Archer--the brigade of General Branch havsent to the assistance of McIntosh. Gregg and Pender approached the village in line of battle, overas in my front. Branch becoming hard pressed, Pender was sent to his relief. Field and Archer weresing their flank, were scattered by a volley. Pender continued to move forward, driving off a batteled, and Brigadier-Generals J. R. Anderson and Pender; Colonels W. J. Hoke, Riddick, Connor, McGowanbrigade. In advancing this brigade, I met General Pender, whose brigade had just been roughly handlrected me to send two regiments to support General Pender on my right, and attack the battery in frovance was ordered along the whole line. General Pender's brigade and the two regiments of my own ry respectfully, Your obedient servant, W. D. Pender, Brigadier-General Sixth Brigade, Light Dien, and to request orders. He reported to General Pender, who ordered me to hold my position. Shor[14 more...]
y and the two brigades just named, when, Archer and Pender coming up, a general charge was made, which drove tch. My order of march was, Thomas, Branch, Archer, Pender, Stafford, and Field. Arriving within about six mi, (General Taliaferro's right ;) Branch, Archer and Pender, as they came up, were successively formed on the l Branch was engaging when Archer came up, and, with Pender on the left, the enemy were charged across this fieecame to some extent mingled with, the right of General Pender's brigade, which was sweeping through from the rse. From this point, by agreement between us, General Pender and I commanded the two brigades together, with Branch, Brigadier-General. Report of Brigadier-General Pender. headquarters Sixth brigade, Light dior his services in action. Very respectfully, W. D. Pender. Report of Brigadier-General Early. heafrom Branch's and this brigade. About sundown, General Pender's (I think it was) brigade appeared on the extr
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