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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 5. (ed. Frank Moore) 360 10 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 330 14 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II. 292 2 Browse Search
Edward Porter Alexander, Military memoirs of a Confederate: a critical narrative 178 0 Browse Search
William Swinton, Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac 166 0 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2. 162 2 Browse Search
Elias Nason, McClellan's Own Story: the war for the union, the soldiers who fought it, the civilians who directed it, and his relations to them. 75 5 Browse Search
John M. Schofield, Forty-six years in the Army 56 4 Browse Search
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox 52 4 Browse Search
An English Combatant, Lieutenant of Artillery of the Field Staff., Battlefields of the South from Bull Run to Fredericksburgh; with sketches of Confederate commanders, and gossip of the camps. 42 0 Browse Search
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is own and Sigel's corps, to march upon Gainesville by the Warrenton and Alexandria turnpike; Reno and one division of Heintzelman to march on Greenwich, and with Porter's corps and Hooker's division, I marched back to Manassas Junction. McDowell was ordered to interpose between the forces of the enemy which had passed down toere driven from the field which we now occupy. Our troops are too much exhausted to push matters; but I shall do so in the course of the morning, as soon as Fitz-John Porter's corps comes up from Manassas. The enemy is still in front, but badly used. We have not less than eight thousand men killed and wounded; and from the appeIndians of the North-West, where he night practise the art of war without sacrificing from five to ten thousand men at every exhibition of his genius. McDowell, Porter, and many old officers, who had been accused of treason by this great and veracious Incapable, were said to be temporarily deprived of their commands, and enjoy
e a crafty general, and there can be no doubt that he taxed his little genius rather heavily on this occasion to assist McDowell, who, as our prisoners assured us, held the chief command. I had scarcely returned to camp, about five A. M., when all were afoot and ready for moving. The sun had risen in more than usual splendor, and as I stood on a hill across McLean's Ford, gazing upon the distant landscape, the effect was beautiful. To our right and eastward, on the heights of Centreville, Porter's artillery was deliberately shelling Blackburn's and McLean's Fords, the smoke, in the most beautiful and fantastically formed volumes, curling away from the cannon's mouth. Westward, rose the dark outline of the Blue Ridge, which inclosed, as in an amphitheatre, the woods and hollows, the streams and open spaces of Manassas Plains. Smoke, ascending from the woods on both sides of the stream of Bull Run, eight miles away in the direction of Stone Bridge, told that the fight had commenced
e Chickahominy at right angles, in the following order, from west to east: the Brook (or Hanover Court-house) Turnpike; the Mechanicsville Turnpike, (the village of Mechanicsville being on the north side of the river, and the headquarters of Fitz-John Porter, commanding the Federal right wing;) the Nine Mile Road; York River Railroad; the Williamsburgh Road; the Charles City Road; and the Darbytown Road. From the curve of the river across our front, our left and the enemy's right rested on the n were daily employed in throwing up earthworks, building new or repairing old roads, felling timber to uncover our front, and locate his divisions, so that for a few days scarcely a shot was exchanged by pickets, save on our left, and there Fitz-John Porter's sharpshooters and our own were blazing away night and day. As it was for some time considered probable that the enemy would attempt to force the James, our right was extended two miles towards it; but after the repulse at Drury's Bluff, th
d although he cannot prevent the impending crash, he is energetically preparing to meet it. Fitz-John Porter, you know, commands the right, McClellan the centre, and Heintzelman the left. Heintzelm a shot; while the confusion, clouds of dust, roar of ordnance, and excitement of couriers round Porter's Headquarters at Mechanicsville, told how vigorously Branch was pushing forward our centre, ande itself, which brought on a terrific fight. This place had been admirably fortified by Fitz-John Porter, who, as an engineer and artillerist, had bestowed much care and labor upon the works. Itsrequent field works and rifle-pits, which had to be carried with the bayonet. The character of Porter's troops, however, was not the best, for had they fought as ours did, the number of those lost oshade. Time was evidently an object with General Lee; he knew McClellan had endeavored to force Porter into an energetic resistance thus far, so as to gain time to protect his centre on the north ban
eneral Sykes had been in a house near Hogan's, and among other things, a friend handed me several Northern illustrated papers brimful of Federal victories extravagantly sketched. The large open fields around were the camping and drill grounds of Porter's large force of regular infantry and artillery. The retreat had been conducted with much order, and comparatively few stores fell into our hands; the enemy having burned them beforehand, together with many wagons, the ashes of which were stillad time to destroy it. On Thursday, therefore, he moved down the Branch turnpike, and proceeded towards the Pamunkey, where his presence was least expected or desirable, as large quantities of all kinds of stores were piled ready for burning. As Porter was not then defeated, the order had not arrived for their destruction, so that Stuart captured scores of horses, wagons, ambulances, and immense supplies of every kind, besides several hundred prisoners. My informant, who was there, expressed gr
Hanover Court-House; but the officers knew: and when asked what the immense destruction of stores meant along the line, they answered ambiguously, spoke of a probable change of base, clearing of the rear, and of a speedy march to Richmond. When Porter's right wing was driven out of Mechanicsville, Ellison's Mills, and Beaver Dam Creek, McClellan laughed, and said he was only drawing the rebels on to destruction at Gaines's Mills; and when the whole of the right and part of the centre were drivng to hurl his strength at our right, feeble as it was, and capture Richmond in one day, before we had time to re-cross and oppose him. This was all believed by the multitude, who relied implicitly on his word, until the heavy wagon-trains of Porter and other generals began moving towards the James River on Friday night, Saturday, and Sunday, and the torch was applied to their stores. When, added to this, our advance moved down the railroad, and routed their chosen rear-guard at Savage stat
Why, sir, the regulars could not beat them! Gentlemen, I must confess, I entertained poor opinions of our artillery till now, and looked upon them as fit for little else but to waste ammunition, but the manner in which they fought and defeated Porter's regulars, convinces me that we are a superior stock altogether. Highly complimentary, wasn't it? The boys deserved such praise, for the constancy with which they served their pieces on all occasions was astonishing, particularly as two thirdsiasm and pluck of our boys have much to do with it. Being accustomed to arms from infancy, they are excellent judges of distance, and will travel all day to witness fine shooting. The first shots fired by Kemper at Bull Run completely smashed up Porter's artillery, and threw their reserves into utter confusion. Besides, those in artillery service are young, active, wiry fellows, and jump about the pieces with the suppleness of cats, dragging their guns about by hand as if they were playthings.
being executed. Prisoners captured informed us of the commands they severally belonged to; from whom it appeared that Heintzelman was moving against our left under Ewell near Centreville; Sigel was operating against the centre under Jackson; and Porter, with his regulars and powerful artillery, was opposed to Hill, McDowell being in reserve. Banks was not mentioned, and his position was unknown. This news confirmed our former suspicions that McClellan was reenforcing Pope as rapidly as possib subsequently verified. We learned from some of General Reno's forces, after the second battle of Bull Run, that they were the troops intrusted with the defence of Thoroughfare Gap, but being hard pushed by the Confederates, had retired upon General Porter's corps, with which they had subsequently acted. Hooker was also with Pope. and would form a junction with us in a few hours. Although still hard pressed by the heavy forces of the enemy, and obliged to give ground from physical weakness
ll is over, for the North always misrepresents matters. I did not hear that we had lost thirty pieces of artillery, but your statement is doubtless correct, for I know we must have suffered fearfully, judging from the hurry and confusion of retreat. Your pickets informed me, that all the roads are literally blocked up with wagons, caissons, and cannon. I do not doubt it, for it is no use disguising the fact that we were completely routed. Your attack upon our left was a fierce affair, and Porter suffered terribly. Had your assault upon our centre succeeded as well, we should never have reached Centreville alive. Sigel behaved like a hero there, and so did McDowell; had they not rushed into the wide gap with fresh troops and stubbornly defended it, our whole army would have been divided and slaughtered piecemeal. It is true, as you have been told, that we never had confidence in Pope; we all felt that he was perfectly bewildered during the week, galloping from this place to th
irty hours had elapsed subsequent to the engagement at Sharpsburgh! Some few hours after the above telegram, he consoled the authorities at Washington by saying: Our victory is complete The enemy is driven (?) back into Virginia. Maryland and Pennsylvania are now safe! Again he added; The Confederates succeeded in crossing the Potomac on Friday morning with all their transports and wounded, except some three hundred of the latter! On the twentieth, however, their army began to move Fitz-John Porter taking the advance, who judged, from the extremely quiet look of all things on the Virginia shore, that we were far inland. Barnes's brigade of Pennsylvanians, supported by one of regulars, under chief command of General Sykes, moved towards the river, and forded the stream at Boteler's Mills. Heavy guns were planted on the Maryland shore to cover their crossing. Jackson had felt certain that the enemy would attempt to pursue, and he made no display of force likely to intimidate t