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derly retreat toward New Mexico. Next day they were overtaken by the Texans, and, without the loss of a man, surrendered themselves prisoners of war; that is, the major surrendered them. They certainly were in no condition to resist, though Captain Potter and one or two others protested, Captain — among them. He commanded the rear-guard. Captain Hardiman, a Texan and a good soldier, says, --fled from his company with his squadron before he was within 600 yards of him. Six hundred United Statg. To-morrow we will resume our journey. Great events are transpiring, and we feel called on to hurry on. I may take the stage at El Paso, though I dread stages overland, especially as they are always crowded. Tell Dr. John that his friend Captain Potter was among the prisoners, and, it is said, would leave managed better if he had been in command. I have stood the journey well so far, and expect to get to Richmond in good health. May God preserve you, dear wife, and sustain you in your
Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, The Passing of the Armies: The Last Campaign of the Armies., Chapter 9: the last review. (search)
o bore them, and whom in turn they bore. Now rises to its place the tried and tested old Ninth Corps, once of Burnside and Reno, now led by Parke, peer of the best, with Willcox and Griffin of New Hampshire and Curtin leading its divisions, --Potter still absent with cruel wounds, and Hartranft detached on high service elsewhere,and its brigade commanders, General McLaughlen and Colonels Harriman, Ely, Carruth, Titus, McCalmon, and Matthews. These are the men of the North Carolina expeditiohead of our waiting column, I look at them with far-running thought. Earnestly remembered by the older regiments of my division; for, sent to support the Ninth Corps at the Burnside Bridge when it was so gallantly carried at the bayonet point by Potter's 51st New York and Hartranft's 51st Pennsylvania, Burnside pushed across the Antietam our single division to replace that whole corps on those all-important heights where he was expecting a heavy attack. How full the intervening years have been
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 14: siege of Petersburg. (search)
tion on the Jerusalem plank road and from their works opposite the Hare House. Pleasants deserves great credit for his perseverance. Burnside, his corps, and Potter, his division commander, of the officers of high rank, alone encouraged his efforts. On July 23d the mine was ready for the powder; for forty workmen, even with uld be to marshal bees into line after upsetting the hive, or to hold dress parade in front of a charging enemy, wrote a Federal officer. Griffin's brigade of Potter's division was advanced, but, meeting a severe fire, fell back in the crater. Every organization melted away, as soon as it entered this hole in the ground, into a mass of human beings clinging to the almost perpendicular sides. The other brigade of Potter's division now advanced, but got no farther than the abandoned traverses and intrenchments; and then Wilcox, with the third and last division of Burnside's white troops, started forward. The crater was filled with men at this time, th
The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley), chapter 108 (search)
n-commissioned officers of the battalion. I also particularly desire to compliment the deserving line officers of the command. To Captain Norton, who was the second ranking officer present, and upon whom the command often devolved, I can say no more to a good and faithful officer than that he was present with the command, zealously discharging his duty, until August 26, when sickness compelled him to leave his company for the hospital. To Lieutenants Jackson, Harrison, Burness, and Quartermaster Potter, I would say that they performed their respective duties well and faithfully, and are deserving of their Government. To Adjutant Knapp I can but repeat the expressions used in my report of the 1st as regards his merits as an officer. In the death of Second Lieutenant Forbes, who was killed at New Hope Church, May 31, the service has lost a brave, honest, and intelligent officer. Acting Assistant Surgeon Bigham has also been constant and unremitting in the discharge of his duties.
General's staff, at once placed it in position, and used it upon the enemy — a whole brigade being then in sight. Another Napoleon gun was abandoned, and taken in charge by the Eighteenth Pennsylvania cavalry, Lieutenant-Colonel Brinton. Captain Royce, of the Sixth Michigan, was with the skirmishing party, and was shot twice; the first time through the leg, and the second ball went through his head. Company C, of the skirmishers, lost fifteen men, ten of whom were wounded, namely: First Lieutenant Potter, wounded in head, and captured; John Demay, wounded in breast, and captured; Sergeant Reynolds, foot; Corporal Gibson, leg; William Sweet, Sidney Meagher, slightly;----Daniels, M. McClure, Jacob Lain, Patrick Mc-Quirk, and Corporal J. Dodge, missing; Sergeant John Pettis, Michael Gibbins, Frederick Williams, prisoners. Just at the close of the fight General Buford's command came up and pursued the flying foe to the river, capturing four hundred and fifty prisoners. The enemy succ
s sent for from Portsmouth, who was awaiting orders with a good infantry force to cooperate when he might with advantage. Judah arrived, after a hasty march of less than two hours, and took possession of the town for the night, making such disposition of his forces that all were anxious to have Morgan come that way to the river and try his disposition for a fight, but he took the old road from Jackson to Pomeroy, through Vinton, while we started early next morning for the same place through Potter. We arrived at Pomeroy about four o'clock, a few hours after Morgan had been scared away by a slight fight with the home guards and the close proximity of the United States forces under General Scamnmon. The roads to Pomeroy had been by the people barricaded very effectually to prevent the murderers from entering without trouble their active and thriving little city. After a few hours' rest the order was sounded at ten o'clock at night to advance, which was obeyed with eager desire to g
was immediately telegraphed to General Burnside through the Lenoirs office, thus giving the commandant of that post, General Potter, all the information received at Loudon. The artillery and infantry that started to the ferry were ordered back byGeneral Ferrero's division, of the Ninth army corps, in the rear. When three miles from the ferry, General White met General Potter, staff, and escort returning, who stated that they had been fired on a short distance ahead by rebel pickets. At thiove on to Knoxville, and no harm being done, the facts would never be discovered. When a short distance from where General Potter and staff had been tired upon, General White sent forward Lieutenant Lowrie, of his staff, with a small party to reco by a strong rebel picket, a regiment being on duty. The rebels followed up the Lieutenant, and soon opened fire on Generals Potter, White, and Ferrero, their staffs and escorts. General White immediately ordered Colonel Chapin forward with his br
onstruction in British ports of ships destined for the use of belligerents; and your memorialists would further suggest to your Lordship the importance of endeavoring to secure the assent of the Government of the United States of America, and of other foreign countries, to the adoption of similar regulations in those countries also. All which your memorialists respectfully submit. Signed, Thomas Chilton, Jones, Palmer & Co., Farnworth & Jardine, Thos. & Jas. Harrison, L. H. Macintyre, Potter brothers, Chas. Geo. Cowre & Co., M. J. Sealby, R. Gervin & Co., J. Aikin, Finlay, Campbell & Co., Cropper, Ferguson & Co., J. Campbell, S. R. Graves, Rankin, Gilmore & Co., Rathbone Bros. & Co., James Brown & Co., Liverpool, June 9, 1863. James Poole & Co., W. T. Jacob, Henry Moore & Co., Imrie & Tomlinson, Sampson & Holt, James Barnes, Richard Nicholson & son, W. B. Boadle, J. Prowse & Co., Currie, Newton & Co., Nelson, Alexander & Co., Kendall brothers, C. T. Bowrin & Co., G. H. Fletcher
el Lewis, and selected his Chief of Staff, General Potter, for that purpose. Colonel Lewis retainede immediate command of the cavalry force. General Potter was accompanied by captain Gouraud, Lieuteprisoners at this stage of the expedition, General Potter ordered the captives to be paroled, which was accordingly done. This over, General Potter proceeded at once toward the town of Greenville, intrenchments and breastworks undefended, General Potter dashed at once into the town, and took posay of the officers executing the orders of General Potter; on the contrary, they either pretended tor alarming peaceably disposed inhabitants, General Potter, about five o'clock in the afternoon, issus place was reached in the night, and here General Potter bivouacked. About this time it is presuinstead of proceeding directly to Tarboro, General Potter ordered Lieutenant-Colonel Lewis to detailogress. Taking advantage of the darkness, General Potter moved his column down the creek, and inste[4 more...]
and after bravely confronting a large party of savages and dealing death into their ranks, had fallen pierced by arrows and bullets, his favorite horse lying dead near him. He was buried in the trenches with the honors due his rank, and every heart beat in sympathy with the family of this brave stranger, as we retraced our steps toward the boundary of our own State. I take pleasure in mentioning the services of Surgeon and Acting Medical Director Wharton, of Assistant Surgeons Daniels and Potter, for duties performed wherever they were needed, in and out of the regiment, also to Lieutenants Carver and Snow for assistance fearlessly rendered in the field. Lieutenant-Colonel Averill and Major McLaren have proven themselves worthy of the regiment. For the officers of the line and men I proudly say that they did all that they were ordered to do with an alacrity and a spirit which promise well for the future. I made the distance from Fort Snelling to the Missouri by our line of ma
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