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Doc. 20. meeting of citizens of Indiana. On Saturday, August 31st, a mass meeting of the people of Ohio and Switzerland counties, Indiana, was held on the Fair Grounds, at Enterprise, for the purpose of having a fair and candid expression of the people in regard to the difficulties of the country. The attendance was about two thousand, notwithstanding the notice of the meeting was short and no handbills were printed. The meeting was called to order by Hon. Wm. H. Powell. A committee of five--Messrs. E. Case, Joseph Malin, Oliver Ormsby, J. W. Howard, Jacob R. Harris — were selected by vote of the people to draft and report resolutions expressive of the sentiments of the meeting. After a short speech from Mr. Case, the meeting adjourned until one o'clock. Immediately after dinner the people collected in and around the amphitheatre, and a patriotic speech was made by the gentleman selected to address the people, which was well received. After which the recruiting officers rece
les back stretched our wagon train and its guards. Leaving the valley of the Big Birch, we immediately began to climb the mountain, which, from our late encampment, had seemed to block up the way. For six miles we climbed in tortuous windings, pausing on the way to bury a rebel, who had been killed while attempting a guerilla shot on Colonel Smith the evening before, and whose corpse had lain in its gore by the roadside till morning. At last we reached the summit, and from that summit of Powell's mountain, there burst upon the eye a view that Switzerland might be challenged to surpass. The country through which we were moving was but a succession of spurs and outlying ranges from the Greenbrier, and from none of them, hitherto, had we been able to see more than the foliage-masked sides, and forest-top summit lines of the nearest hills on either side. Here we were on a point that overtopped the whole country westward to the borders of our own Ohio, and from that fastness for gueri
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 3. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 34. attack on Santa Rosa Island. October 9, 1861. (search)
Clellan, with orders for him to take position opposite the landing place and open on the enemy; unfortunately at the same time directing him to go to the Potomac, lying near, and ask for some men to assist him, in ease landing was necessary. Captain Powell directed him to tow his ship to the scene of action, which so delayed him that he did not arrive until after the enemy had vacated. Captain Powell acted from the best motives, and, under ordinary circumstances, from correct principles. But Captain Powell acted from the best motives, and, under ordinary circumstances, from correct principles. But the result was unfortunate; as the McClellan could have driven the rebel steamers away, and we must have made prisoners of most of the invaders. At the request of Major Arnold, late in the morning, I sent forward a light field-gun, which, however, did not reach him until the affair was over. As I propose only briefly to allude to the volunteers, I respectfully refer you to the official report, marked A, of the colonel of the regiment. The picket of this regiment and the guards sustained i
xile, or resistance? As one of them, I intend to resist. I will avoid conflict with Kentuckians, except in necessary self-defence, but I will unite with my fellow-citizens to resist the invaders who have driven us from our homes. To this course we are impelled by the highest sense of duty and the irresistible instincts of manhood. To defend your birthright and mine, which is more precious than domestic ease, or property, or life, I exchange, with proud satisfaction, a term of six years in the Senate of the United States for the musket of a soldier. This letter is written at the first moment since my expulsion from home that I could place my feet upon the soil of Kentucky. I have not been able to see or communicate with my friend and colleague, Governor Powell, nor do I know what course he will think it proper to take. But this you and I know — that his conduct will be controlled by pure motives. Your fellow-citizen, John C. Breckinridge. Bowling Green, Ky., Oct. 8, 1861