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men who had been brought in from the field during the short time I was on the other side of the river. Most of them were in great pain ; two or three of them — the brave Lieut. Callaghan, of the Sixty-ninth, was one of them — were in great agony, not having had any thing to sustain or soothe them since they received their wounds. Lieut. Emmet, who accompanied me, instantly returned to the camp where I had left the wounded, to bring over surgical and medical assistance to the sufferers. Dr. Powell, of the Eighty-eighth, promptly obeyed the order conveyed by the gallant young lieutenant, and by his skill and devotion brought comparative ease and happiness to many a sufferer in those sad hospitals that night. The next day, a little after sunrise, every officer and man of the brigade able again to take the field, by order of Brig.-Gen. Hancock, re-crossed to Fredericksburgh, and took up the same position on the street nearest the river, which we had occupied previous to the advance,
hed service. Nineteen men were killed, including Capt. Ferguson, of company I. He was one of our best officers. Eighty were wounded, among whom were seven commissioned officers, namely, Lieut.-Col. Wm. W. Berry, shot through the wrist; Major John L. Treanor, wounded by a shell in the thigh; Capt. A. H. Speed, in the abdomen; Capt. L. P. Lovett, slightly in the thigh; First Lieutenant Frank Dissell, mortally; First Lieutenant John D. Sheppard, seriously through the left lung; and First Lieut. Wm. H. Powell, slightly in the shoulder. Twenty-six are missing; some of these, I am mortified to say, ran away at the first fire. Their names shall be duly reported. During the engagement my color-bearer was shot, and down went the flag; but like lightning it gleamed aloft again, in the hands of three men, struggling who should have it; their names are John B. Schuble of company E, Charles Flick-hammer of company H, and Sergeant John Baker of company D; the latter bore it throughout the re
we marched at four P. M. on the twenty-sixth for Summerville, where we arrived on the twenty-seventh, at noon, making one hundred and twenty miles for men and horses, with-out food or rest, except one feed of hay for the horses, over the most mountainous and rugged part of Western Virginia. We remained in Summerville until the twenty-ninth; left for Camp Piatt, and arrived in camp on the thirtieth, at noon. My men suffered severely from frost. I left two men in hospital at Summerville, whose boots were cut from their feet; other were more or less frozen. My horses were very much cut down. I cannot close this report without deservedly complimenting officers and men; but where all behaved so gallantly it is impossible to particularize. But all honor is due Major Powell, who led the charge, and company G, Capt. McMahon, who led the column. I have the honor to by your obedient servant, J. C. Paxton, Colonel Commanding Second Virginia Volunteer Cavalry. E. F. Gillen, Adjutant.