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ntended that Franklin's grand division, consisting of the corps of Reynolds and Smith, should attack the enemy's right, and turn his position d, and Eleventh corps were concentrated at Emmittsburgh, under General Reynolds, while the right wing moved up to Manchester. Buford reported the enemy in force on the Cashtown road near Gettysburgh, and Reynolds moved up to that place on the first of July. He found our cavalry ward with the enemy, and holding them in check on the Cashtown road. Reynolds immediately deployed the advance division of the First corps, and some distance, and captured a large number of prisoners, when General Reynolds fell mortally wounded. The arrival of Ewell's corps, about th wounded left on the field, and forty-eight prisoners. Major-General Joseph J. Reynolds made a raid upon the Manchester and McMinnville Railrons's report, General Wood, overlooking the direction to close upon Reynolds, supposed he was to support him, by withdrawing from the line, and
til eight o'clock on the morning of the twenty-seventh. Under my acting Chief of Artillery, Major Reynolds, in conjunction with Generals Geary and Osterhaus, one section of twelve-pounder howitzers w assistants, rendered me valuable aid in his branch of the service during our operations. Major Reynolds, the Chief of Artillery of Geary's division, proved himself to be a skilful artillerist, andazing upon the spectacle below from the battlements of Fort Wood. Generals Thomas, Granger, and Reynolds were there, watching every movement of the troops, with looks of intelligence and earnestness. eran, animated by the hopes and ardor of youth. Gordon Granger, brave, able, sensible, rough. Reynolds, in whom courtesy and courage, gallantry and prudence, firmness and moderation, wisdom and enthagain and again in the handsomest style, until one of our brigades, near the centre, said to be Reynolds's, gave way, and the Federal flag was planted on Missionary Ridge. The enemy was not slow in a
take position on a hill from which they could enfilade our left lines. Cameron sent the Twenty-fourth Kentucky to feel of them, and a sharp contest ensued for the possession of the hill. The Twenty-fourth Kentucky were unable to hold the ground. The One Hundred and Third Ohio and Sixty-fifth Illinois, sent to reenforce them, finally drove the enemy from the coveted position. Our loss in this affair was sixty killed and wounded. Matters are now assuming an interesting outlook. Old scout Reynolds came in this evening from Kingston, bringing confirmation of Bragg's defeat and the assurance of present aid from Grant. Sherman is said to be at Cleveland, Generals Fry and Willcox at Bean's Station, and considerable force at Wytheville — from all of which, if true, Longstreet's position will not prove to be an easy one. His chief care will now be to effect his escape by the North-Carolina mountains as the only road left open to him. Orders by General Burnside. headquarters army
k had reached Manchester and the left occupied Emmettsburgh. General Buford's cavalry had advanced as far as Gettysburgh, and reported that the confederate army was debouching from the mountains on the Cashtown road. Upon this intelligence General Reynolds was ordered to advance on Gettysburgh with the First and Eleventh corps, which he reached early on the first of July, and found Buford's cavalry already engaged with the enemy — the corps of General Hill. Rapidly making his dispositions, GeGeneral Reynolds joined in the conflict, and soon fell mortally wounded. The command of the field then devolved on General Howard, of the Eleventh corps, who maintained his position till about two o'clock P. M., when the enemy was heavily reenforced by the arrival of Ewell's corps. The battle now raged fearfully between Hill's and Ewell's corps on one side, and the First and Eleventh corps on the other, till about four P. M., when General Howard was compelled to yield to the superior numbers of