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National pickets at Bristoe Station, Va., killing one man, and wounding two others of the Thirteenth Pennsylvania regiment. They were driven off after a few shots had been exchanged, but carried their wounded with them.--the notorious guerrilla Reynolds, and his command, was surprised by a party of National cavalry, near Knoxville, Tenn., and ten of them killed. Reynolds and fifteen others were captured, together with their horses, equipments, and arms. The expedition to Smithfield, Va., Reynolds and fifteen others were captured, together with their horses, equipments, and arms. The expedition to Smithfield, Va., which left Portsmouth day before yesterday, returned this day. A participant gives the following account of it: The expedition consisted of three regiments, the Twenty-third and Twenty-fifth Massachusetts, and the Ninth New Jersey. Our regiment, the Twenty-third, alone landed at a point nine miles above Smithfield. The others were to land below at that place. We took up our line of march, and within about one mile came upon the rebel signal corps, who gave us a volley and fled. We foll
proposition. This statement was taken from poor Chattannach's dying lips. Reginald O'Connor, company B, was shot for the same reason, after being captured. George A. Springer and John Craddock, company E; George Marle, company F ; and William Reynolds, company I, all make similar statements with regard to themselves. William Hills, company K, was found dead a mile from the post where he had stood on picket during the night. A lady living near where he was posted, declared, that she sa company B. fatally; William Chattannach, company B, fatally; G. A. Springer, company E, fatally; John Craddock, company E, severely, not dangerously; George Marle, company F, fatally; D. W. Butler, company A, dangerously; James Rhoades and William Reynolds, company I, both fatally. Of these killed and wounded, two had not surrendered when shot; seven were either killed or wounded (all but one, mortally) after they had surrendered to the enemy as prisoners of war; the circumstances connected
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., chapter 1.7 (search)
Parrott pivot, 6 32-pounders; Fernandina, Act. Master E. Moses, 6 32-pounders, 1 20-pounder Parrott pivot, 1 24-pounder S. B. howitzer. Mortar-schooners. C. P. Williams, Act. Master, S. N. Freeman, 2 32-pounders, 1 20-pounder Parrott rifle, 1 13-inch mortar; Para, Act. Master E. G. Furber, Act. Master Edward Ryan, 2 32-pounders, 1 13-inch mortar; Norfolk Packet, Act. Ensign George W. Wood, 2 32-pounders, I 13-inch mortar, 1 12-pounder rifle howitzer. Storeships. Vermont, Com. William Reynolds, 10 8-inch, 8 32-pounders; Valparaiso, Act. Master A. S. Gardner. Tugs, tenders, and dispatch boats. O. M. Pettit, Act. Ensign T. E. Baldwin, 1 20-pounder Parrott, 1 30-pounder Parrott; Rescue, Act. Ensign C. A. Blanchard, 1 20-pounder Parrott, 1 12-pounder rifle howitzer; Hope, Act. Master J. E. Rockwell, 1 20-pounder Parrott pivot; Daffodil, Act. Master E. M. Baldwin, 1 20-pounder Parrott rifle, 1 20-pounder Dahlgren rifle; Dandelion, Act. Ensign William Barrymore, 2 guns; Co
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 33: (search)
Frailey; Lieutenant-Commander, S. Livingston Breese; Acting-Assistant Surgeon, J. J. Brownlee; Acting-Assistant Paymaster, H. J. Bullay Acting Master, H. S. Blanchard; Acting-Ensigns, T. F. DeLuce, A. Delano, Jr., and J. H. Bennett; Acting-Master's Mates, E. H. Dewey and E. W. Hale; Engineers; Acting-First-Assistant, G. W. Farrer; Acting-Third-Assistants, James Barnes, E. F. McGinniss, Henry Wauklin, J. F. King and John Proshero; Gunner, Daniel Dunsmore. Store-ship Vermont. Commander, William Reynolds; Surgeon, Charles Eversfield; Assistant-Surgeon, I. H. Hazleton; Acting-Assistant Paymaster, J. S. Isaacs; Second-Lieutenant Marines, Alfred Devereaux; Acting-Masters, Howard Tibbatts and C. C. Kingsbury; Acting-Ensigns, C. A. Pettit and R. T. Westcott; Acting-Master's Mates, W. Van Wyck, O. F. Wixen, J. G. Rose, Sidney Gray, Arthur Taffe and J. S. Griscom; Boatswain, William Winchester; Acting-Gunners, G. W. Allen and J. G. Bills; Carpenter, C. W. Babbitt; Sailmaker, John Joins.
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 47: operations of South Atlantic Blockading Squadron, under Rear-admiral Dahlgren, during latter end of 1863 and in 1864. (search)
e Camp; Lieutenant, Lloyd Phenix; Fleet Surgeon, Wm. Johnson; Fleet Paymaster, J. O. Bradford; Assistant Surgeon, F. M. Weld; Acting-Assistant Surgeon, N. L. Campbell; Paymaster, R. J. Richardson; Chaplain C. A. Davis; Marines: Captain, E. McD. Reynolds; Second-Lieutenant, L. E. Pagan; Ensign, H. T. French; Acting-Ensigns, A. Tuttle and T. H. Daggett; Acting-Master's Mates, J. H. Gordon, J. C. Graves, Joseph Gregory and B. O. Carpenter; Engineers: Fleet Engineer, Robert Danby; Second-AssistantsChief, John S. Albert; Second-Assistant, C. F. Mayer, Jr.; Third-Assistants, J. W. Hollihan, C. A. Evans, J. A. B. Smith, W. M. Barr and Charles Hopkins; Acting-Boatswain, Wm. Ray; Acting-Gunner, A. C. Holmes. Store-ship Vermont. Commander, William Reynolds; Lieutenant-Commander, Wm. C. West; Surgeon, Wm. Lowber; Assistant Surgeon, W. J. Bowdle; Paymaster, Frank C. Cosby; Acting-Assistant Paymaster, Wilbur Ives; Chaplain, John Blake; Marines: Second-Lieutenant, H. J. Bishop; Acting-Master
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 52: operations about Charleston, 1865.--fall of Charleston, Savannah, etc. (search)
ing-Masters, Calvin C. Childs, J. L. Gifford and R. G. Lelar; Acting-Ensigns, T. E. Harvey and Andrew Willard; Acting-Master's Mates, S. S. Willard and James Wilbar; Surgeon, C. H. Burbank; Assistant Paymaster, W. H. Anderson; Engineers: Chief, G. B. N. Tower; Second Assistant, J. J. Barry; Acting-Second-Assistants, Wm. McGrath and J. W. Mellor; Acting-Third-Assistants, W. M. Smith and H. B. Goodwin; Boatswain, Charles Fisher; Gunner, E. J. Beecham. Store-ship New Hampshire. Commander, William Reynolds; Acting-Masters, H. W. Hand, R. B. Hines, J. C. Cox and W. A. Morgan; Acting-Ensigns, C. S. Lawrence, Woodward Carter and Frank Jordan; Chaplain, John Blake; Surgeon, H. C. Nelson; Acting-Assistant Paymaster, Levi S. Bingham; First-Lieutenant of Marines, G. G. Stoddard; Acting-Master's Mates, A. B. Flynn, H. A. Rogers and Harry Lucus; Third-Assistant Engineer, William Charlton; Acting-Boatswain, Edward Hughes; Acting-Gunner, Geo. W. Allen. Flag--Third-rate. Commander, James
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Poetry and Incidents., Volume 4. (ed. Frank Moore), The Blacksmiths and the Merrimac. (search)
ces, which we take great pleasure in transferring to our columns. It is as follows: We, the undersigned, blacksmiths, finishers, and strikers, agree to do any work that will expedite the completion of the Merrimac, free of charge, and continue on until eight o'clock every night; or any other work that will advance the interest of the Southern Confederacy: Blacksmiths and Strikers. Jas. A. Farmer, M. S.,David Wilkins, Chas. Snead, 1st Foreman,Jas. Wilbern, Wm. T. Butt, 2d Foreman,Wm. Reynolds, Pat. Parks,Walter Wilkins, Jno. West,Thos. Kerby, Jno. Cain,Samuel Davenport, Jas. Watfield,Jas. Larkin, H. Tatem,Lewis Ewer, Wilson Guy,Jno. Davis, Miles Foreman,Jas. Watson, Sen., Hugh Minter,James Flemming, Jno. Green,Samuel Hodges, Thos. Bloxom,Alex. Davis, Jas. Mitchell,Thomas Guy, Joseph Rickets,Smith Guy, Thos. Franklin,Michael Conner, Jas. Patterson,Wm. Perry, Wm. Gray,Patrick Shanasy, Jno. Moody,Lawson Etheredge, Hillory Hopkins,Joshua Daily, E. Woodward,Jas Mo
G. R. Fitzsimmons, Major Thirtieth Indiana volunteers; J. F. Gallaher, Captain company B, Second Ohio volunteer infantry; Matt. Boyd, Captain, Seventy-third Indiana; A. G. Hamilton, Captain company A, Twelfth Kentucky cavalry; I. N. Johnston, Captain company H, Sixth Kentucky volunteer infantry; W. S. B. Randall, Captain company C, Second Ohio infantry; Michael Gallagher, Captain, Third New-Jersey cavalry; Morton Tower, Captain, Thirteenth Massachusetts volunteers; T. J. Jones, Captain, First Keptucky infantry; S. C. Bose, Captain, Fourth Missouri cavalry; T. Clark, Captain, Seventy-eighth Illinois infantry; Albert Wallber, First Lieutenant, Twenty-sixth Wisconsin; John C. Fislar, First Lieutenant, Seventh Indiana battery; William Reynolds, First Lieutenant, Seventy-third Indiana volunteers; James M. Wells, Lieutenant company F, Eighth Michigan volunteer cavalry; L. P. Williams, Lieutenant, Seventy-second Indiana volunteers; N. J. McKeen, Lieutenant company H, Twenty-first Illinois.
James Barnes, author of David G. Farragut, Naval Actions of 1812, Yank ee Ships and Yankee Sailors, Commodore Bainbridge , The Blockaders, and other naval and historical works, The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 6: The Navy. (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller), The blockade (search)
proved so useful in the blockading service. Admiral Du Pont and staff, on board the Wabash, off Savannah, 1863 From left to right: Capt. C. R. P. Rodgers, fleet captain; Rear-Adm. S. F. Du Pont, commanding fleet; Commander Thomas G. Corbin, commanding Wabash ; Lieutenant Samuel W. Preston, flag-lieutenant; Admiral's Secretary McKinley; Paymaster John S. Cunningham; Lieut. Alexander Slidell McKenzie; Fleet Surgeon George Clymer; Lieut. James P. Robertson; Ensign Lloyd Phenix; Commander William Reynolds, Store-Ship Vermont ; Lieut.-Com. John S. Barnes, Executive Officer. Rear-Admiral Samuel Francis Du Post was the man who first made the blockade a fact. To his naval genius the Federal arms owed their first victory in the war. His plan for the capture of Port Royal on the Southern coast was brilliantly carried out. Forming his fleet in a long line, he, in the Wabash, boldly led it in an elliptical course past first one Fort and then the other, completing this terrible circle of f
Doc. 136.-officers of the N. J. Troops. First Regiment.--Col. Commanding, A. J. Johnson; Lieut. Col., James Peckell; Major, Wm. I. Mikels; Adjutant, Joseph Trawin; Quartermaster, T. F. Ketchum. Captains--Company A, John Britzinghoffer. Company B, W. S. Tibson. Company C, Thos. Q. Martin. Company D, H. O. Beach. Company E, W. B. Provost. Company F, H. Bowden. Company G, H. F. Stanford. Company H, Wm. Reynolds. Company I, John. H. Higginson. Company K, C. W. Johnson. Second Regiment.--Colonel, Baker; Lieut.-Col., Speer; Surgeon, Quidour; Assistant do., Longstaff; Quartermaster, Drinkerhoff; Quartermaster's Sergeant, Hill; Adjutant, Van Rippen. Company A, Capt. Van Rippen. Company B, Capt. Hoffer. Company C, Capt. Grain. Company D, Capt. Lillendhal. Company E, Capt. Van Buskirk. Company F, Capt. Tonnelle. Company G, Capt. Ramsay. Company H, (Zouaves,) Capt. Babcock. Company I, Capt. Van Vorhees. Company K, Captain Dunning. Third Regiment.--Wm. Napton, Colonel; Stephen Moore,
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