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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 2. (ed. Frank Moore) 94 0 Browse Search
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure) 18 2 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 1 1 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 2. (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Robert Schenck or search for Robert Schenck in all documents.

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s division into action on the hill. Brigadier-General Schenck, Ohio Volunteers, commanding Second left, at Blackburn's Ford to Centreville, and Schenck's brigade of Tyler's division on the left of ining the position, and posting Sherman's and Schenck's brigades and artillery, I fired the first g threaten the passage of the bridge, I caused Schenck's brigade to be formed into line, its left red been placed there, and prepared the way for Schenck's brigade and the two batteries to pass over.s's battery, I passed to the rear to find General Schenck's brigade, intending, as it was fresh, toallying his own or some other regiments. General Schenck reports that the two Ohio Regiments left y respectfully, Your obedient servant, Robert Schenck, Brigadier-General. Col. Richardson's was accomplished, and the way was opened for Schenck's brigade to fall on the enemy's right at thee entire divisions, (excepting the brigade of Schenck, which had just opened its way to fall on the[10 more...]
d the place of its attack. His Second and Third brigades, under Gen. Schenck and Col. Sherman, were arrayed in lines of battle, the former tair hiding-places, and took up their next fortified post beyond. Gen. Schenck's brigade was moved forward at the left, but, before reaching tht which Colonel Sherman had followed. The left brigade, under General Schenck, did not advance, but still remained on the ground where it hacle. All that was done within our view was the leading forward of Schenck's brigade a few hundred rods on the open road. But as many of us,rately aimed, struck the ground before, behind, and each side of Gen. Schenck and the group of officers about him. The Ohio regiments were somd by a cleft in the road, but the New York 2d was more exposed. Gen. Schenck was in great danger, to which, I am glad to say, he seemed perfehan a shower of paper pellets threatened him. But more than this Gen. Schenck cannot claim. Nevertheless, our work progressed. Capt. Alexa
nded by Gen. Tyler, consisted of the First and Second Brigades of the Tyler Division, embracing the First and Second Ohio, and Second New York regiments, under Gen. Schenck, and the Sixty-ninth, Seventy-ninth, and Thirteenth New York, and Second Wisconsin, under Col. Sherman. Carlisle's, Rickett's, and Ayres's battery, accompanieht and left the front unfold. The ancient order for the disposition of advance ranks is still in military usage; for the second and third Tyler brigades under Schenck, were at once formed in line of battle, in the woods on either side — the First Ohio, Second Wisconsin, Seventy-ninth, Thirteenth, and Six. ty-ninth New York regection a voice was heard, exclaiming, Now, you Yankee devils, we've got you where we want you! and several heavy guns were opened upon them with such effect that Schenck finally ordered them to retire, which they did in perfect order. The boys came out indignant at the practices of the rebels, and swearing they would rather fight
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 2. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 60 1/2.-Gen. Schenck's defence. (search)
Doc. 60 1/2.-Gen. Schenck's defence. camp Upton, Va., Tuesday, June 25, 1861. I find in the telegrams of the 22d inst., the following special despatch: Aity of the blunder which resulted so disastrously for our troops, rests upon Gen. Schenck. Now that you have published the above, will you do Gen. Schenck the justGen. Schenck the justice to publish also this communication? I was at the time acting aid to Gen. Schenck, and at his side both upon and during the action, and have full knowledge, theGen. Schenck, and at his side both upon and during the action, and have full knowledge, therefore, of every order given. The First Ohio Regiment were taken on a train furnished by Gen. McDowell, and pursuant to his orders. Six companies were left at difd no evidence of troops in that neighborhood. It is true that some one told Gen. Schenck that some other man had heard that somebody had said that there had been 700, and, in fact, all the officers and men of the brigade attach no blame to General Schenck, who only obeyed special orders from Headquarters, and, so far from abusin
isoners. Colonel Keyes immediately pushed on the advance brigade along the road, with a view to getting in the rear of the enemy, while General Tyler ordered General Schenck's brigade to form in battle array in the fields, to the left of the road. The Third and Fourth brigades, under Colonel Sherman and Colonel Richardson, formed on the road. But the rebels abandoned their position as soon as General Schenck's column commenced moving on through the fields and the other brigades up the road. With a spyglass the roads leading to Fairfax Court House could be seen covered with retreating rebels. The head of the First brigade came within a few hundred yardas soon as the first shot was fired. Hent's Hill, some two and a half miles west of Vienna, being reached, and the enemy being evidently still retreating, General Schenck's brigade again fell into line and the column continued its march in the order of the morning. A thick piece of woods was entered, in an opening of which tan
as Junction is encircled by a chain of batteries, which can only be penetrated by severe fighting. All the intrenchments evidence consummate skill in their construction. The entire column under Gen. McDowell fell back at 8 o'clock on Thursday evening, a short distance from Centreville, where they encamped. They were joined during the evening by Heintzelman's command, and on the succeeding morning by that of Col. Burnside, all of which troops are encamped there. Later in the evening, Gen. Schenck's brigade of Ohio troops was sent forward on the Hainesville road to flank the batteries, but no tidings had been heard of them up to 8 o'clock yesterday (Friday) morning, when the Congressmen left Gen. McDowell's Headquarters, bringing with them his despatches to the War Department. These despatches put the loss of the Federalists in killed at 5, but Mr. McClernand states that he himself saw a greater number than that killed. All of these gentlemen agree in estimating the number kill
I hope, General, that you will appreciate this service on the part of a portion of my division, and give credit to whom credit is due. All the brigades, except Schenck's, obeyed the order to return to their original positions. By some misunderstanding, which is not satisfactorily explained, this brigade proceeded direct to Washity. I did not see the point from which they came; but meeting Capt. Ayres, he said he was about to bring up his battery, supported by the Ohio brigade, under Gen. Schenck, to repel a rumored attempt of cavalry to outflank this column. As I passed forward he passed down. General Schenck's brigade was at once drawn up across theGeneral Schenck's brigade was at once drawn up across the road, and Capt. Ayres' guns were planted in a knoll at the left, when a powerful body of rebels, with a heavy battery, came down from the direction of Bull Run, and engaged this force with tremendous effect. I went to Centreville, sent off my despatch, and started with all speed to return, intending to go with our troops upon wha
e valley, and, with a proper cavalry force, could have followed up such a victory with decisive results. Our loss is about two hundred killed and six hundred or seven hundred wounded, while the loss of the enemy must have been double our own. Dr. Schenck, who was in the rebel camp at a late hour last evening, bringing away our wounded, reports our men comparatively few with those of the enemy, whose dead were lying thick under the trees. --St. Louis Democrat, August 15. New York Tribunee midst of our ranks, as several of ours did among them in the cornfield among their cavalry, and in the valley. Our men we believe to be quite as good marksmen as theirs, and they had the advantage of firing into solid columns of the enemy. Dr. Schenck, who visited McCulloch and Rains after the battle, while gathering our wounded, says their loss is much heavier than ours; that while our dead were comparatively few, theirs were gathered in great heaps under the trees. He says that so many o
e valley, and, with a proper cavalry force, could have followed up such a victory with decisive results. Our loss is about two hundred killed and six hundred or seven hundred wounded, while the loss of the enemy must have been double our own. Dr. Schenck, who was in the rebel camp at a late hour last evening, bringing away our wounded, reports our men comparatively few with those of the enemy, whose dead were lying thick under the trees. --St. Louis Democrat, August 15. New York Tribunee midst of our ranks, as several of ours did among them in the cornfield among their cavalry, and in the valley. Our men we believe to be quite as good marksmen as theirs, and they had the advantage of firing into solid columns of the enemy. Dr. Schenck, who visited McCulloch and Rains after the battle, while gathering our wounded, says their loss is much heavier than ours; that while our dead were comparatively few, theirs were gathered in great heaps under the trees. He says that so many o