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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 9. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Opinion of a United States officer of the Depopulation of Atlanta. (search)
of joy. The city was a valuable railroad center of the South, and the seat of some of its most. important and necessary manufactures, and its fall was a heavy and discouraging blow to the Confederacy. Sherman decided to give rest to his army, and therefore, instead of pressing his advantage in the field with twice the force that Hood could bring to resist him, he recalled his troops on the 5th, and assigned the occupancy of Atlanta to General Thomas, East Point to Howard, and Decatur to Schofield. He also took steps to depopulate the city, so as to avoid the necessity of feeding the inhabitants, of keeping it in strong garrison, and of burdening the railroad with supplies for the sustenance of an unfriendly population when he should again resume field operations. He therefore peremptorily required that all the citizens and families resident in Atlanta should go away, giving to each the option to go South or North, as their interests or feelings dictated. General Hood opened a co
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 9. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Kennesaw Mountain. (search)
total of five hundred and twenty-two. What the Federal loss was I do not know. It has been variously estimated from three to eight thousand. The following orders of General Sherman will explain the attack clearly, and the telegrams to General Schofield and Thomas the result of the attack: Headquarters Military division of the Mississippi in the field near Kennesaw Mountain, June 24, 1864.-The army commanders will make full reconnoissances and preparations to attack the enemy in fo following it up towards Marietta and the railroad in case of success. By order of Major-General W. T. Sherman. L. M. Dayton, Aid-de-Camp. Headquarters Military division of the Mississippi in the field, June 27, 1864, 11:45 A. M.--General Schofield: Neither McPherson nor Thomas have succeeded in breaking through, but each has made substantial progress at some cost. Push your operations on the flank, and keep me advised. W. T. Sherman, Major-General Commanding. Headquarters Mil
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 9. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Reminiscences of Hood's Tennessee campaign. (search)
k river, Cheatham being to the right. General Schofield retired to the north side of Duck river,pt up during the 28th. General Hood supposed Schofield would remain a day or two on the opposite siould not easily be crossed under the fire of Schofield's guns. So he concluded to leave General Lea few miles above, and intercept the rear of Schofield at Spring Hill, twelve miles in rear, on thed across the pike, and then the surrender of Schofield would follow as night follows day. The commar our horses from the adjoining fields. General Schofield was permitted to march by that night wita corn-field and an open piece of woodland. Schofield's command did not reach Spring Hill until 11 can hardly picture. So, if we had captured Schofield, as could easily have been done at a triflin we were in our saddles, and pushed on after Schofield's command, which was rapidly hastening to Frincapacity had occasioned the preceding day. Schofield had as many or more men in Franklin than we [1 more...]
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 9. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The lost opportunity at Spring Hill, Tenn.--General Cheatham's reply to General Hood. (search)
air the facts as to his orders to me at Rutherford's creek. And he also forgot that, at the very moment he claims to have sent staff officers to the rear, with orders to Stewart and Johnson to make all possible haste, Stewart was forming line of battle on the south side of Rutherlord's creek, in pursuance of orders from him; nor did he remember that Stewart's corps was not ordered forward until about dusk. I knew no large force of the enemy could be at Spring Hill, as couriers reported Schofield's main body still in front of Lee, at Columbia, up to a late hour in the day. I thought it probable that Cheatham had taken possession of Spring Hill without encountering material opsition, or had formed line across the pike, north of the town, and entrenched without coming into serious contact with the enemy, which would account for the little musketry heard in his direction. However, to ascertain the truth, I sent an officer to ask Cheatham if he held the pike, and to inform him of the