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The Daily Dispatch: August 14, 1861., [Electronic resource] 48 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: August 15, 1861., [Electronic resource] 8 0 Browse Search
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ments on their left, and nine in reserve.--Total, fifty-two regiments of infantry, exclusive of five thousand regulars. As for their artillery, they had Shermas's battery, Carlile's battery, Griffith's battery, the R ode Island battery, the West Point battery, and the huge battery of rifled thirty-two-pounders, eighty-one pieces, and they lost all but two in their flight. In one word, it was the most magnificent park of artillery that ever accompanied an army to the field of battle in America. What object can Sawney have in telling these lies? Is he afraid the mob will tear down his office, if he tell the truth, as they threatened to do with Greeley's when he published the truth about this matter, and as they would have done had not Greelry speedily fallen back upon his old resource of falsehood? Gen. Scott has given orders that no more official reports about the battle shall be published. He knows the slaughter was too terrible to be exposed. This fact speaks volumes.
points of Southern Scripture in reference to merely political issues, State Rights, &c., I told them frankly that, all he g they could outnumber us, we could outfight at them; that a vast majority of our people were as brave as at the head of his conquering legions, while the majority of brave men among them was probably not quite so vast; that we had the best Generals on our side — Davis, Beauregard, Johnston, Lee, Magruder, Albert Johnson, Ben McCulloch, and others — while they had only Scott, whose sands of life are nearly run, and who is altogether too slow for such a "trial of conclusions" as our Generals have instituted; and that as long as we could bring 2 ,000 men into the field, (and we can do that forever,) the question of victory or defeat is a mere question of general h p. Finally, I told them that God Almighty, the Supreme, All-wise, and ever just Ruler of the Universe, was on our side. That this was e by the military necessities of the old Union, which, for the last
brandy, and was ushered into the presence of Gen. Scott, who happened to be taking the oath of allegof my capture. They lost no time in coming to Scott's headquarter — Old Ab , Mrs. L. and the veriallowed to go at large, but was invited by General Scott to make his home mine. He also assured mely, when I was summoned to the presence of General Scott. "Asa," said he, with his foot in a b Just this side of Stone Bridge, 8 A. M. Gen. Scott --We are moving along slowly and surelythat privilege. (Signed.) Irvin McDowell. Gen. Scott had just finished cursing General Wool, and McDowell. Stone Bridge. 10½ A. M. To Gen. Scott --A drummer belonging to the Confederatents a scalp for every Federalist they killed. Scott drank some sherry and proceeded to take the oae following: Stone Bridge, 3 P. M. To Gen. Scott: That Zouave drummer has played us a me: Just Outside Alexandria, 7 P. M. To Gen. Scott. The enemy is running; but we are befor[7 more...]
ir counsels were treated with contempt, and the red flag of the New York Tribune symbolized the spirit, principles and policy of the Northern majority. Strange enough is the spectacle now presented by two former competitors for the Presidency--Gen. Scott, the Virginian, leading on the armed crusade of Black Republicanism against his native South, and Gen. Pierce, of New Hampshire, standing almost alone in his section in restating that crusade. Such facts show that the popular instincts are often right, and that when the South preferred the Northern Pierce to the Southern Scott, she acted wisely and bestowed her confidence and her condemnation where both were richly deserved. What a contrast to the course of Pierce, Seymour, Vallandigham, and others, is that of Cushing, Dickinson, Everett, Fillmore, and their associates; what a contrast the public journals of Concord, Bangor, and the New York News and New York Day Book, to those journals which have been scared into the support o
educated and intelligent cannoneer possesses an advantage over the trained hireling which years of drilling cannot compensate. Take an example Gen. Magruder's whole force of artillery at the battle of Bethel consisted of Brown's and Stanard's batteries of howitzers, seven pieces in all. It may be doubted whether the world ever witnessed such a cannonade. There certainly never had been up to that time anything like it on this Continent. So tremendous was it that Butler, in his dispatch to Scott, says that Magruder had twenty-five pieces of cannon. A West Point officer, now in the provisional army of Virginia, a man of intelligence and information, particularly upon the subject of artillery, rode over the ground a few days after the fight, and, judging from the signs still existing, pronounced it to have been astounding, and doubted whether there had ever been anything approaching it. Novo Stanard's battery had practiced a few days at Chimborazo with blank cartridges, but had never
Presentments by the Grand Jury. --The Hustings Court Grand Jury presented the following persons for misdemeanors, viz: Mary Gladson, Washington Brown, John Brogan, Sebastian Knewbard, Patrick McNeal, Benjamin Bolton, Daniel Crawford, E. K. Lockwood, John A. Scott, Michael Kearney, Joseph Vernon, Thomas Smith and Mary Sullivan. The Grand Jury will meet again on Thursday. The Court, by virtue of an ordinance of the Convention of the State of Virginia, passed on the 1st day of July, 1861, order that all able-bodied free male negroes, between the ages of eighteen and fifty years, within the jurisdiction of this Court at the date of the said ordinance, be enrolled, and that said enrollment be deposited in the Clerk's Office of this Court, and that the Mayor of this city be requested to have this order executed. Lucius J. Quinlin, charged with receiving a let of leaf tobacco, (1,000 pounds, worth $100,) on the 4th of July, the property of Wm. H. Kennen and E. H. Chamberlayn
ition of Gen. Banks to make Maryland the grand rendezvous of the armies of the North, in order, 1st, That the people might he held in proper subjection; 2d, That transportation through the centralization of the railroads might be facilitated; and 3d, That a safe retreat of the armies of the Potomac and Shenandoah, if necessary, might be insured, have been considered and the Cabinet are all in favor of sending the troops to the neighborhood of Baltimore. Be it said to the credit of Generals Scott and Dix, that they have been steadily opposed to such a movement, and it will only be perfected in the face of the protests of the best military General and one of the best educated and politic citizen Generals of the armies of the North. In order to guard against Government telegraphic dispatches being used for the information of the Confederates, the Administration has concluded to use a newly invented cypher in transmitting official intelligence. Gen. Heintzleman, in his off