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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 13. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 4 (search)
a horn, negroes would instantly be under arms—arms which had been given by Governor Scott to his favorite militia; it does not tell how terror prevailed over the whobs naturally held a conspicuous place. No white men had been considered by Governor Scott fit to be enrolled in the militia; and when Hampton became Governor it was nor, too, studiously kept them in the position of a suspected race. When Governor Scott was organizing the militia, he refused to enrol white companies, and the whved patterns, and ammunition to suit, were lavishly bestowed on this militia of Scott's making, and many a citizen of the State, black as well as white, fell victimsith the course of their own party. Once they supported Judge Carpenter against Scott, and once Green against Chamberlain. On both occasions they were utterly defeant's office, counsellors and advisers of the financial agent of South Carolina, Scott, of Ohio; Parker, the swindler of New Hampshire, Bowen, the god of the Cooper R
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 13. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Evacuation of Richmond. (search)
Major Isaac N. Carrington, Provost-Marshal, for distribution. Being informed a few hours later that it was misunderstood as to take effect at once, I substituted another, stating expressly that the necessity had not yet arisen. Together with Mr. Scott, a tobacco-owner and councilman, I visited and inspected all the warehouses containing tobacco, and after consulting the keepers, we concluded they could be burned without danger of a general conflagration. I gave instructions to Major Carrington to make the necessary arrangements, and requested Mr. Scott and the other members of the Council to consult with him and give him their views. The Ordnance Department offered to furnish barrels of turpentine to mix with the tobacco so as to insure its burning; but this I declined, for fear of setting fire to the city. I sent for the Mayor and several of the most prominent citizens, earnestly urged upon them the danger of mob-violence, should we be forced to evacuate and the entrance of Fe
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 13. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Battle of Chickamauga. (search)
h, of the Fourth Texas; Captain Billingsly, of the Fourth Texas, and Lieutenant Streitman, of the Fifth Texas, and Lieutenant Worthington, of the Third Arkansas. Late in the evening I was moved to the position of General Preston, where I relieved General Kershaw, and bivouacked for the night. In closing my report, justice requires that I should express my indebtedness to my personal staff for their promptness and assistance. Lieutenant Kerr, Acting Assistant Adjutant-General, and Lieutenant Scott, Aide-de Camp, were active and efficient, and rendered me valuable assistance. To Major Hamilton, my commissary, I am indebted for valuable aid and assistance on the field in the battle of the 19th. He was slightly wounded. I herewith submit the report of the regimental commanders. My list of casualties is heavy, and affords a better test of the conduct of both officers and men than any remark of mine could give. They are herewith submitted. I am, Captain, very truly, J. B. R
ten that Grant had warned the country he might have to fight all summer on one line; it was not known that he had ordered a siege train when he started from Culpeper, and had arranged for the crossing of the James while he was still north of the Rapidan. Soldiers indeed saw the immense advantages that had been gained, the definite progress made towards the end; During the month of July, 1864, 1 was sent to the North, and had several interviews with the old commander of the army, Lieutenant-General Scott. He expressed the greatest admiration for Grant's achievements, and complete confidence that his operations would result in entire success. I was especially charged by him to congratulate General Grant upon the manoeuvres and tactics of the Wilderness campaign, and on the strategy which employed all the armies constantly against the enemy. This was immediately after Early's movement against Washington, and the veteran appeared delighted that his younger successor had not allowed
r a great defensive emergency. Thomas was so unlike Sherman that there could hardly exist between them an absolute personal sympathy, but there was never military discord; and Sherman had a genuine regard for his elder subordinate. With reason, too, for Thomas had outranked Sherman, until the latter was given command of the Mississippi Valley; but he was as cheerful in his obedience then, and as prompt in his acceptance of the new superior, as if it had been the old general-in-chief, General Scott himself, who had been set above him. At the outset of the war he had sacrificed to his country the friendships of a lifetime, as well as what was called State pride, and there seemed no selfish interests or aspirations for him to conquer or abandon afterwards. His patriotism was not a duty only; it was a devotion, if not a passion. In this at least he was an enthusiast. He was the idol of his men, and the personal friend of his immediate officers. Unassuming in manner, apparently u
ng an ordinary matter of business. No one would have suspected that he was about to receive the surrender of an army, or that one of the most terrible wars of modern times had been brought to a triumphant close by the quiet man without a sword who was conversing calmly, but rather grimly, with the elaborate gentleman in grey and gold. The conversation at first related to the meeting of the two soldiers in earlier years in Mexico, when Grant had been a subaltern and Lee a staff officer of Scott. The rebel general, however, soon adverted to the object of the interview. I asked to see you, General Grant, he said, to ascertain upon what terms you would receive the surrender of my army. Grant replied that the officers and men must become prisoners of war, giving up of course all munitions, weapons, and supplies, but that a parole would be accepted, binding them to go to their homes and remain there until exchanged, or released by proper authority. Lee said that he had expected som
the Rev. W. Turner , Jun. , MA., Lives of the eminent Unitarians, Caleb Fleming (search)
's day morning, an old gentleman out of Suffolk, —Reynolds, Esq., happening to sleep on a Saturday night in town at an inn in Bishopsgate Street, came to Pinners' Hall. After service he desired the clerk to wait on him at his inn the next morning. He accordingly went. Mr. Reynolds inquired whether the person he had heard succeeded Dr. Foster, and whether he always preached with that freedom? He told him, Yes. About four or five months after, this gentleman died, and left his estate to Dr. Scott, a physician, and a legacy of a hundred pounds to Mr. Fleming, under the description of the gentleman who succeeded Dr. Foster at Pinners' Hall, and who speaks deliberately. Mr. Fleming observed, that he could not but look upon it as a very remarkable providence;—that he could not pretend to determine what were the motives which operated on the mind of the testator, but could easily imagine some divine impression every way consistent with the freedom of his own volitions, and analogous to
Historic leaves, volume 8, April, 1909 - January, 1910, Address of F. M. Hawes at Memorial service October 31, 1909. (search)
e gymnasium of Dr. Winship, and was once able to lift a weight of 1,000 pounds, At school he was generally called on when visitors were present to speak his pieces for their edification. It was the custom then for the boys to learn a selection of their own choosing, and to speak every Friday afternoon. At one time the teacher complained that the selections were too short. Accordingly, several of the boys arranged to have very long ones. Young Elliot committed to memory twenty pages of Scott's Marmion, and when his turn came, got as far, we will say, as the eighteenth, when the teacher asked how much longer he was going to speak, as there were several others to be heard from, and he did not wish to stay all night. There were no further objections to short selections after that. When in his teens, he belonged to several debating clubs, and was well versed in Cushing's Manual. At the age of sixteen, or thereabouts, he was Secretary of the Cambridge Library Association, most o
h. Cambridge. Sanborn, David A., Jr., carpenter, h. Prospect. Sanborn, Albert & George A., grocers, Cambridge. Sanborn, Robert, yeoman, h. Bow. Sanborn, Joseph, brickmaker, h. Prospect. Sanborn, Joseph P., brickmaker, Prospect. Scott, James, b. F. H. market, h. Linden. Scott, Seth B., h. Mt. Pleasant. Sears, Joshua, b. merchant, boards at S. Trull's, Church. Shattuck, John, teamster, h. Franklin. Shattuck, William, b. broker, h. Church. Shelvin, Terence, h. MilScott, Seth B., h. Mt. Pleasant. Sears, Joshua, b. merchant, boards at S. Trull's, Church. Shattuck, John, teamster, h. Franklin. Shattuck, William, b. broker, h. Church. Shelvin, Terence, h. Milk. Shepard, Isaac F., b. teacher, h. Prospect hill. Shaw, John, b. silversmith, h. Dane. Shute, Benjamin, b. ship carpenter, h. Medford. Shute, James, brickmaker, h. Broadway. Sherwin, A. W., b. furniture dealer, h. Franklin. Shute, James M., b. type founder, h. No. 3 Chestnut. Simonds, Elizabeth H., h. Beacon. Simmons, Ambrose B., b. F. H. market, h. Linden. Simmons, James E., horse dealer, h. Milk. Simpson, Jesse, yeoman, h. Broadway. Todd, Jehiel, clerk, h. G
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 1. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book I:—the American army. (search)
improvised troops. The name of the young general Scott, lately the illustrious senior of the Amerrk; they were in a majority in the army of General Scott, who made the decisive campaign; the volunhe service to sustain the national honor, when Scott, detained at Puebla for want of troops, found ccount. So that, while we find the army which Scott led into Mexico proceeding with great regulariy not meddling with their intestine quarrels. Scott, who had no more idea of their regeneration thment, the latter found its retreat cut off. Scott's troops showed their valor, not only by resolady have been landed at Vera Cruz to reinforce Scott, who was condemned to inactivity on the table-uns between the lakes Tezcuco and Chalco, when Scott perceived that he could not open himself a pasiving special mention in the despatches of General Scott, sixteen became generals in the Federal arled and instructed under the assiduous care of Scott, soon rivalled in ardor and soldierly bearing [11 more...]
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