Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: June 9, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Scott or search for Scott in all documents.

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Total-Killed Wounded Missing Aggregate loss B. R. Smith, Ac'j. Such N. O. S. T. Casualties in the 18th Ga. Regt. Company A.--None. Company B.--None. Company C.--None. Company D.--None. Company E.--None. Company F.--None. Company G.--Wounded: Oliver G Lee. Company H.--Wounded: John Ward, A J Nally. Missing: G W Tobert, A Cockrane. Company I.--Wounded: J T Poltook, J B Ham. Company K.--Wounded: Lt N T Wofford. Ord'ly T C U d r ood, privates S M Scott, J H Carroll, W H C Smith. Geo. W. Maddox. First Lt. and Acting Acj't. Casualties in the fourth Alabama Reg't. The 4th was not allowed to get close enough to the enemy to be actively engaged, but was held back as reserve. It was exposed to the fire of a battery for several hours on both days. The wounds were all from shalls and their missiles. Company A.--Corp'l R D Berry, shoulder, slight; Privates Joel Gibson, ley, A S Johnson, regal side, slight. Company B.--Priv
The Daily Dispatch: June 9, 1862., [Electronic resource], A wife who knew how to "Let well enough Alone." (search)
his personal advancement. He found that it pleased his master better to be a blackguard than a gentleman, and he has proved himself ready for any role that improves his own fortunes. Moreover, it became necessary to propitiate the Northern mob. Scott was too allow for them, because he had not succeeded in three months in subjugating the South, and they had discovered in McClellan a young Napoleon, who would come up to the mark in time and efficiency. He himself proclaimed that the war was to be "short and d sperat: " he has proclaimed that over and over again. He has now been ten months in Scott's saddles, and he is not yet even in Richmond. The Northern mob begin to suspect their new idol. They clamor for victories, and he has no victories to give them, except upon paper. Hence the astounding falsehoods in his accounts of recent battles, so unworthy a gentleman and a soldier. He is doing homage to the mob for his place, and, in order to keep it, is throwing off, day by day,