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he wishes. The gentleman asked further that a guide might be sent with him, as he did not know the road and paths. Certainly, said the General--Orderly, call Major Scott. Presently the Major presented himself, and the General instructed him to conduct the gentleman to the negro camp, and assist him in finding his boy, and to sa want to return. This is all I can do, observed the General. The droll part of this incident is, that the General was ignorant of the fact that the gentleman was Scott's master. The Major has hitherto been known in darkey circles as a great orator; he is now known as Major Scott of the black Guards. Queer things have come out orved the General. The droll part of this incident is, that the General was ignorant of the fact that the gentleman was Scott's master. The Major has hitherto been known in darkey circles as a great orator; he is now known as Major Scott of the black Guards. Queer things have come out of secession.--New-Orleans Delta, August 2.
t he had scyugled along the front, where the Johnnies scyugled a bullet through his clothes; that on his return he scyugled an ice-house; that he should scyugle his servant, who, by the way, had just scyugled three fat chickens for a supply of ice; that after he had scyugled his dinner he proposed to scyugle a nap — and closed by asking me how I scyugled. The word originated at these headquarters, and is supposed to be derived from two Greek words. Army libraries do not contain Liddell and Scott, or I should endeavor to ascertain what the two words are. The word scyugle, it will be perceived, has any meaning any one chooses to attach to it; has not only a variety, but a contrariety of meanings. It is synonymous with gobble and with skedaddle; it is used for any other word and for want of any other word. To fully define it would require the thirty-nine volumes the German savant gave to a discussion of Greek particles. Scyugle is respectfully commended to persons curious and lear
ut a handful, and when President Lincoln issued his call for volunteers, little or no cavalry was accepted. Even when need for it was forced on the North, it took the Federal War Department a long time to realize that an efficient cavalry ready for field service could not be extemporized in a day. Strange as it may now seem, the Federal authorities intended, in the beginning, to limit the cavalry force of the Union army to the six regular regiments; and even such a veteran soldier as General Scott gave it as his opinion that, owing to the broken and wooded character of the field of operations between the North and South, and the improvements in rifled cannon, the duties of cavalry would be unimportant and secondary. Only seven troops of regular cavalry were available for the first battle of Bull Run, in 1861, but the firm front which they displayed in covering the confused and precipitate retreat of the Federal army, probably saved a large part of the main body from capture; bu
William Boynton, Sherman's Historical Raid, Chapter 19: (search)
r the most service. As these records for seven preceding years of his former army duty pertained mainly to varied staff service, the intent of the application is manifest. However, he was made colonel of the Thirteenth Infantry, and this was his new regiment. But, instead of following Colonel Warner's example, who went from inspector on the staff to the command of a regiment, he reversed it, and with his colonel's commission in his pocket passed to duty as inspector on the staff of General Scott, and this duty continued until he was assigned to the command of a brigade some weeks later. From this time forward he had the good sense to prefer service with troops to staff duty. In this last chapter General Sherman argues that military correspondence with higher officials should pass through the hands of the intermediate generals, in order that they may never be ignorant of any thing that concerns their command. This has always been considered sound doctrine in the army, and ye
Edward Porter Alexander, Military memoirs of a Confederate: a critical narrative, Chapter 2: the battle of Bull Run (July, 1861) (search)
re the 75,000 three-months men, first called out in April, and they were now fairly well disciplined. Their terms of service would begin to expire soon after the middle of July, and it was sure that some use would sooner be made of them. For we were then less a military nation than ever before or since, and neither side recognized its own unpreparedness. By June 24 McDowell had submitted a plan of aggressive operation, and July 8 had been named as the date of the proposed movement. Gen. Scott had urged longer delay, and that the three-months men should be allowed to go, and their places supplied with the three-years men now being enlisted. Political necessities, however, overruled his objections. Fortunately for the Confederates, with all their resources the Federal forces were not able to move before the 16th, and when they did move, they consumed four days more, from the 17th to the 20th inclusive, in about 20 miles of marching and in preliminaries. Battle was only deliver
Edward Porter Alexander, Military memoirs of a Confederate: a critical narrative, Chapter 19: battle of Chickamauga (search)
arrived too late for the battle. HoodLaw, Robertson, Benning, Jenkins, Names in italics arrived too late for the battle. Anderson Names in italics arrived too late for the battle. Res. Arty.BatteriesWilliams, 4; Robertson, 5; Alexander, 6 Names in italics arrived too late for the battle.9 Total Inf. and Arty., 33 Brigades, 174 Guns. Effective total 52,066 WheelerWhartonO'Rews, Harrison1 CavalryMartinMorgan, Russell1 ForrestArmstrongWheeler, Dibbfell2 CavalryPegramDavidson, Scott2 Total Cavalry, 8 Brigades, 24 Guns. Effective total, 14,260 Unlike the armies in Va., which had never considered themselves defeated, our Western army had never gained a decided victory. Naturally, therefore, Lee enjoyed both the affection and confidence of his men, while there was an absence of much sentiment toward Bragg. It did not, however, at all affect the quality of the fighting, as shown by the casualties suffered at Chickamauga, which were 25 per cent by the Confederates in kil
Edward Porter Alexander, Military memoirs of a Confederate: a critical narrative, Chapter 23: the fall of 1864 (search)
ust be said that officers and men responded valiantly, and went down to defeat in a blaze of glory. Over 10 per cent of the force engaged were killed outright on the field, over 20 per cent were carried to hospitals with severe wounds, and as many more suffered less severe wounds or were captured. The loss of general officers was unparalleled on either side in any action of the war. Cleburne, Gist, Adams, Strahl, and Granberrty were killed; Brown, Carter, Manigault, Quarles, Cockrell, and Scott were wounded, and Gordon was captured. Fifty-three regimental commanders were killed, wounded, or captured. The result might have been different, but for three handicaps: 1. Hood, most unwisely, did not precede his charge with a severe cannonade, because the village of Franklin was but a half-mile in rear of his line. The enemy's position was quite crowded, and all his lines were subject to enfilade. It would have severely shaken the enemy, and with little danger to non-combatants, whic
uing. It was then that General Cheatham failed to attack the enemy in flank, while he was filing away on his front, thus disregarding the orders given him by General Hood and frustrating his plan. Our loss was severe, many of our best officers being among the killed and wounded. There fell Major-General Cleburne and Brigadier-Generals John Adams, Gist, Strahl, and Grandberry. Among the wounded were Major-General John Brown and Brigadier-Generals Canty, Manigault, Quarles, Cockerell, and Scott. Our aggregate loss amounted to 4500. See General Hood's telegram to General Beauregard, in Appendix. See also his report. It was a hard-fought battle, but, withal, a barren Confederate victory. On the 30th of November, in response to his telegram of the 24th, General Beauregard received the following letter from President Davis: Richmond, Nov. 30th, 1864. General Beauregard, care of Colonel Win. Brown: Yours of the 24th received. It is probable that the enemy, if short of
ring the night, leaving their dead and wounded in our possession, and retreated rapidly to Nashville, closely pursued by our cavalry. We captured several stands of colors and about a thousand prisoners. Our troops fought with great gallantry. We have to lament the loss of many gallant officers and brave men. Major-General Cleburne, Brigadier-Generals John Adams, Gist, Strahl, and Grandberry were killed. MajorGen-eral John Brown, Brigadier-Generals Canty, Manigault, Quarles, Cockerell, and Scott were wounded. Brigadier-General Gordon was captured.—Jno. B. Hood, Genl. Geo. Wm. Brent, Col., and A. A. G. Telegram. Savannah, Ga., Dec. 8th., 1864. Genl. G. T. Beauregard: I need one thousand men besides artillerists, for which last I have ordered General Jones. W. J. Hardee, Lieut.-Genl. Headquarters, Army of Tennessee, near Nashville, Dec. 11th, 1864. Hon. J. A. Seddon, Secy. of War: Sir,—On the 21st of November, after a delay of three weeks, caused by t
James Redpath, The Public Life of Captain John Brown, Chapter 10: husband and wife. (search)
ain referred frequently, as they came along, to the unfortunate situation of her husband. She exhibited no sorrow or regret, so far as he could observe. The gallant Captain had the brutality to attempt to argue with a wife, thus circumstanced, in favor of that great crime against God and man, for assailing whose power her husband was doomed to die. The writer, above quoted, continues: I was in sight when the formidable cavalcade arrived. The military went through manoeuvres in Scott's Manual, named and nameless, and which were well calculated to impress the beholder with the wonderful effectiveness of a Virginia regiment at a general muster, but in a no more sanguinary conflict. At last, however, Mrs. Brown was admitted. She was kindly received by Captain and Mrs. Avis. Mrs. Avis, by order of the powers that be, conducted Mrs. Brown into a private apartment, where her clothing was searched for concealed weapons, or other means which the morbid suspicion of the Virgini
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