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John Brown 1,857 43 Browse Search
Kansas (Kansas, United States) 450 0 Browse Search
Harper's Ferry (West Virginia, United States) 243 1 Browse Search
Missouri (Missouri, United States) 146 0 Browse Search
J. H. Kagi 138 2 Browse Search
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Charles Town (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 3.54
he old mall presented to a merchant of Charlestown, who had shown him great kindness, a copy of the Bible, bearing on the fly-leaf this dedication: With the best wishes of the undersigned, and his sincere thanks for many acts of kindness received. There is no Commentary in the world so good in order to a right understanding of this Blessed Book as an honest, child-like, and teachable spirit. John Brown. Charlestown, 29th November, 1859. The opposite page was thus inscribed: John Brown. The leaves were turned down and marked by him while in prison at Charlestown, Va. But a small portion of those passages, which in the most positive terms condemn oppression and violence, are marked. Many hundred passages, writes a correspondent of a Southern paper, , which can by any possibility of interpretation be tortured into a support of his peculiar theory, are carefully marked, both by having the corner of the pages turned over, and by being surrounded by heavy pencil marks.
Baltimore, Md. (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 3.54
Chapter 10: husband and wife. Mrs. Brown, on her return to Philadelphia from Baltimore, wrote a letter to Governor Wise, asking for the bodies of her slain sons, and of her husband, after his execution. He sent her the orders for them, addressed to the Sheriff and the General in command. On Wednesday evening, Mrs. Brown, carrying these sad certificates, arrived at Harper's Ferry, under the escort of two gentlemen from Philadelphia. She intended to have gone to Charlestown with them, on the following morning, to have her last earthly interview with her husband. When the morning came, a despatch from Headquarters ordered the officers to detain the sorrow-stricken wife and her friends until further orders. A trustworthy correspondent says: I learned at Charlestown that for several hours a triangular correspondence by telegraph was going on between Charlestown, Richmond, and Harper's Ferry, which ultimated in a despatch from General Taliaferro, saying that he had sent a f
Essex County (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 3.54
r's Ferry, also the bodies of the two Thompsons, and, after I am dead, place us all together on a wood pile, and set fire to the wood; burn the flesh, then collect our bones and put them in a large box, then have the box carried to our farm in Essex County, and there bury us. Mrs. Brown said, I really cannot consent to do this. I hope you will change your mind on this subject. I do not think permission would be granted to do any such thing. For my sake, think no more of such an idea. Weeclined to see them under the circumstances. Brown then touched upon business affairs, until an order was received from the Commander-in-Chief, saying that the interview must terminate. Brown then said, Mary, I hope you will always live in Essex County. I hope you will be able to get all our children together, and impress the inculcation of the right principles to each succeeding generation. I give you all the letters and papers which have been sent me since my arrest. I wish you also to
Kansas (Kansas, United States) (search for this): chapter 3.54
For my sake, think no more of such an idea. Well, well, Brown answered, do not worry or fret about it; I thought the plan would save considerable expense, and was the best. Mrs. Brown observed a chain about the ankles of her husband. To avoid its galling his limbs, he had put on two pairs of woollen socks. Mrs. Brown said she was desirous of procuring the chain as a family relic. She had already at her home the one with which the limbs of John Brown, Jr., were inhumanly shackled in Kansas, and in which he was goaded on by the Border devils until he was mad, and the chain had worn through his flesh to the bone; and this, too, she desired. Captain Brown said he had himself asked that it be given to his family, and had been refused. The conversation then turned upon matters of business, which Brown desired to have arranged after his death. He gave his wife all the letters and papers which were needed for this purpose, and read to her the will which had been drawn up for hi
Virginia (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 3.54
that his wife had arrived. The announcement was made by General Taliaferro, when the following dialogue took place: Captain Brown, how long do you desire this interview to last? asked the Virginian. Not long; three or four hours will do, said Captain Brown. I am very sorry, Captain Brown, said the Virginia General, that I shall not be able to oblige you. Mrs. Brown must return to-night to Harper's Ferry. General, execute your orders; I have no favors to ask of the State of Virginia, was the brave old man's reply. This fact was related to an acquaintance of mine by a Virginia gentleman, as an illustration of Captain Brown's courage and bravery. He did not see in it the scathing rebuke to the pusillanimity of a great State, which, with a cordon of twenty-five hundred men, would not protract the last interview between a brave man and his sorrow-stricken wife. Mrs. Brown, we are told, was led into the cell by the jailer. Her husband rose, and, as she entered
Harper's Ferry (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 3.54
Wednesday evening, Mrs. Brown, carrying these sad certificates, arrived at Harper's Ferry, under the escort of two gentlemen from Philadelphia. She intended to havecorrespondence by telegraph was going on between Charlestown, Richmond, and Harper's Ferry, which ultimated in a despatch from General Taliaferro, saying that he had scort Mrs. Brown, but not the others. The mortification of the citizens of Harper's Ferry was not less than that of Mrs. Brown, and her friends, at so cruel and unlo that I shall not be able to oblige you. Mrs. Brown must return to-night to Harper's Ferry. General, execute your orders; I have no favors to ask of the State ofMary, I would like you to get the bodies of our two boys who were killed at Harper's Ferry, also the bodies of the two Thompsons, and, after I am dead, place us all t home. Good by, good by. God bless you! Mrs. Brown was escorted back to Harper's Ferry, and reached there, greatly exhausted, at nine o'clock. Three stray fact
South Carolina (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 3.54
was escorted back to Harper's Ferry, and reached there, greatly exhausted, at nine o'clock. Three stray facts. The rope with which the old man was to be hanged was publicly exhibited several days before the date of his official murder. South Carolina sent one, Missouri another, and Kentucky a third rope, with which to strangle the fearless man who had dared to beard the lion which the nation dreaded in its oldest and strongest den. The gifts of South Carolina and Missouri were found to bSouth Carolina and Missouri were found to be wanting in strength; and Kentucky had the infamous preference in this choice of the necessities of assassination. A forged letter, purporting to be written by Mrs. Doyle, the widow of one of the ruffians of Pottawattomie, was published before John Brown's execution, in order to avert from Virginia the indignation which the slaughter of a hero would inevitably excite in every manly heart in Christendom. It was a fit expedient for its authors; but it failed to effect its purpose. It proved
Missouri (Missouri, United States) (search for this): chapter 3.54
arper's Ferry, and reached there, greatly exhausted, at nine o'clock. Three stray facts. The rope with which the old man was to be hanged was publicly exhibited several days before the date of his official murder. South Carolina sent one, Missouri another, and Kentucky a third rope, with which to strangle the fearless man who had dared to beard the lion which the nation dreaded in its oldest and strongest den. The gifts of South Carolina and Missouri were found to be wanting in strength;Missouri were found to be wanting in strength; and Kentucky had the infamous preference in this choice of the necessities of assassination. A forged letter, purporting to be written by Mrs. Doyle, the widow of one of the ruffians of Pottawattomie, was published before John Brown's execution, in order to avert from Virginia the indignation which the slaughter of a hero would inevitably excite in every manly heart in Christendom. It was a fit expedient for its authors; but it failed to effect its purpose. It proved the brutality of Slave
e General in command. On Wednesday evening, Mrs. Brown, carrying these sad certificates, arrived atred his own services as a personal escort to Mrs. Brown, and she gladly accepted it. The Captainmore sanguinary conflict. At last, however, Mrs. Brown was admitted. She was kindly received by Caot long; three or four hours will do, said Captain Brown. I am very sorry, Captain Brown, saidof the wife,) the following record comes: John Brown spoke first. Wife, I am glad to see you, he t in the eyes of God and of all just men. Mrs. Brown then spoke of their remaining children and t farm in Essex County, and there bury us. Mrs. Brown said, I really cannot consent to do this. Ie considerable expense, and was the best. Mrs. Brown observed a chain about the ankles of her hus, he had put on two pairs of woollen socks. Mrs. Brown said she was desirous of procuring the chainm home. Good by, good by. God bless you! Mrs. Brown was escorted back to Harper's Ferry, and rea[24 more...]
re sanguinary conflict. At last, however, Mrs. Brown was admitted. She was kindly received by Captain and Mrs. Avis. Mrs. Avis, by order of the powers that be, conducted Mrs. Brown into a private aMrs. Avis. Mrs. Avis, by order of the powers that be, conducted Mrs. Brown into a private apartment, where her clothing was searched for concealed weapons, or other means which the morbid suspicion of the Virginia army of occupation suggested Mrs. Brown might surreptitiously convey to her Mrs. Avis, by order of the powers that be, conducted Mrs. Brown into a private apartment, where her clothing was searched for concealed weapons, or other means which the morbid suspicion of the Virginia army of occupation suggested Mrs. Brown might surreptitiously convey to her husband. In the mean time Captain Brown had been informed that his wife had arrived. The announcement was made by General Taliaferro, when the following dialogue took place: Captain Brown, d's breast, and clasping his neck with her arms. At length they sat down and spoke; and from Captain Avis, who was the only witness of that sorrowful scene, (his fellow-prisoner, Stevens, having been permitted to speak to the other prisoners. But Gen. Taliaferro's orders forbade this, though Capt. Avis expressed a willingness to permit her to see them even at the risk of violating orders. She d
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