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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Adams, Charles Francis, 2nd 1835- (search)
g, near 40 miles away. The regiment happened then to be detached, and its orders for the 2d were to move in the rear of Sedgwick's Corps and see that no man left the column. All that day we marched to the sound of the cannon; Sedgwick, very grim anSedgwick, very grim and stern, was pressing forward his tired men, and we soon saw that for once there would be no stragglers from the ranks. As the day grew old, and as we passed rapidly up from the rear to the head of the column, the roar of battle grew more distinct,ike wavelets on a river of steel, tired, footsore hungry, thirsty, begrimed with sweat and dust, the gallant infantry of Sedgwick's Corps hurried to the sound of the cannon as men might have flocked to a feast. Moving rapidly forward, we crossed thes men having run for 7 miles. We need not go abroad for examples of endurance and soldierly bearing. The achievement of Sedgwick and the brave 6th Corps, as they marched upon the field of Gettysburg on that second day of July, far excels the vaunted
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Antietam, battle of. (search)
y; Doubleday's guns had silenced a Confederate battery; Ricketts was struggling against constantly increasing numbers on his front; and the National line began to waver, when Hooker, in the van, was wounded and taken from the field. Sumner sent Sedgwick to the support of Crawford, and Gordon and Richardson and French bore down upon the Confederates more to the left. The Nationals now held position at the Dunker Church, and seemed about to grasp the palm of victory (for Jackson and Hood were rate troops, under McLaws and Walker, supported by Early, came up. They penetrated the National line and drove it back, when the unflinching Doubleday gave them such a storm of artillery that they, in turn, fell back to their original position. Sedgwick, twice wounded, was carried from the field, and the command of his division devolved on Gen. O. O. Howard. Generals Crawford and Dana were also wounded. Franklin was sent over to assist the hard-pressed Nationals. Forming on Howard's left, he
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Chancellorsville, battle of (search)
on's large force to come up when he perceived Sedgwick's movements. Lee left General 20, 1870. Earon of the Nationals, and the distance between Sedgwick, opposite Fredericksburg, and the army at Chastrong, and Lee's 40,000. The former ordered Sedgwick to cross the river and seize and hold Frederi was now united, but Hooker's was divided. Sedgwick had seriously menaced Lee's flank, but had noer a hard conflict and the loss of 1,000 men, Sedgwick had captured the Confederate works on the heil. He sent McLaws with four brigades to meet Sedgwick. At Salem church they had a sanguinary conflict. The Confederates won, and the losses of Sedgwick, added to those sustained in the morning, amoake the Heights of Fredericksburg, and he cut Sedgwick off from the city. Early was reinforced by Anderson, by which Sedgwick was enclosed on three sides. At six o'clock in the evening the Confederanks's Ford, and before morning the remains of Sedgwick's corps had crossed the Rappahannock over pon[4 more...]
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Everett, Edward, 1794-1865 (search)
embled and the ridges that extend southeast and southwest; batteries were planted and breastworks thrown up. The 2d and 5th Corps, with the rest of the 3d, had reached the ground by 7 A. M.; but it was not till two o'clock in the afternoon that Sedgwick arrived with the 6th Corps. He had marched 34 miles since nine o'clock of the evening before. It was only on his arrival that the Union army approached an equality of numbers with that of the rebels, who were posted upon the opposite and paraltance just named, the intentions of the enemy were not apparent on the 4th. The moment his retreat was discovered, the following morning, he was pursued by our cavalry on the Cashtown road and through the Emmettsburg and Monterey passes, and by Sedgwick's corps on the Fairfield road; his rear-guard was briskly attacked at Fairfield; a great number of wagons and ambulances were captured in the passes of the mountains; the country swarmed with his stragglers, and his wounded were literally emptie
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Fair Oaks, or seven Pines, battle of (search)
federates, and exposed to sharp enfilading fires, Casey's men brought off fully threefourths of their artillery. Keyes sent troops to aid Casey, but they could not withstand the pressure, and the whole body of Nationals were pushed back to Fair Oaks Station, on the Richmond and York Railway. Reinforcements were sent by Heintzelman and Kearny, but these were met by fresh Confederates, and the victory seemed about to be given to the latter, when General Sumner appeared with the divisions of Sedgwick and Richardson. Sumner had seen the peril, and, without waiting for orders from McClellan, had moved rapidly to the scene of action in time to check the Confederate advance. The battle continued to rage fiercely. General Johnston was severely wounded, and borne from the field; and early in the evening a bayonet charge by the Nationals broke the Confederate line and it fell back in confusion. The fighting then ceased for the night, but was resumed in the morning, June 1, when General Hoo
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Gettysburg, battle of. (search)
he was satisfied with Howard's disposition of the troops. The latter had called early upon Slocum and Sickles, and both promptly responded. Sickles joined the left of the troops on Cemetery Hill that night. Hancock had gone back; and, meeting his own corps, posted it a mile and a half in the rear of Cemetery Hill. Meade had now given orders for the concentration of his whole army at Gettysburg, and he aroused them at one o'clock in the morning of July 2, when only the corps of Sykes and Sedgwick were absent. Lee, too, had been bringing forward his troops as rapidly as possible, making his headquarters on Seminary Ridge. On the morning of the 2d a greater portion of the two armies confronted each other. Both commanders seemed averse to taking the initiative of battle. The Nationals had the advantage of position, their lines projecting in wedge-form towards The Confederate centre, with steep rocky acclivities along their front. It was late in the afternoon before a decided movem
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Jamaica, conquest of (search)
ow went with the fleet as one of Cromwell's commissioners to superintend the conquered countries. By volunteers from Barbadoes and the Leeward Islands the army was increased to 10,000. Santo Domingo was first attacked. The English were repulsed, and then proceeded to Jamaica, which they easily took possession of, for it was inhabited by only a few of the enervated descendants of old Spanish colonists and some negro slaves. Winslow died at sea soon after the repulse at Santo Domingo, and Sedgwick, of Massachusetts, was put in his place. He framed an instrument of government for Jamaica, having a supreme executive council, of which he was the head. Cromwell, anxious to retain and people the island with subjects of Great Britain, ordered the enlistment in Ireland of 1,000 girls and young men, and sent them over. Idle, masterless robbers and vagabonds, male and female, were arrested and sent to Jamaica; and to have a due admixture of good morals and religion in the new colony, Cromw
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Lee, Robert Edward 1807- (search)
rks. See Charleston. After his disastrous experience at Gettysburg (July 1, 2, and 3, 1863), General Lee began a retreat for Virginia on the night of the 5th, having previously sent forward his enormous wagon-trains and sick and wounded men. Sedgwick's corps and Kilpatrick's cavalry were sent in pursuit. Sedgwick overtook the Confederate rear-guard at a pass in the South Mountain range, but was recalled, and the whole army, having rested, were put in motion for a flank movement through the Sedgwick overtook the Confederate rear-guard at a pass in the South Mountain range, but was recalled, and the whole army, having rested, were put in motion for a flank movement through the lower passes of South Mountain. But the movement was so tardy that when Meade overtook Lee (July 12) he was strongly intrenched on the banks of the Potomac, near Williamsport, waiting for a flood in the river, caused by recent rains, to subside. While Meade was preparing to attack Lee, the latter escaped over the river. General Hill's rear-guard had been struck by Kilpatrick, and lost 125 men killed and 1,500 made prisoners. Kilpatrick's loss was 105 men. Thus ended, in utter discomfiture an
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Malvern Hill, battle of. (search)
he National line of battle was formed with Porter's corps on the left (with Sykes's division on the left and Morell's on the right), where the artillery of the reserve, under Colonel Hunt, was so disposed on high ground that a concentrated fire of sixty heavy guns could be brought to bear on any point on his front or left; and on the highest point on the hill Colonel Tyler had ten siege-guns in position. Couch's division was on Porter's right; next on the right were Hooker and Kearny; next Sedgwick and Richardson; next Smith and Slocum; and then the remainder of Keyes's corps, extending in a curve nearly to the river. The Pennsylvania Reserves were held as a support in the rear of Porter and Couch. Lee resolved to carry Malvern Hill by storm, and concentrated his artillery so as to silence that of the Nationals; when, with a shout, two divisions were to charge and carry a battery before them. This shout was to be a signal for a general advance with bayonets. This programme was n
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Massachusetts, (search)
4 to 1895 Fred. T. GreenhalgeRepublican.1895 to 1896 Fred. T. GreenhalgeRepublican1896 to 1897 Roger WolcottRepublican.1898 to 1899 Roger WolcottRepublican.1899 to 1900 Roger WolcottRepublican.1900 to 1901 W. Murray CraneRepublican.1901 to 1902 W. Murray CraneRepublican.1901 to 1902 United States Senators. Name.No. of Congress.Term. Tristram Dalton1st1789 to 1791 Caleb Strong1st to 4th1789 to 1796 George Cabot2d to 4th1791 to 1796 Benjamin Goodhue4th to 6th1796 to 1800 Theodore Sedgwick4th to 5th1796 to 1798 Samuel Dexter6th1799 to 1800 Dwight Foster6th to 7th1800 to 1803 Jonathan Mason6th to 7th1800 to 1803 John Quincy Adams8th to 10th1803 to 1808 Timothy Pickering8th to 11th1803 to 1811 James Lloyd, Jr10th to 12th1808 to 1811 Joseph B. Varnum12th to 14th1811 to 1817 Christopher Gore13th to 14th1813 to1816 Eli P. Ashmun14th to 15th1816 to 1816 Prentiss Mellen15th to 16th1818 to 1820 Harrison Gray Otis15th to 17th1817 to 1822 Elijah H. Mills16th to 19th182