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The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley), chapter 132 (search)
o reformed them behind the captured works; two of the captured guns were turned upon the enemy by the regiment. The works were reversed and held by the regiment during the continuance of the battle. Two guns werb hauled out, and the colors of Swett's (Mississippi) battery and 119 stand of small-arms captured by the regiment. Officers and men all acted with the utmost gallantry. The loss of the regiment in the engagement is 2 killed, 5 wounded, 1 missing; total loss, 8. September 2, at 9 a. m., the enemy having disappeared from our front, the command moved forward to the railroad, then into Jonesborough, where the regiment went into camp and intrenched. Sep: tember 3, 4, 5, remained in camp at Jonesborough, Ga. Nominal list of casualties (omitted) shows I officer and 19 men killed, 43 men wounded, and 4 men captured; total, 67. Very respectfully, J. B. Cahill, Lieutenant-Colonel, Commanding Regiment. Lieut. J. P. Hollers, A. A. A. G., 1st Brig., 2d Div., 14th Army Corps.
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., Iuka and Corinth. (search)
e. Hardly had he done this when Price received a telegram from Bragg urging him to hasten to Nashville. [See map, p. 702.] This is what Price ought to have done. It is what Halleck, Grant, and Rosecrans feared that he would do. Rosecrans telegraphed Grant that he had better watch the Old Woodpecker (alluding to that bird's skill in deceiving its Brigadier-General Henry little, C. S. A., killed at Iuka. From a photograph. enemies), or he would get away from them. Halleck telegraphed (Sep-. tember 17th): Do everything in your power to prevent Price from crossing the Tennessee River. A junction of Price and Bragg in Tennessee would be most disastrous. They should be fought while separate Grant replied that he would do everything in his power to prevent such a catastrophe, and began at once to concentrate his forces against Price. Ord was pushed forward to Burnsville, where Grant established his own headquarters, and Rosecrans was ordered to concentrate his two divisions at J
king. (Carpentry.) a. A mode of fixing the end of a tie-beam or floor-joist to a beam, girder, or wall-plate. Cogging. b. Mortising. Cock′le. 1. The hemispherical dome on the crown of a heating-furnace. See heating-stove. 2. A hop-drying kiln. An oast. 3. To buckle, or contract into wrinkles. 4. (Porcelain.) A large drying-stove used in a house where biscuit-ware dipped in glaze is dried preparatory to firing. Cockle and garlic separator. Cock′le and Gar′lic Sep′a-rator. A machine for separating from wheat or other grain the seeds of cockle and the corms of the wild garlic, which is such a nuisance in some portions of the Atlantic slope. In the example, the hopper has a small adjustable outlet through which the grain falls on to the perforated cylinder and is carried round and swept on the board by the revolving brush. The cockle drops through the perforations into the cylinder, and is carried round till it is discharged at the end into a
r a, and the point of attachment of the pitman to the beam bears such relation to that of the piston-rod as will correspond to the relation between the stroke of the piston and the throw of the crank. b is the radius-bar of the parallel motion which secures verticality to the piston-rod. Grass′ing. The exposure of steeped flax-straw on the grass, where it is spread evenly and frequently turned to wash out the mucilage and loosen the shives and boon. Then follows breaking. Grass-seed Sep′a-rator. A form of sifter by which grass-seed is rid of larger and smaller matters, either grains or weed seeds, as the case may be. It may have several sieves, with wire-cloth of varying fineness, the more open to allow the grass-seed to pass and remove larger matters, and sieves with closer meshes to hold the grass-seed and allow certain small weed-seeds and dust to pass. Grate. 1. A grated box or basket, or a box with a series of bars for a floor, in which fuel is burned. The o
ber in which the operations described in the preceding article may be performed. See Hudson's patent, January 2, 1866. Sep′a-rating-sieve. A compound sieve used in powder-mills for sorting the grains according to their different sizes. SepSep′a-rating-weir. A weir of masonry so contrived as to allow the waters to flow away during floods, but having an intercepting channel along the face of the weir to collect the water in medium stages. Sep′a-rator. 1. (Husbandry.) a. A machiSep′a-rator. 1. (Husbandry.) a. A machine for thrashing grain in the straw. See thrashing-machine. b. A machine for clearing grain from foul,—dust, seeds, and chaff. See fanning-mill, page 825; winnowing-machine; grain-screen, page 1007. 2. (Metallurgy.) a. A large pan set bel and the wool dried. Sepa-ra-to′ri-um. (Surgical.) An instrument for separating the pericranium from the skull. Sep′a-ra-to-ry Fun′nel. A vessel of globular or spindle shape, having a narrow mouth, closed by a stopper, and t
Emilio, Luis F., History of the Fifty-Fourth Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry , 1863-1865, Roster of the Fifty-Fourth Massachusetts Infantry. (search)
spital Steward 2d U. S. Sharpshooters Nov. 61. Sep 63 Actg Chief Medical Officer 1st Div. Dept. S, Tenn. Stevens, Edward Lewis; 1st Lieut. 30 Sep 42 Boston; single; clerk; Brighton. 2d Lt 31 Jass. Rogers, Frederick Eugene; 2nd Lieut. 16 Sep 45 Chelsea; single; clerk; Chelsea. 2d Lt 4 Fe Demmings, Owen 21,— —Vermont. 21 Dec 63; 19 Sep 65 New York.— Dixson, Henry A. 21, mar.; masartin 18, sin.; waiter; Taunton. 10 Oct 63; 12 Sep 65 Boston. $50. G. A. R. Post 50, Chicago. mar.; hair dresser; Greenfield. 23 Oct. 63; 21 Sep 65 Boston. $325. Johnson, Nathaniel H. 24, ma, sin.; farmer; Spencer, N. Y. 8 Apl 63; died 1 Sep 64 Morris Id. S. C. of disease. $50. Freeman,ill 26, mar.; farmer; Jackson, La. 9 Apl 63; 30 Sep 65 Boston. Wounded and pris. 30 Nov 64 Honey , sin.; shoemaker; So. Scituate. 10 Dec 63; 15 Sep 65 New York. $325. Lee, Joseph 21, sin.; farm 64; 15 May 65. $170. Wheatland, Simeon J. 2 Sep 64; 15 May 65. $169 33. Died. Bennett, [100 more...
Chap. XXIII.} in two rows; behind them were three hundred of the 1711. people, engaged in festive dances. Yet mercy was mingled with severity; and, if no reprieve was granted to Lawson, yet Graffenried, as the great chieftain of the Palatines, on pledging his people to neutrality, and promising to occupy no land without the consent of the tribe, was suffered, after a captivity of five weeks, to return through the woods on foot. He returned to desolated settlements. On the twenty-second of Sep- Sept. 22. tember, small bands of the Tuscaroras and Corees, Martin. Wiliamson Spotswood, Mss. acting in concert, approached the scattered cabins along the Roanoke and Pamlico Sound. As night came on, a whoop from a warrior called his fierce associates from the woods, to commence the indiscriminate carnage. The wretched Palatines, now tenants of the wilderness, encountered a foe more savage than Louvois and the hated Louis XIV. At Bath, the Huguenot refugees, and the planters in their ne
slature, and of the king's power in matters of their privilege. The details of the colonial administration belonged to Halifax. No sooner was the ministry definitively established, than Grenville, as the head of the treasury, proceeded to redeem the promise made to the House of Commons of an American revenue. The revenue from the customs in America could by no means produce a sufficient fund to meet the expenses of its military establishment. On the morning of the twenty-second day of Sep- chap. VIII.} 1763. Sept. tember, three lords of the treasury, George Grenville, Lord North, and one Hunter who completed the number requisite for the transaction of business, held a board in the room set apart for their use in Downingstreet, and, without any hesitancy or discussion, they adopted a minute directing Jenkinson, the First Secretary of the Treasury, to write to the Commissioners of the Stamp Duties to prepare the draft of a bill to be presented to parliament for extending the st
But on the twentieth 20. Cornwallis arrived at Petersburg; and, to free his camp of one whom he despised, he ordered Arnold back to New York. Clinton had little reason to be satisfied with an Sept. officer who had represented to the ministry that he might have taken the American posts in the Highlands in a few days by a regular attack. Nevertheless he detached him once more, and this time against his native state. Crossing from Long Island, the troops under his command, on the sixth of Sep- 6. tember, landed on each side of New London. The town, which offered little resistance, was plundered and burned. After a gallant defence of forty minutes by Colonel Ledyard, with about one hundred and fifty ill-armed militia-men, Fort Griswold was carried by storm, the Americans having lost not more than six men. When Ledyard had surrendered, the British Chap. XXV.} 1781. officer in command ran him through with his sword, and refused quarter to the garrison. Seventy-three of them wer
Chapter 29: Peace between the United States and Great Britain. 1782. de Grasse, as he passed through London on Chap. XXIX.} 1782. parole, brought from Shelburne to Vergennes suggestions, which left Spain as the only obstacle in the way of peace. To conciliate that power, Jay was invited to Versailles, where, on the fourth of Sep- Sept. 4. tember, Rayneval sought to persuade him to resign for his country all pretensions to the eastern valley of the Mississippi, and with it the right to the navigation of that stream. Jay was inflexible. On the sixth, Rayneval sent him a paper containing a long 6. argument against the pretensions of America to touch the Mississippi, or the great lakes; and on the next morning, after an interview with the Spanish ambas- 7. sador, he set off for England, to establish a good understanding with Shelburne. On the ninth, the departure of Rayneval came to 9. the knowledge of Jay. On the tenth, a translation 10. of an intercepted despatc
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