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. Seward's room, on the pretext of being a messenger from the physician with a packet of medicine to deliver. The servant at the door tried to prevent him from going up-stairs; the Secretary's son, Frederick W. Seward, hearing the noise, stepped out into the hall to check the intruders. Payne rushed upon him with a pistol which missed fire, then rained blows with it upon his head, and, grappling and struggling, the two came to the Secretary's room and fell together through the door. Frederick Seward soon became unconscious, and remained so for several weeks, being, perhaps, the last man in the civilized world to learn the strange story of the night. The Secretary's daughter and a soldier nurse were in the room. Payne struck them right and left, wounding the nurse with his knife, and then, rushing to the bed, began striking at the throat of the crippled statesman, inflicting three terrible wounds on his neck and cheek. The nurse recovered himself and seized the assassin from behi
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 11: the Montgomery Convention.--treason of General Twiggs.--Lincoln and Buchanan at the Capital. (search)
rderer of Louis Napoleon, were to kill Mr. Lincoln whilst passing through the streets in a carriage. General Scott and Mr. Seward were so well satisfied that such a plot was arranged, that they sent a special messenger to meet the President elect, aimore), I should feel safe, and go on. When I was making my way back to my room, through crowds of people, I met Frederick Seward. We went together to my room, when he told me that he had been sent, at the instance of his father and General Scothburne, member of Congress from Illinois, who was expecting him. He was taken in a carriage to Willard's Hotel, where Senator Seward was in waiting to receive him. Mrs. Lincoln had joined him at Philadelphia, on the 22d, and she, Mr. Sumner, and othens of the Free-labor States would have escorted the President elect to the Capital. At an early hour, accompanied by Mr. Seward, Mr. Lincoln called on President Buchanan. The latter could scarcely believe the testimony of his own eyes. He gave h
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 5: military and naval operations on the coast of South Carolina.--military operations on the line of the Potomac River. (search)
few hours, he directed me to seek Mr. W. H. Seward, to whom he wrote a few lines, which he handed me. It was already ten o'clock, and when I reached Mr. Seward's house he had left: I followed him to the Capitol, but did hot succeed in finding him until after 12 M. I handed him the General's note; he listened attentively to what I said, and asked me to write down my information and suggestions, and then, taking the paper I had written, he hastily left. The note I wrote was what Mr. Frederick Seward carried to Mr. Lincoln in Philadelphia. Mr. Lincoln has stated that it was this note which induced him to change his journey as he did. The stories of disguise are all nonsense; Mr. Lincoln merely took the sleeping-car in the night train. I know nothing of any connection of Mr. Pinkerton with the matter. The letter from which the above extract is made was sent to me by General Stone, in reply to an inquiry of mine, made in consequence of having seen an article in a newspaper whi
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Lincoln, Abraham 1809- (search)
, and I resolved to do so. I could not believe that there was a plot to murder me. I made arrangements, however, with Mr. Judd for my return to Philadelphia the next night, if I should be convinced that there was danger in going through Baltimore. I told him that if I should meet at Harrisburg, as I had at other places, a delegation to go with me to the next place (then Baltimore), I should feel safe and go on. When I was making my way back to my room, through crowds of people, I met Frederick Seward. We went together to my room, when he told me that he had been sent, at the instance of his father and General Scott, to inform me that their detectives in Baltimore had discovered a plot there to assassinate me. They knew nothing of Pinkerton's movements. I now believed such a plot to be in existence. The next morning I raised the flag over Independence Hall, and then went on to Harrisburg with Mr. Sumner, Major (now General) Hunter, Mr. Judd, Mr. Lamon, and others. There I met the
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Seward, William Henry 1801-1872 (search)
of his thoughts. But we may be sure that if Mr. Seward had completed his record of his life, we shoers. For more than thirty years of his life Mr. Seward was a power in the land, active, formative, e the most important, determine his career. Mr. Seward's reflection was, indeed, brought to his mintion. When the Southerner had taken his seat, Seward rose, but did not reply; he walked quietly andaceful contrivance, or killing them. Now in Mr. Seward's case the slave-holders could not do the fi friend and for many years a fast ally, that Mr. Seward saw the crown of his life petulantly snatche. Weed doubtless saw that he meant mischief; Mr. Seward probably did not give that view of the mattesense of wrong. But it bred no bitterness in Seward's soul. Erelong it was known that he had accesh political censors never tired of accusing Mr. Seward of a sort of bad faith in the Trent affair. ssioners before they had been asked for. But Mr. Seward knew that, in the state of feeling among his[22 more...]
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Ship-building. (search)
tention. In August, 1861, Lord Lyons wrote to Secretary Seward that he had been instructed to represent to of the limit stipulated in the agreement of 1817. Mr. Seward replied, giving the exact tonnage and armament of House of Representatives, Lord Lyons wrote to Secretary Seward that Great Britain would view the abrogation oher own selfpreservation. On Oct. 24, 1864, Secretary Seward, acting under instructions from the President,ed by Congress. Approved, Feb. 9, 1865. Secretary Seward, Senator Sumner, both Houses of Congress, and our northern border ceased. On March 8, 1865, Secretary Seward wrote to Mr. Adams: You may say to Lord Russelmal withdrawal of the notice of Nov. 23, 1864. Secretary Seward replied in writing to these inquiries the nextexplains that Great Britain could not question Secretary Seward's power to make such a withdrawal. To sustaingood statesmanship, and sound policy. Whether Secretary Seward's action in committing his government to the r
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Simmons, Franklin 1842- (search)
hat time, few examples in New England. On leaving college, having made some portrait-busts with success, he decided to devote himself to sculpture. The Civil War then burst upon the country, and Mr. Simmons sought the field of operations, not as a soldier, but as a commemorator of the leading soldiers and statesmen of the day. During several years spent in Philadelphia and Washington, some thirty generals and statesmen sat to him for their busts, among them Lincoln, Grant, Sheridan, Meade, Seward, and Chase, which gave great satisfaction. Having received a commission from the State of Rhode Island to make a statue of Roger Williams for the Capitol at Washington, he went to Rome, where he has since resided. He has also made for the national Capitol a statue of William King, of Maine, and a G. A. R. monument of General Grant, and for the Iowa Circle in Washington an equestrian monument of General Logan. His other works include a second statue of Williams for the city of Providence
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Slavery. (search)
rrying the flag of either nation. This convention was signed by Richard Rush for the United States, and by W. Huskisson and Sir Stratford Canning for Great Britain. On March 6, 1857, Roger B. Taney, chief-justice of the United States, and a majority of his associates in the Supreme Court, uttered an extra-judicial opinion, that any person who had been a slave, or was a descendant of a slave, could not enjoy the rights of citizenship in the United States. Five years afterwards (1862) Secretary Seward issued a passport to a man who had been a slave to travel abroad as a citizen of the United States. Six years later still (July 20, 1868) the national Constitution was so amended that all persons, of whatever race or color, born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. By the same amendment every civil right was given to every such person. And by a subsequent amendment (1869)
President, saying: Well, Mr. Lincoln, what is your own judgment upon this matter? I have thought over this matter considerably since I went over the ground with Mr. Pinkerton last night, answered Mr. Lincoln, and the appearance of Mr. Frederick Seward, with warning from another source, confirms my belief in Mr. Pinkerton's statement; therefore, unless there are some other reasons than a fear of ridicule, I am disposed to carry out Mr. Judd's plan. Judge Davis turned to the others, anquiringly at me, and was about to resent my interference, when Mr. Lincoln interposed: That is Mr. Pinkerton, and everything is all right. Thus satisfied, Mr. Washburne quickly led the way to a carriage in waiting outside, where we met Mr. Seward, who warmly greeted the President, and then the party were rapidly driven down Pennsylvania Avenue to Willard's Hotel — I following closely behind them with my men, in another vehicle. On his arrival at the hotel Mr. Lincoln was warmly gree
ded by his numerous suite, was cordially received by President Lincoln, and after shaking hands they had a familiar chat, Other Ministers were then presented by Mr. Seward. The diplomatic corps was followed by the Justices of the Supreme Court, the officers of the army, headed by Gen. McDowell, and the officers of the navy, hent at the Diplomatic presentation, the members of the Cabinet repaired to their houses, where they in turn received their friends. The Diplomats all called on Mr. Seward, whose daughter-in-law, Mrs Frederick Seward, did the honors. Mr. Cameren and the ladies of his family received calls from all the officers and many citizens. Mrs Frederick Seward, did the honors. Mr. Cameren and the ladies of his family received calls from all the officers and many citizens. Mayor Wallack kept "open house" at his residence on Louisiana avenue, and his predecessor; Col. Berrett, was among the first who partook of his hospitalities. The police in their becoming new uniforms, paid the Mayor a visit, and were reviewed by him at 9 o'clock. The President was gratified to learn, at the commencemen