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im from his functions for a while, and to put Sherman, who it was hoped would prove more supple, in his place. Sherman had said and written things which the President construed into an approval of his policy. So Grant was directed to order Sherman to Washington, but was not informed of the reasg positively the duty assigned him. Meanwhile Sherman had arrived. Grant had written to him to comisobey the order and stand the consequences. Sherman then paid his visit to the President. He was in the absence of the General-in-chief. But Sherman assured the President that Grant would not goe country was full of rumors of the object of Sherman's visit; if the real purpose was abandoned itontrive some excuse for sending for him. This Sherman's own suggestion afforded. In a day or two Gmanding. As the vessel left New York harbor, Sherman turned to Alden and said: My mission is alreat the Knights have spotted you, Sheridan, and Sherman. I have written them to be careful. My warn[3 more...]
esses and to show that he was striving to make amends. For this stubborn, silent soldier was as considerate for the sensitiveness of a friend as ever he was anxious for the welfare of the State or for victory over a rebellious enemy. General Sherman to General Badeau. headquarters Army of the United States, Washington, D. C., Feb. 12, 1882. dear Badeau,—. . . I rather like the idea of your preparing a History of Reconstruction; only it seems to me that it will be a tight squeeze to e of the size of Scribner. It will be better to collect the materials and allow the size to result from them. Reconstruction was a corollary of the war, and forms a continuation of the subject-matter of your past work, and it so happens that your Hero in war was Leader in the Reconstruction. So I see no reason why it should not form a fourth volume. Extract from letter in fac simile, page 589. In whatever you may undertake you have my best wishes. Truly your friend, W. T. Sherman
iled. He not only had no ambition for additional power, he even yet shrank from assuming an attitude of avowed or public antagonism to the President. He disliked both the appearance of this before the people, and the reality, however disguised; but he submitted to what seemed under the circumstances unavoidable. If I had any power of reading his feelings, the position into which he was thrust was not only unacceptable to him, but positively painful; yet he would not shirk it. He wrote to Sherman at this time: In this particular there is little difference between parties. No matter how close I keep my tongue each tries to interpret from the little I let drop that I am with them. I wish our political troubles were ended on any basis. I want to turn over the command of the Army to you for a year or so, and go abroad myself. But to leave now would look like throwing up a command in the face of the enemy. What he did with the Republicans at this time was not for them as a po
s enthusiastic when he described the energy and ability, the promptness and persistency of his subordinate. Grant indeed always became eloquent when he talked of Sherman or Sheridan. His tongue was loosened then, however taciturn at other times. His face was flushed with generous ardor, his eye gleamed, and he even gesticulated ing that long and dreary autumn of 1864. No success had cheered us at the East for months. Lee still held off Grant in front of Richmond, and Hood had compelled Sherman to retrace his steps from Atlanta; political hostility at the rear made the situation at the front seem darker even than the reality, and the first gleams of lighhe encouragement they gave to Grant were the germ of one of the most beautiful friendships in history. From that time he relied on Sheridan as completely as on Sherman. The final movement against Petersburg had no success for several days. More than one of those whose judgment Grant often heeded advised him to return. He hims
to share this feeling; his personal triumph was concerned in his restoration; but this to Grant was a less important consideration than the public interest. General Sherman was in Washington at this time, and at Grant's request he went on Monday to the President to urge him to nominate a Secretary who would be acceptable to the St so outspoken in his hostility to the President as many of his party. Grant thought that this selection might bridge over the difficulty. He urged this task on Sherman because the President had always seemed to suppose that Sherman was more in accord with his views than Grant. The Hon. Reverdy Johnson also saw the President andSherman was more in accord with his views than Grant. The Hon. Reverdy Johnson also saw the President and recommended the same course; but the President did not accept the suggestion. Thus Saturday, Sunday, Monday passed. It was late on Monday, the 13th of January, when the Senate resolved that the causes for removing Stanton were insufficient. Grant attended a levee of the President that night, but had only formal and unofficial
receiving you cannot know as well as I. But Sherman was not to be outdone in magnanimity, and rep in self-confidence he was often impressed by Sherman's splendid qualities till he forgot the weighbetter than if they had been counterparts. Sherman arrived triumphant at Savannah, and then the in one harsh burst of passion forgot all that Sherman had done, and pronounced him a traitor, Grant was as deeply wounded almost as Sherman. I met him with this news in North Carolina, as he was reay, what the President and Stanton thought of Sherman's terms, and he disapproved those terms as fu the word—After four years of such service as Sherman has done—that he should be used like this! Ond. But now came another serious trouble. Sherman was not appeased. He could not forgive the is still too critical for men like Stanton and Sherman to be at odds without creating anxiety. Sher afterward, with Grant's sanction, I wrote to Sherman for permission to use them in my history. Th[35 more...]<
1866, the President ordered Grant to send for Sherman who was at St. Louis, but he did not inform two days before the Senate decided, Grant told Sherman that he would not retain the office of Secreted that he wanted Sherman in Washington, but Sherman as often declined to remain; and Johnson did in command of the army instead of Grant, but Sherman instantly telegraphed to his brother in the Sound, and the devices of Johnson were such as Sherman never could have indorsed. There were, indeefamous interview with the President, at which Sherman had been present, in order to counterbalance to give you the opportunity of consulting General Sherman as to what action to take upon them. In interested I would not hesitate to advise General Sherman how I would act in his place. But in thid further. Doubtless, too, he suspected that Sherman would not prove very serviceable, if forced sf February, therefore, the President informed Sherman that he would not be ordered to Washington. [43 more...]
as ever. The other circumstance relates to Sherman. Many of Grant's friends thought that an expression of sympathy from Sherman, the utterance of a wish for Grant's success, would have great weight with Sherman's old soldiers, as it certainly would have had; but Sherman was determined to keepSherman was determined to keep himself entirely out of practical politics. He had sympathized with those who held that the South. But it never affected Grant. He respected Sherman's individuality; he thought Sherman had a rigSherman had a right to his own views; he was sure of Sherman's friendship; and Sherman's reticence in no way lesseneSherman's friendship; and Sherman's reticence in no way lessened Grant's confidence. Yet I believe that Grant was anxious for the utterance which Sherman withhelSherman's reticence in no way lessened Grant's confidence. Yet I believe that Grant was anxious for the utterance which Sherman withheld, both as a matter of feeling and because he knew the weight it would carry. He was disappointed Sherman withheld, both as a matter of feeling and because he knew the weight it would carry. He was disappointed when the expression did not come; but I heard him defend Sherman for not giving it. Their friendshiSherman for not giving it. Their friendship stood this test also. During the political campaign Grant went about the country very little.
d by his family and three staff officers, of whom I was one. There had been threats of assassination, and I had opened several letters that contained warnings of this danger, but Grant took no precautions and made no change in his plans, though his route was known in advance. The aides-de-camp were armed, but this was without his knowledge. Twice when I had been traveling with Grant attempts were made to take his life. In North Carolina, on his return from the surrender of Johnston to Sherman, the train on which he was journeying was thrown from the rails under circumstances that left little doubt of the design. There was no one in the single car but the Union General-in-Chief and his party of two or three officers, and if some bitter and disappointed spirit out of all the millions at the South had taken this method to avenge the lost cause, it would hardly have been extraordinary, and certainly not unprecedented. At another time, soon after the war, Grant was passing through
A. M. and 3 P. M. at the Executive Mansion. U. S. G. The meeting took place in the Cabinet room, and Chase presented the Bible, expressing a hope that its contents might enable Grant to fill his high office worthily. The Chief-Justice must have required a full share of Christian sentiment to enable him to perform his task. Immediately afterward Grant received his staff for the last time, and announced the disposition to be made of them. Three were nominally placed on the staff of Sherman, who succeeded Grant as General-in-Chief, but they were in reality to be on duty at the Executive Mansion. Horace Porter was to act as private secretary, with Babcock to assist him; Comstock had some nominal duties from which he soon requested to be relieved, and ordered to duty as engineer; Dent remained as aide-de-camp with ceremonial functions, and Parker was shortly afterward appointed Commissioner of Indian Affairs. I was assigned a room at the Executive Mansion, where I was to finis