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General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 1: the Ante-bellum life of the author. (search)
were of the same class (1840). The class of 1841 had the largest list of officers killed in action. Irons, Ayers, Ernst, Gantt, Morris, and Burbank were killed in the Mexican War. N. Lyon, R. S. Garnett, J. F. Reynolds, R. B. Garnett, A. W. Whipple, J. M. Jones, I. B. Richardson, and J. P. Garesche fell on the fields of the late war. Of the class of 1842 few were killed in action, but several rose to distinguished positions,--Newton, Eustis, Rosecrans, Lovell, Van Dorn, Pope, Sykes, G. W. Smith, M. L. Smith, R. H. Anderson, L. McLaws, D. H. Hill, A. P. Stewart, B. S. Alexander, N. J. T. Dana, and others. But the class next after us (1843) was destined to furnish the man who was to eclipse all,--to rise to the rank of general, an office made by Congress to honor his services; who became President of the United States, and for a second term; who received the salutations of all the powers of the world in his travels as a private citizen around the earth; of noble, generous hear
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 4: the Confederates hovering around Washington. (search)
4: the Confederates hovering around Washington. An Early War time amenity the Author invited to dine with the enemy stove-pipe batteries J. E. B. Stuart, the famous cavalryman his bold dash on the Federals at Lewinsville Major-General G. W. Smith associated with Johnston and Beauregard in a Council Longstreet promoted Major-General fierce struggle at Ball's Bluff Dranesville a success for the Union arms McClellan given the sobriquet of the young Napoleon. After General Mcsurprise him, and by a bold dash drove him off in confusion, with some loss. We had a number of small affairs which served to season the troops and teach the importance of discipline and vigilance. It was while at Falls Church that Major-General G. W. Smith reported for duty with the Army of Northern Virginia, and was associated with General Johnston and General Beauregard, the three forming a council for the general direction of the operations of the army. General McClellan had by this t
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 5: Round about Richmond. (search)
urg. Generals Ewell and Early crossed by the railroad bridge and took positions near it. General G. W. Smith's division and mine marched by the turnpike to near Culpeper Court-House. General Stuart, troops on the Rappahannock at Fredericksburg. About the 1st of April, Generals Johnston and G. W. Smith were called to Richmond for conference with the War Department, leaving me in command. On thto Richmond. He was invited to meet the President to discuss military affairs, and asked General G. W. Smith and myself to go with him. The Secretary of War and General R. E. Lee were with the Presi of Johnston's army, and after a few days by the balance of Johnston's army, the divisions of G. W. Smith, D. H. Hill, and Longstreet, with Stuart's cavalry, General Johnston in command. General favor of Norfolk, giving that garrison time to withdraw its army supplies. The divisions of G. W. Smith and D. H. Hill were ordered by the Yorktown and Williamsburg road, Magruder's and Longstreet'
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 6: the battle of Williamsburg. (search)
b by McClellan Johnston pays high tribute to Longstreet. Before quitting his trenches at Yorktown, Johnston anticipated a move of part of McClellan's army by transports to the head of York River, to cut his line of march towards Richmond, and conceived it important to have a strong force at that point in time to meet and check the move. To that end he ordered Magruder to march at two A. M. on the 5th of May with D. R. Jones's and McLaws's divisions, to be followed by the divisions of G. W. Smith and D. H. Hill; Longstreet's division to cover the movement of his trains and defend Stuart's cavalry in case of severe pressure. Late in the afternoon of the 4th I was ordered to send a brigade to the redoubts to relieve McLaws's division. The brigades being small, I sent two, R. H. Anderson's and Pryor's, with Macon's battery, under Lieutenant Clopton, two guns under Captain Garrett, and two under Captain McCarthy, to report to General Anderson, the senior brigadier. At the time it w
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 7: Seven Pines, or Fair Oaks. (search)
White Oak Swamp; the left under G. W. Smith. Smith's division and Magruder's command from White Od. The fighting column was to be under General G. W. Smith, his next in rank, and General Whiting Following the report of this information, General Smith proposed that the plan for battle should bver Dam Creek, so seriously objected to by General Smith, could be turned by marching to and along ayous. The order to halt the columns found Smith's division between the Mechanicsville and Mea well to explain that General Johnston ordered Smith's division by the Gaines road, so that, in casorthern Virginia, May 30, 9.15 P. M. Major-General G. W. Smith: General-- Rebellion Record, vol. epulsed as before. Confederate War Papers, G. W. Smith. It seems that at that moment General Sumne The command devolved temporarily upon General G. W. Smith. General Johnston was skilled in the arnd2000 Union force against General Smith8080 Smith's division, five brigades10,500 But Hood's br[24 more...]
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 8: Sequels of Seven Pines. (search)
ont facing the enemy's third intrenched line. Smith's part of the field was open and fine for arti of the Fourth Corps. So the plan to wheel on Smith's right as a pivot, my right stepping out on tThe musketry firing in advance is tremendous. Smith's War Papers. General Smith had parties postedGeneral Smith had parties posted along the heights of the Chickahominy in close observation of the movements of the enemy's forces place the enemy wanted; he could not know that Smith wouldn't shoot. Under this long and severe inonduct until it reached a point of quiet. General Smith was informed that the brigade called for b Before General McLaws found me, I wrote General Smith,-- Can you reinforce me The entire enein the heavy forest and swamp tangles. General Smith has written a great deal about the battle fore assistance could have reached us. General Smith lay in wait three hours after the enemy's us work. If the battle had opened at sunrise, Smith would have made the same wait, and Sumner's ma[13 more...]
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 27: Gettysburg-Second day. (search)
divisions of the Third Corps under Generals Humphreys and Birney, from right to left, with orders for supports of the flanks by divisions of the Second and Fifth Corps. The ground on the left of Birney's division was so broken and obstructed by boulders that his left was dropped off to the rear, forming a broken line. In rear of the enemy, and between his lines and Little Round Top, was a very rough elevation of eighty feet formed by upheavals that left open passage deep down Devil's Den. Smith's battery was on Birney's left, Winslow's between the right and next brigade. Other batteries in position were Clark's, Ames's, Randolph's, Seeley's, and Turnbull's. As McLaws's division came up on line, Barksdale's brigade was in front of a battery about six hundred yards off. He appealed for permission to charge and capture it, but was told to wait. On his right was Kershaw's brigade, the brigades of Semmes and Wofford on the second line. Hood's division was in two lines,--Law's an
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 36: strategic importance of the field. (search)
now during the lull in war they would have ample time to assign some one to whom they could give their confidence and aid. But this did not suit them, and the course of affairs prejudicial to order and discipline was continued. It was difficult under the circumstances to find apology for remaining in service. The President asked Congress to provide for another general officer when he had five on his rolls,--one of whom was not in command appropriate to his rank,--and appointed Lieutenant-General Smith, of the Trans-Mississippi Department, of lower rank than mine, to hold rank above me. A soldier's honor is his all, and of that they would rob him and degrade him in the eyes of his troops. The occasion seemed to demand resignation, but that would have been unsoldierly conduct. Dispassionate judgment suggested, as the proper rounding of the soldier's life, to stay and go down with faithful comrades of long and arduous service. On the other side of the picture affairs were bri