Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: September 23, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for John O. Steger or search for John O. Steger in all documents.

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Election of a city Delegate. --In pursuance of the proclamation of the Governor, polls were yesterday opened in the various wards for the election of a member of the House of Delegates to supply the vacancy created by the resignation of John O. Steger, Esq. The vote was ridiculously small. Save a few scattering ones all were cast for Col. Thomas B. Bigger, our late worthy and efficient Postmaster, who was at sundown declared elected as Mr. Steger's successor. Election of a city Delegate. --In pursuance of the proclamation of the Governor, polls were yesterday opened in the various wards for the election of a member of the House of Delegates to supply the vacancy created by the resignation of John O. Steger, Esq. The vote was ridiculously small. Save a few scattering ones all were cast for Col. Thomas B. Bigger, our late worthy and efficient Postmaster, who was at sundown declared elected as Mr. Steger's successor.