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Charles E. Stowe, Harriet Beecher Stowe compiled from her letters and journals by her son Charles Edward Stowe 492 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, The new world and the new book 12 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: July 13, 1861., [Electronic resource] 3 1 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: Introduction., Volume 1. (ed. Frank Moore) 2 2 Browse Search
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 4 2 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Olde Cambridge 1 1 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Charles E. Stowe, Harriet Beecher Stowe compiled from her letters and journals by her son Charles Edward Stowe. You can also browse the collection for H. B. Stowe or search for H. B. Stowe in all documents.

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persevere to the end; for though everything else be against us, Christ is certainly on our side and He must at last prevail, and it will be done, not by might, nor by power, but by His Spirit. Yours in Christian sincerity, H. B. Stowe. Mrs. Stowe also received a letter from Arthur Helps Author of Spanish Conquest in America.--Ed. accompanying a review of her work written by himself and published in Fraser's magazine. In his letter Mr. Helps took exception to the comparison instituted in Uncle Tom's Cabin between the working-classes of England and the slaves of America. In her answer to this criticism and complaint Mrs. Stowe says:-- Mr. Arthur Helps: My dear Sir,--I cannot but say I am greatly obliged to you for the kind opinions expressed in your letter. On one point, however, it appears that my book has not faithfully represented to you the feelings of my heart. I mean in relation to the English nation as a nation. You will notice that the remarks on that subject
n after the publication of Uncle Tom's Cabin Mrs. Stowe visited her brother Henry in Brooklyn, and w, taking the old colored man with him to it, Mrs. Stowe's brother made such an eloquent and touchingsold. Mr. Howard said he regretted that, on Mrs. Stowe's account, as she was very desirous of hearinny Goldschmidt, nee Lind. In answer to Mrs. Stowe's appeal on behalf of the Edmonsons, Jenny Ln friendship, Jenny Goldschmidt. While Mrs. Stowe was thus absent from home, her husband receieminary. as the Seminary gymnasium. Beneath Mrs. Stowe's watchful care and by the judicious expendiumerable philanthropic undertakings in which Mrs. Stowe and her scholarly husband were the prime mover than the Cabin. In regard to this Key Mrs. Stowe also wrote to the Duchess of Sutherland upone Anti-Slavery Society of Glasgow, Scotland, Mrs. Stowe, accompanied by her husband and her brother,and the Great National Standard. In 1853 Professor Stowe writes: The drama of Uncle Tom has[14 more...]
Aberdeen. Dundee and Birmingham. Joseph Sturge. Elihu Burritt. London. the Lord Mayor's dinner. Charles Dickens and his wife. The journey undertaken by Mrs. Stowe with her husband and brother through England and Scotland, and afterwards with her brother alone over much of the Continent, was one of unusual interest. No one was more surprised than Mrs. Stowe herself by the demonstrations of respect and affection that everywere greeted her. Fortunately an unbroken record of this memorable journey, in Mrs. Stowe's own words, has been preserved, and we are thus able to receive her own impressions of what she saw, heard, and did, under circumstancesMrs. Stowe's own words, has been preserved, and we are thus able to receive her own impressions of what she saw, heard, and did, under circumstances that were at once pleasant, novel, and embarrassing. Beginning with her voyage, she writes as follows:-- Liverpool, April 11, 1853. My dear children,--You wish, first of all, to hear of the voyage. Let me assure you, my dears, in the very commencement of the matter, that going to sea is not at all the thing that we have tak
occasion the Duchess of Sutherland presented Mrs. Stowe with a superb gold bracelet, made in the foritory. Years after its presentation to her, Mrs. Stowe was able to have engraved on the clasp of thtes). Continuing her interesting journal, Mrs. Stowe writes, May 9th:-- Dear E.,--This lettee Times has informed the United Kingdom that Mrs. Stowe is getting a new dress made! It wants to know if Mrs. Stowe is aware what sort of a place her dress is being made in; and there is a letter frohan the plantation slaves of America! Now Mrs. Stowe did not know anything of this, but simply ga her noble face all full of feeling. Oh, Mrs. Stowe, I have been reading that last chapter in thillon, of which, in describing the dungeons, Mrs. Stowe writes:-- One of the pillars in this vas toward the end of August, from which place Mrs. Stowe writes :-- I am seated in a snug littlengaged on the Collins steamer Arctic. In it Mrs. Stowe writes:-- London, August 28. Our last le
n the autumn of 1853 from her European tour, Mrs. Stowe threw herself heart and soul into the great d her adequately to express while with them, Mrs. Stowe wrote the following open letter:-- To theerica now do her duty. At this same time Mrs. Stowe found herself engaged in an active corresponhath his quarrel just. In answer to this Mrs. Stowe writes:-- I did not reply to your lettebor differed, and to present an idea of what Mrs. Stowe was doing for the cause of freedom besides w Although the demand was very great upon Mrs. Stowe for magazine and newspaper articles, many ofet of flame. What particularly impressed Mrs. Stowe's daughters at the time was their mother's prote from the senate chamber:-- My dear Mrs. Stowe,--I am rejoiced to learn, from your excellentory of slavery, in the early summer of 1856 Mrs. Stowe decided to visit Europe again, in search of l utterance. Yours truly, Georgiana. Mrs. Stowe was accompanied on this second trip to Europ[2 more...]
g England, about the middle of August, 1856, Mrs. Stowe and her husband spent some days in London coon of Dred published by Sampson Low & Co. Professor Stowe's duties in America being very pressing, wife, H. B. Stowe. After leaving York, Mrs. Stowe and her party spent a day or two at Carlton y of Warwick and Oxford, and of this journey Mrs. Stowe writes as follows to her son Henry-- Thhere of red Dreds. Upon reaching London Mrs. Stowe found the following note from Lady Byron awa:-- Oxford House, October 15, 1856. Dear Mrs. Stowe,--The newspapers represent you as returning s, H. B. S. Having dispatched this note, Mrs. Stowe wrote to her husband concerning their surrous a visit in the family of Charles Kingsley, Mrs. Stowe and her party crossed the Channel and settlele in his speech, and whose inquiry, Is this Mrs. Stowe? was our first positive introduction. Usheeeable people. Under date of January 25, Mrs. Stowe writes from Paris- Here is a story for
nd their subsequent trials in reaching Rome, Mrs. Stowe writes as follows-- About eleven o'clocontained in a letter written at this time by Mrs. Stowe to her daughters in Paris. After describingng this pleasant journey to a close, and for Mrs. Stowe at least it was imperative that she return t Hooker, awaiting them. Under date of May 3 Mrs. Stowe writes from Paris to her husband: Herers in a Protestant boarding-school in Paris, Mrs. Stowe proceeded to London. While there she receiviet Martineau:-- Ambleside, June 1. Dear Mrs. Stowe,--I have been at my wits' end to learn how tely yours, Harriet Martineau. In London Mrs. Stowe also received the following letter from Presing. Pepperell, October 4, 1856. My Dear Mrs. Stowe,--I am much obliged to you for the copy of Dit. With sincere regard, believe me, dear Mrs. Stowe, Very truly yours, Wm. H. Prescott. ol, on the eve of her departure for America, Mrs. Stowe wrote to her daughters in Paris:-- I spen[1 more...]
Charles E. Stowe, Harriet Beecher Stowe compiled from her letters and journals by her son Charles Edward Stowe, Chapter 14: the minister's wooing, 1857-1859. (search)
ister's wooing, 1857-1859. Death of Mrs. Stowe's oldest son. letter to the Duchess of Suthowell on the minister's Wooing. letter to Mrs. Stowe from Mr. Lowell. John Ruskin on the ministe departure for europe. Immediately after Mrs. Stowe's return from England in June, 1857, a crush things can and some things cannot be done. Mr. Stowe said in his sermon last Sunday that the mystich she loved so well. In February, 1874, Mrs. Stowe received the following words from Mr. Whitti-slavery element in the two former novels by Mrs. Stowe stood in the way of a full appreciation of hthen, and we believe now, that the secret of Mrs. Stowe's power lay in that same genius by which them? We hope to see this problem solved by Mrs. Stowe. That kind of romantic interest which Scottady present in the story, there is scope for Mrs. Stowe's humor, pathos, clear moral sense, and quic:-- Cambridge, February 4, 1859. My dear Mrs. Stowe,--I certainly did mean to write you about yo[11 more...]
Charles E. Stowe, Harriet Beecher Stowe compiled from her letters and journals by her son Charles Edward Stowe, Chapter 15: the third trip to Europe, 1859. (search)
Third visit to Europe. Lady Byron on the minister's Wooing. some foreign people and things as they appeared to Professor Stowe. a winter in Italy. things unseen and unrevealed. Speculations concerning spiritualism. John Ruskin. Mrs. Browning. the return to America. letters to Dr. Holmes. Mrs. Stowe's third and last trip to Europe was undertaken in the summer of 1859. In writing to Lady Byron in May of that year, she says: I am at present writing something that interestsf their old friend, Madame Borione, and soon afterwards entered a Protestant school. The rest of the family, including Mrs. Stowe, her husband and youngest daughter, sailed for Liverpool early in August. At about the same time, Fred Stowe, in compa 1861. Dear Doctor,--I was quite indignant to hear yesterday of the very unjust and stupid attack upon you in the--. Mr. Stowe has written to them a remonstrance which I hope they will allow to appear as he wrote it, and over his name. He was w
0-1865. The outbreak of Civil war. Mrs. Stowe's son enlists. Thanksgiving day in Washingtrred field, I have just met with your son, Captain Stowe. If you have not already heard from him, 3 was proving eventful in many other ways to Mrs. Stowe. In the first place, the long and pleasant Andover connection of Professor Stowe was about to be severed, and the family were to remove to Harford, Conn. They were to occupy a house that Mrs. Stowe was building on the bank of Park River. It of oaks that had in her girlhood been one of Mrs. Stowe's favorite resorts. Here, with her friend Gen their Northern home. Thus the only house Mrs. Stowe ever planned and built for herself has been ears before. This story suggested itself to Mrs. Stowe while she was abroad during the winter of 1read them for the amusement of the company. Mrs. Stowe took part in this literary contest, and the Not the least important event of the year to Mrs. Stowe, and the world at large through her instrume
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