er, C. E.,
I., 89, 107; VII., 4, 127, 157; VIII., 147.
Chickahominy, Va.:
I., 278, 284, 285, 286, 287, 296, 313, 314, 315, 316; bridges at, I., 320; lower bridge, I., 321; Woodbury's bridge, I., 321, 330; III., 82, 84, 90; place where Gen. Stuart crossed, IV., 85 seq., 224; bridge over, IV., 227.
Chickahominy River: bridge at, V., 230, 310, 320; VIII., 158.
Chickamauga, Ga.:
I., 128, 132; a Confederate victory, II., 269-288; the bloodiest conflict in the West, II., 272-288; ell's corps, III., 61; lead, III., 63; photographs, III., 169-171; army on the verge of starvation, unsuccessful in obtaining supplies, III., 305, 309, 313; want versus Union abundance, applied to horses, IV., 107; cause, heavy blow to, by Gen. J. F. B. Stuart's death, May 12, 1864, IV., 109; damage caused by, IV., 118, 119; raids in the West, IV., 141 seq.; partisan bands, definition and usefulness of, IV., 168; partisan ranger, a famous character, regarded as a mythical figure by Union army of