Browsing named entities in Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 1.. You can also browse the collection for James Sullivan or search for James Sullivan in all documents.

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al, by Caleb Eddy, 1843: Amory's life of Governor Sullivan, 1859. by Lorin L. Dame, D. S. The cusportation. The plan originated with the Hon. James Sullivan, who was for six years a judge of theg out in bold relief the full significance of Sullivan's scheme. It will be seen that the Merrimac a sufficient justification. Accordingly, James Sullivan, Loammi Baldwin, Jonathan Porter, Samuel Saring date of June 22, 1793, incorporating James Sullivan, Esq., and others, by the name of the Proped on the 11th of October by the choice of James Sullivan as president and Colonel Baldwin and John llerica. The numerous conveyances are all in Sullivan's handwriting. Labor was not easily procur Andrew Craigie, Ebenezer and Dudley Hall, James Sullivan, and John Hancock were stockholders. The effect upon the canal. In the deaths of Governor Sullivan and Colonel Baldwin, in the same year 18r the canal in the passenger-packet, the Governor Sullivan, must have been an enjoyable experience.[2 more...]