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road known to exist from Jacob's Mill to Robertson's Tavern, where he would effect a junction with the Second corps. Major-General Warren was ordered to cross at Germania Ford and take the turnpike to Robertson's Tavern. The Fifth corps, Major-General Sykes, was directed to cross at Culpeper Ford, and taking the plank-road, to continue his march as far as Parker's Store, and if practicable, to the crossing of the road from Robertson's Tavern. A division of cavalry, under Brigadier-General Gr-road. Gregg advanced as far as Hope Church, where he had a severe engagement with the enemy's cavalry, in which he was successful in driving them, until they were strongly reinforced by infantry, when Gregg fell back, and was relieved by Major-General Sykes, commanding the Fifth corps, who by this time had been advised of the failure of the Third corps to connect with the Second, and who was accordingly instructed not to advance beyond the crossing of the road from Robertson's Tavern, near wh
. Gregg and Branch fought with varying success, Gregg having before him the vaunted Zouaves and Sykes's regulars. Pender's brigade was suffering heavily, but stubbornly held its own. Field and Archto direct its movements. I am also much indebted to my volunteer Aids, Captain Parker and Lieutenants Sykes and Redding, for their valuable services on that occasion. They were always ready to execon. To the members of my staff who were present, Captain Parker and Lieutenant Redding, (Lieutenant Sykes having been sent to Richmond by me,) I am indebted for the promptness and coolness with whimy to flank us, probably with a very heavy force, and immediately sent back one of my Aids, Lieutenant Sykes, to General Longstreet, requesting him to bring up the reenforcements. General Longstreet valuable assistance, rendered me throughout the engagement. I take pleasure in saying that Adjutant Sykes was at his post, and rendered me valuable assistance. I cannot close without thanking Assis