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John M. Schofield, Forty-six years in the Army, Chapter XXVII (search)
ulness of the board troubles with the Sioux Indians in 1890-91 success of the plan to employ Indians as soldiers marriage to Miss Kilbourne the difficulty with Chile in 1892. even as late as the year 1882, very high military authority in this country advocated with great earnestness the proposition that our old brick and sto. Then a host of old soldiers of the Union army reassembled to greet their comrade. In 1892 this country seemed on the verge of war with the little republic of Chile. So confident were some officials of the administration that war was inevitable, that I was asked to make an estimate of the military force which would be necessary to occupy and hold a vital point in Chilean territory until the demands of the United States were complied with. It was assumed, of course, that the navy could easily do all the rest. Pending the consideration of this subject, so disagreeable to me, I had a dream which I repeated at the time to a few intimate friends. I saw
John M. Schofield, Forty-six years in the Army, Index (search)
l-road, riots on the, 498, 499, 501 Chicago River, defense of, 454 Chickamauga, Ga., dedication of the field of, 297 Chief of staff, the office of, 410 Chile, threatened war with, 489, 490 China, violation of treaty between the United States and, 509 Chinese laborers, massacre of, in Wyoming, 509 Cincinnati, O.ppeal to Pres. Grant, 482; some experiences as general-in-chief, 482, 483; mileage case, 482, 483; marriage to Miss Kilbourne, 489; estimates for proposed war with Chile, 489, 490; a curious dream, 490; meeting with Miles at Washington, 494; orders and action in the Chicago labor riots, 494 et seq.; issues tactical order concerningof site of Fort Sheridan to, 454, 455; national defense, 456-460, 484-487, 520 et seq.; the authority of the voice of, 458; patriotism in, 481; threatened war with Chile, 489, 490; development of the West, 491; industrial depression in, 491, 492; weakness of military policy at outbreak of the war, 513 et seq.; advantage over the Co