Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: January 25, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for China (China) or search for China (China) in all documents.

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Later from Europe.Arrival of the Niagara. Halifax, Jan. 24. --The steamer Niagara, from Liverpool on the 12th, has arrived. She brings $1,080,000 in specie. It had been officially announced that the French fleet would leave Gaeta on the 19th. The Beehive mills, at Manchester, had been burnt — loss $100,000. The Chinese ports had opened the trade. There is no confirmation of the reported loss of the French and English gun-boats in the Chinese waters. It is reported that Spain is about to occupy the Provchale fortress, in Morocco, in consequence of the non-fulfillment of the treaty of peace. Commercial. Liverpool. Jan. 12. --Cotton — Estimated sales Saturday of 20,000 bales, speculators and exporters taking 7,000. The Persia's news caused all qualities to advance slightly. Hewitt & Co. say it has advanced ½ over the official quotations. They quote Orleans at 7 ½; uplands 7 ½. Breadstuffs steady. Provisions dull. Consoles 91
The Daily Dispatch: January 25, 1861., [Electronic resource], A man killed by a lion at Astley's Theatre — a Thrilling scene. (search)
e again are supported by 140,000 of the National Guard. There is little of consequence from China.--The difficulty of disposing of the elephant, now that they have him, is supposed to occupy mucnius — solves the difficulty in a late letter to the Charleston Mercury, in his own way. He says China produces, even now, six times as much cotton as all the cotton States of the Union put as abundantly as in the vallies of the Mississippi and Alabama. Hence, he says, the war with China. Once in possession of these Territories, the markets of Liverpool and Manchester will be closed to American cotton. Labor is so cheap in China that five Chinese can be supported on what would not feed one negro. This is Mr. Mitchell's mode of settling the Chinese difficulty. We have seen nChinese can be supported on what would not feed one negro. This is Mr. Mitchell's mode of settling the Chinese difficulty. We have seen no other solution that implied continued occupation by the English.
ediately A provisional electoral law is to be adopted for Hungary. The Hungarian Diet assembles April 2d. The disquiet is increasing in Servia. China. The regular China mails had been telegraphed and would be due at London in time for the steamer Niagara. The terms of the treaty of peace provide, among otheChina mails had been telegraphed and would be due at London in time for the steamer Niagara. The terms of the treaty of peace provide, among other things, that all the important Chinese ports shall be opened, and inland foreign trade allowed. Chinese Ambassadors are to reside in England. Exchange rates had declined at Hong Kong 3-4 per cent. The Russian Ambassador at Pekin had ratified the convention confirming certain privileges on the Amoor, and extending commehe important Chinese ports shall be opened, and inland foreign trade allowed. Chinese Ambassadors are to reside in England. Exchange rates had declined at Hong Kong 3-4 per cent. The Russian Ambassador at Pekin had ratified the convention confirming certain privileges on the Amoor, and extending commercial advantages.