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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 1,404 0 Browse Search
George Meade, The Life and Letters of George Gordon Meade, Major-General United States Army (ed. George Gordon Meade) 200 0 Browse Search
C. Edwards Lester, Life and public services of Charles Sumner: Born Jan. 6, 1811. Died March 11, 1874. 188 0 Browse Search
Adam Badeau, Grant in peace: from Appomattox to Mount McGregor, a personal memoir 184 0 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume I. 174 0 Browse Search
Hon. J. L. M. Curry , LL.D., William Robertson Garrett , A. M. , Ph.D., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 1.1, Legal Justification of the South in secession, The South as a factor in the territorial expansion of the United States (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 166 0 Browse Search
Colonel William Preston Johnston, The Life of General Albert Sidney Johnston : His Service in the Armies of the United States, the Republic of Texas, and the Confederate States. 164 0 Browse Search
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant 132 0 Browse Search
John M. Schofield, Forty-six years in the Army 100 0 Browse Search
James Buchanan, Buchanan's administration on the eve of the rebellion 100 0 Browse Search
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conquered alike lay down their arms. Scores of Southern officers besides Lee applied to Grant for protection, and literally hundreds of civilians who wished to avail themselves of the amnesty requested his favorable indorsement. It was my duty to examine these applications and lay them before him; and seldom indeed was one refused. General J. Kirby Smith, in command west of the Mississippi, did not surrender with the other armies in rebellion, and even when his forces yielded he fled to Mexico. But in a month or two he wrote to Grant, applying to be placed on the same footing with those who had surrendered earlier. Grant thereupon obtained the assurance of the President that if Smith would return and take the prescribed oath, he should be treated exactly as if he had surrendered and been paroled. In September, 1865, Alexander Stephens, the VicePres-ident of the Southern Confederacy, appealed to General Grant in the following letter from Fort Warren in Boston Harbor, where he
rant had long exhibited a peculiar interest in the expulsion of the French from Mexico and the overthrow of the empire of Maximilian. He regarded the intrusion of fohe Baltimore scheme, the President informed Grant that he meant to send him to Mexico. A Minister had already been appointed to that republic, and Grant was to be ghim through the Secretary of War, who was directed to request him to proceed to Mexico. But he wrote a second letter declining positively the duty assigned him. Mean paid his visit to the President. He was informed that Grant was to be sent to Mexico, and that he was to command the army in the absence of the General-in-chief. Bwo Grant was directed to turn over his instructions to Sherman, who was sent to Mexico in his stead, on the United States ship Susquehanna, Captain Alden commanding. so often displayed toward him during the war. He now cruised along the coast of Mexico, visited one or two points, performed no duty of the slightest importance, and
o the family when the dreaded hour should come. He added a line which I venture to repeat because it shows the peculiar and delicate nature of the feeling between the soldiers: It is unnecessary for me, said Sheridan, to use words to express my attachment to General Grant and his family. I have not gone to see him, as I could only bring additional distress to them, and I want to remember him as I knew him in good health. Grant always regarded the French attempt to establish an empire in Mexico as a part of the effort to subvert our own Republic. At the close of the war, on the very day of the grand review at Washington, he dispatched Sheridan with secret orders to the Rio Grande, to watch the frontier. Zzz He hoped to be able to bring the Administration up to his own views, if the Emperor delayed; and Sheridan was directed to be ready for any emergency. He performed his part, and when the question was settled, and the French were withdrawn, Grant left him in command at New
position of Secretary of War, so that he might either cope with, supplant, or surpass Grant. But Sherman was proof against all his wiles. Johnson's first attempt to pit the great comrades against each other was in the matter of the mission to Mexico. I have already told the story, but some points belong to my present theme. In October, 1866, the President ordered Grant to send for Sherman who was at St. Louis, but he did not inform the General-in-Chief of the purpose of the order. This, herim. Sherman at once waited on the President and protested against the scheme. He represented the determination of Grant not to leave the country, the needlessness of sending him, and the danger of insisting. He even offered himself to go to Mexico, and in the end he was substituted for Grant. Beyond all doubt it was the earnestness of his urging, the cogency of his suggestions, and above all the discovery of his loyalty to Grant that changed the purpose of the President. Sherman, however
his was not the only occasion when Grant acted as if the responsibilities of government were very near. General Rosecrans was nominated by Johnson as Minister to Mexico about this time; the appointment was known to be very disagreeable to Grant, if not purposely designed to be offensive to him. The animosity of Rosecrans after Gr but for his profound interest in Mexican affairs, an interest of which the Administration was very well aware. He had recommended a definite policy in regard to Mexico, and to have a man appointed as Minister there who was likely to oppose in advance whatever he believed were Grant's views, was in Grant's eyes sufficient justifinson and the fiat of the people directing him to undo much that Johnson had done. Yet Johnson was endeavoring to carry out measures in regard both to England and Mexico which he knew to be unacceptable to the people and offensive to the President they had chosen. Now, when Grant found himself on the threshold of the highest plac
Grant always regarded the French occupation of Mexico and the establishment of the Empire of Maximilth a leave of absence with permission to visit Mexico. This had been granted with the concurrence od Grant, convenient to be permitted to go into Mexico, if they can be got into the hands of the defefelt to see the Liberal Government restored in Mexico, and no doubt exists of the strict justice of e whole question between the United States and Mexico so befogged that I know nothing really to writinue, the friends of the Liberal Government of Mexico can do nothing to help it. Under these circumsve information in regard to our relations with Mexico, or with the man who keeps troops there, I couor. There is but one party, one Government in Mexico, whose complaints or wishes have claim to respthat Max and the French are about going out of Mexico, it might have been well to have left out the evalent belief that Louis Napoleon's object in Mexico had been frustrated when Lee surrendered, and [8 more...]
of the South during the War; and he hoped afterward to secure the withdrawal of the French from Mexico by the same means. But to Grant this seemed to indicate indifference to the result, and he fina reality perversions of Seward's intellect in an unworthy cause; and the effort to send Grant to Mexico he always attributed to Seward. The conception was worthy of the diplomatic Secretary, to whom that juncture in affairs at home and at the same time forced him to carry out Seward's policy in Mexico. But though, as I have said, Grant never got over his dislike of Seward's course, either in taty with Seward, and he had striven successfully to lessen the influence of Seward's Minister to Mexico. Still the honors were divided. Seward had defeated Grant in what the soldier had so much as and Johnson's overthrow. Up to the last their differences continued. In sending Rosecrans to Mexico, Seward must have known the affront he offered Grant, and by the rejection of the Clarendon-John
children and work-people and statesmen, like Grant. For him the Pyramids had a special door, and Memphis and Thebes were thrown open as to a successor of the Pharaohs; for him the Pope dispensed with the usual etiquette and welcomed a Protestant and a democrat who did not kneel. With him the King of Siam contracted a personal friendship and kept up a correspondence afterward; while the Emperors of Russia and Germany and Japan, the Viceroy of India and the Magnates of Cuba and Canada and Mexico talked politics to him and religion from their own several standpoints. The greatest potentates of earth laid aside their rules and showed him a courtesy which was due of course in part to the nation he represented; but who ever so represented a nation before? not only the Government, but the plainest people in it from whom he sprang, whom he claimed as his fellows, whom he believed in as his political peers. The multitudes that thronged around him in Birmingham and Frankfort and Jeddo a
le home in Galena, and remain there until the cold drives me away. Then I shall probably go South—possibly to Havana and Mexico—to remain until April. On the 30th of the same month he wrote to me: I do not feel bad over the information——gave you. Ion. In December he wrote me a long account of it from Philadelphia. In this letter he said: To-day I start for Cuba and Mexico. But he continued: I expect to be back in Galena as soon as the weather gets pleasant in the spring, and to remain there But to this he made no response. In April I returned to the United States and found that he had already arrived from Mexico and gone as he intended to his little home in Galena. The country was at this time in the full flood of excitement that in business or affairs, and enchained their attention for hours while he laid before them his information and his views. Mexico also was a favorite theme, and a Mexican policy was already germinating in his brain. As a rule I do not consider that
of Robertson more keenly than the removal of Cramer, or Fish, or my own. Garfield, however, remained firm, but as the nominations were all opposed in the Senate, I returned to my post in England to await the result, while General Grant went to Mexico on business. From there he wrote to me: I will never again lend my aid to the support of a Presidential candidate who has not strength enough to appear before a convention as a candidate, but gets in simply by the adherents of prominent candidatthat I should be appointed again to Copenhagen, if I would pledge myself in advance to accept the post. But before this arrangement could be carried out Garfield was struck down by the assassin. General Grant had in the meantime returned from Mexico and gone to his house at Long Branch. Both Conkling and Platt had resigned their positions in the Senate, and after a long struggle at Albany their successors were elected. Grant's feeling, however, had by this time become somewhat mollified, a