Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: January 23, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Henrico (Virginia, United States) or search for Henrico (Virginia, United States) in all documents.

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rdnance Department, was amended and passed. House bill appropriating one million of dollars for State defence, was considered and amended, but no vote taken thereon. In the House, a bill was reported for changing the names of the three State Lunatic Asylums; also, one incorporating the Richmond and Liverpool Packet Company. The House laid on the table certain coercion resolutions adopted in the Ohio Legislature on the 12th instant, which were transmitted to the Executive of this State, with directions to lay them before the Virginia Legislature. Gov. Letcher's rebuke of the Black Republican Governor of Ohio, and his scathing commentary on the military resources and strength of that State, will be found in the proceedings of the House. A bill was passed allowing the people of Henrico to decide by vote on the question of taxation for arming themselves. A resolution was introduced to amend the Code, so as more effectually to suppress the circulation of incendiary publications.
To the Voters of Henrico. Since the passage of the Bill providing for the call of a Convention of the people of Virginia, I have been approached by many of you with the inquiry whether I would consent to serve in that body as the delegate from this county; and only yesterday a communication to the same effect, asking an expression of my views upon the questions which will engage its deliberations, appeared in the public prints, emanating, as I am informed from sources entitled to my most s upon this momentous question. How far events may modify them, it is impossible now to foresee. But they are expressed to you as I entertain them. If you should think proper to call me to the great trust which some of you desire me to fill. I shall endeavor so to guide my course as to preserve and restore the Union, if possible; but, at all hazards, to protect and defend Virginia. Very respectfully, Your fellow-citizen, J. B. Young. Henrico, January 22d, 1861. ja 23--1t
$20 reward --I will give $20 reward for the return of my Negro man, "Washington," who left my house, in the lower part of Henrico county, on the morning of the 17th inst., without leave or provocation. Washington is about five feet 8 or 9 inches high, very black, about twenty years old, and has very white teeth, and smiles very pleasantly when spoken to. He will probably have a forged pass in his possession, as he can read and write. I will give the above reward for his return to me at my house, or if he is secured in jail so that I can get him. [ja 18--1w] L. S. Courtney.
hosen, for a period of not less than twenty years after he or she becomes a slave. Bills Passed.--Amending the 4th section of an act incorporating £88 Jefferson Insurance Company of Albemarle; providing for taking the sense of the people of Henrico upon giving authority to the County Court to raise by loan $2,500 for arming the county: authorizing the payment of forfeited commissions and damages to the executor of Charles Holden, dec'd, late Sheriff of Harrison county; amending an act concAlderson, of making an appropriation on the two and three-fifths principle to construct a bridge across the Little Kanawha, in Braxton county. Petitions, &c., Presented and Referred.--By Mr. McGruder, the remonstrance of certain citizens of Henrico against the extension of the corporate limits of Richmond; by Mr. Bassel, the petition of citizens of Randolph and upshur, praying an appropriation for the construction of a road on State account; by Mr. McKenzie, the petition of citizens of Ale