Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: June 3, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Lancaster County (Virginia, United States) or search for Lancaster County (Virginia, United States) in all documents.

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Rencontre at Lancaster, Texas. --A rencontre took place in Lancaster county, Texas, on the morning of the 8th May, in which R. S. Guy and A. M. Browning were the actors. A correspondent sends the following particulars: After some words had passed between them at the store of Moffett & Browning, Browning seized a long-handled steel hay fork, and hurled it at Guy, point foremost. --This Guy warded off with his arm, when Browning seized another fork, rushed at Guy, wounded him in the left elbow, knocked him down by a blow on the head, stabbing him while down near the shoulder blade. By this time they had crossed the street and were close to Everts & Howell's store. Here Guy recovered his feet, and drawing a small five-shooter, fired on Browning three times, two shots only taking effect, one merely glancing across the left side and the other entering the right breast above the nipple. At the second fire Browning fell, but got up again and staggered into his store, where he