Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: January 14, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Ship Island (Mississippi, United States) or search for Ship Island (Mississippi, United States) in all documents.

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e "here of Hatteras" is said to be about to confer celebrity upon Mobile, as he and his "ancient" Phelps, the muddleheaded Abolitionist Brigadier, have done for Ship Island. Said Ship Island is not so far from Mobile as some nervous citizens would wish. When Picayune gets his big guns mounted on his newly christened "Fort MasShip Island is not so far from Mobile as some nervous citizens would wish. When Picayune gets his big guns mounted on his newly christened "Fort Massachusetts" on Ship island, a Southwest wind will bear the reverberations of their hostile voices even to our ears; a crow would fly but about sixty miles or so from its battlements to perch on our church spires. Picayune has arrived at his base of operations with a good portion of his invincible Yankee army, and is supposed to beShip island, a Southwest wind will bear the reverberations of their hostile voices even to our ears; a crow would fly but about sixty miles or so from its battlements to perch on our church spires. Picayune has arrived at his base of operations with a good portion of his invincible Yankee army, and is supposed to be meditating a grand coup in some direction on the adjoining mainland. A detachment of his command has already landed without opposition at the pleasant seacoast town of Biloxi, Mississippi, opposite the Island and some eleven miles distant, and carried off two undefended cannon — doubtless to be forwarded at once by dispatch steam
New York items. --The New York correspondent of the Baltimore Clipper, of the 3th inst., says: The Navy Agents here continue very active in forwarding supplies and reinforcements for Port Royal, Fort Pickens, and Ship Island. The transport City of New York has left for Hilton Head. The Marion is loading for the same place. She will sail about the 14th instant. Part of her cargo will be 300 horses. The Ericsson will complete loading to-day, and will sail on Thursday or Friday for Key West. The sleigh riding last night and this morning was superb. Third Avenue has rarely witnessed a merrier scene than was presented there all last night. All the fast men, and fast women, and fast horses in town were out, and a good many dollars must have changed handout the hotels between Union Square and the High Bridge. Our city shop-keepers have inaugurated a small speculation by raising the prices of cotton goods. Six penny calicoes are a "levy;" spools of cotton five ce
ivisions of Generals Franklin, Fitz John Porter and Smith, are to be withdrawn from Washington and sent to Annapolis to co-operate in General Burnside's expedition. It was rumored in Boston, on Tuesday, that the detention of the Constitution was in accordance with the orders from Washington, and that the part of General Butler's Brigade new on beard of her is to go to Fortress Monroe to further strengthen the military arm of this same expeditionary corps, instead of proceeding at once to Ship Island. Preparations for a Simultaneous attack — Distribution of the forces. The special Washington correspondent of the Cincinnati Enquirer, under date of January 2, says: The Commander-in-Chief has determined on a simultaneous attack, and is so drawing the cords, by distributing the troops, making ready the transportation supplies, etc., that a grand forward movement of 435,000 men will be made simultaneously, the immense column extending from the Potomac through Virginia and K