Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Ship Island (Mississippi, United States) or search for Ship Island (Mississippi, United States) in all documents.

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the men. A party of Virginians attempted at night to capture a ferry-boat on the Potorac near Clear Spring, Md. Notice was given the Union men of Clear Spring, three miles distant, who turned out to guard the boat. During the night the Virginians seized the boat, and were fired upon by the guard, and when midway across had to abandon the prize and escape in a skiff. Two Virginians were shot. The ferry-boat returned to the Maryland shore.--N. Y. Times, May 24. The fortress at Ship Island, Gulf of Mexico, 95 miles from the northern mouth of the Mississippi, was destroyed to prevent it from falling into the hands of the rebels.--Handsboro Democrat, (Miss.) (Extra.,) May 22. In a speech at Atlanta, Ga, Howell Cobb proposed that the planters should sell half their cotton crop to the Southern Confederacy, and accept its bonds in payment.--(Doc. 186.) A circular letter from the Secretary of War was addressed to the governors of all the States, in which he recommends t
ember 16. An expedition from Hatteras Inlet, under the command of Lieutenants Maxwell and Eastman, of the steamer Pawnee, visited Ocracoke Inlet and destroyed Fort Oregon, a fine fortification at that place. The expedition was entirely successful.--(Doc. 51.) The gunboat Conestoga captured the steamers V. R. Stephenson and Gazelle, on the Cumberland River, Ky. The Stephenson had fifty tons of iron aboard. The Gazelle was without a cargo.--Louisville Journal, September 19. Ship Island, near the mouth of the Mississippi River, was evacuated by the rebels and immediately taken possession of by the National forces.--(Doc. 52.) Major French, the commanding officer at Key West, published the following important order; its promulgation caused a vast amount of commotion among the secessionists: Headquarters U. S. Troops, Key West, Florida, September 16, 1861. I. Within ten days from this late all male citizens of the Island of Key West who have taken the oath of
November 27. The following is a list of rebel vessels captured by the Federal flotilla in Mississippi Sound, since the 21st of November: Steamer Anna, loaded with spirits turpentine, rosin, and cane-bottom chairs; schooner Olive, loaded with lumber originally intended for Ship Island, but at this time destined for Fort Pike; steamer Lewis, loaded with sugar and molasses; schooner J. H. View, loaded with spirits turpentine and tar.--N. Y. Evening Post, Dec. 17. At Liverpool, England, soon after noon to-day, a private telegram was received announcing the boarding of the Trent by a Federal vessel of war, and the forcible removal of the Southern Commissioners. The intelligence spread with wonderful rapidity, and occasioned great excitement among all classes. On 'Change the utmost indignation was expressed, and in a very brief space of time the following placard was posted: Outrage on the British flag.--the Southern Commissioners forcibly removed from a British mail
ked a gang of returned rebels from General Price's army, under command of Captains Young and Wheatley, near Dunksburg, about twenty miles west of Sedalia, Mo., Killing seven and wounding ten. Among the killed was Captain Young. None of the citizens were killed or severely wounded. Three of the wounded rebels died.--N. Y. Herald, Dec. 7. Gen. Phelps' expedition, which left Fortress Monroe, Va., on the 29th of Nov., on board the steamer Constitution, landed its forces and stores on Ship Island, in what is called Mississippi Sound, in the Gulf of Mexico, near the coast. After landing, Gen. Phelps issued a proclamation to the loyal citizens of the South-West, which called forth some sharp criticism at the North as well as the South.--(Doc. 211.) The First independent battery of New York State Volunteer artillerists arrived in New York, from Albany. They number one hundred and fifty-six men, and are under the command of Captain T. J. Kennedy. The majority of the men have b
December 7. Cyrus W. Field has addressed a letter to Gen. McClellan, recommending the laying of a submarine telegraphic cable around the southern coast, to connect the national forts and military stations on the coast with the North, by way of Newport News, Fortress Monroe, Hatteras, Port Royal, Hilton Head, Tybee Island, Fernandina, Cedar Keys, Fort Pickens, Ship Island, to Galveston, Texas. Gen. McClellan fully concurs, and earnestly urges that the plan be adopted by the Government, and that Mr. Field be authorized to have it carried into execution. A band of rebels entered Independence, Mo., last night, and arrested several Union men, and forced them to take an oath that they would not take up arms against the Southern Confederacy. This morning they took possession of the stage leaving for Lexington, but through the influence of some secession citizens it was restored. To-day, ten six-mule teams, while on a foraging expedition, about eight miles west of Sedalia, Mo
itous address. Vice-President Hamlin, Gen. Casey and Staff, W. S. Done, Augustus Schell, and others, were present. At seven o'clock this morning an expedition, consisting of three U. S. gunboats, with an additional force of marines, left Ship Island, in the Gulf of Mexico, under command of Commander Melancthon Smith, U. S. N., for the city of Biloxi, Mississippi. No resistance being met with, Commander Smith landed at the wharf, under a flag of truce, and held a short conference with the vessel was overtaken and forced to surrender — she was on her way to New Orleans with thirty thousand feet of hard pine flooring boards as a cargo. It not being Commander Smith's design to hold Biloxi, the expedition returned this evening to Ship Island with their prize in tow.--(Doc. 245.) The Richmond Examiner of to-day, publishes the following on the Confederate Tax Bill: In the Tax bill enacted by the Confederate States Congress there is a clause placing a tax upon all interest
country in this war have been its women. In the great struggles of nations, like that in which we are engaged, they should have queens for their rulers; for it is woman alone who is proof against the persuasions of time-servers and the sin of backsliding. There has been but one Lot's wife in all the tide of time. The steamship Constitution, with the Bay State regiment, of Massachusetts, the Twelfth regiment Maine volunteers, and other troops, sailed from Fortress Monroe, Va., for Ship Island, in the Gulf of Mexico, this forenoon.--N. Y. Evening Post, February 5. At Richmond, Va., J. P. Benjamin, rebel Secretary of War, issued the following order: Bands of speculators have combined to monopolize all the saltpetre to be found in the country, and thus force from the government exorbitant prices for an article indispensable to the national defence. The department has hitherto paid prices equal to four times the usual peace rates in order to avoid recourse to impressmen
February 16. The ship E. W. Farley, having on board six companies of the Eighth regiment of New Hampshire volunteers, sailed from Boston, Mass., for Ship Island, Miss. The Mississippi, the Organ Democrat, and Los Angelos, and California Star have been suppressed from the mails, on the ground that they have been used for the purposes of overthrowing the Government, and giving aid and comfort to the enemy now at war against the United States.--New York World, February 17. Brig.-Gen. Price, a son of Sterling Price, Col. Phillip, Major Cross, and Capt. Crosby were captured near Warsaw, Mo., by Capt. Stubbs, of the Eighth Iowa regiment. They had some five hundred recruits with them, in charge, but they had just crossed the Osage River, and as Capt. Stubbs had but a small force, he did not follow them.--N. Y. Commercial, February 20. The United States gunboat St. Louis, under command of Com. A. II. Foote, proceeded up the Cumberland River, Tennessee, this afternoon,
resulted in the defeat of the National troops, who were obliged to retreat to the Fort. McRae's battery of six pieces was captured by the rebels, after a gallant defence in which Capt. McRae was killed.--(Doc. 55.) Capt. Nathaniel P. Gordon, commander of the slave-ship Erie, was executed at New York, according to sentence. About three o'clock in the morning he attempted to commit suicide by swallowing strychnine, which he had concealed in his cell, but the exertions of three physicians managed to prolong his life sufficiently to allow the execution, which took place at a quarter past twelve o'clock. The first battalion of Connecticut cavalry, three hundred and twenty-five men, under the command of Major Judson M. Lyon, passed through New York City en route for Wheeling, Va., to join Gen. Rosecrans. The Massachusetts Thirty-first regiment, and five companies of the Thirteenth Maine regiment, sailed to-day from Boston, Mass., in the steamer Mississippi for Ship Island.
Neck, in the neighborhood of Occoquan, Va., between a body of Texan rangers and a party of National troops. The rangers fired from a house in which they took refuge. Two of the Nationals, belonging to the New York Thirty-seventh regiment, were killed, and another man was wounded. The loss of the rebels was not ascertained.--N. Y. Herald, February 26. The Twelfth regiment of Connecticut volunteers, under the command of Colonel Henry C. Deming, left New Haven for the seat of war at Ship Island, Gulf of Mexico. Cols. Wood, of the Fourteenth New York, Lee, of the Twentieth Massachusetts, and Cogswell, of the Tammany regiment, (N. Y. S. V.,) arrived at Baltimore from Fortress Monroe, having been released by the rebels. Colonel Wood, who was present at the inauguration of Jeff. Davis, states that there was no enthusiasm manifested on the occasion. Bishop Thomas F. Davis, of the Diocesan Convention of the Episcopal Church of South-Carolina, now in session at Charleston, h
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