Browsing named entities in Historic leaves, volume 6, April, 1907 - January, 1908. You can also browse the collection for Spy Pond (Massachusetts, United States) or search for Spy Pond (Massachusetts, United States) in all documents.

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Historic leaves, volume 6, April, 1907 - January, 1908,
Union Square
before the War.—(Il) (search)
pect Hill, and there on the former tented field they met in war's grim struggle and settled, or tried to, their long-pent feuds; but these were bloodless fields, where a few stone bruises or fistic contusions constituted the losses on either side. Picnicking was a recreation of the days before the war; people from Union Square and its neighborhood found health and amusement in the sylvan retreats of Norton's or of Palfrey's groves, or in excursions to the grounds and groves of Fresh and Spy Ponds. Union Square, like all other communities, had of course from time to, time its little excitements, and occasionally larger ones. Among the latter was the great tidal wave which destroyed Minot's Ledge lighthouse; this wave swept inland, inundating all low lands in Boston and along the coast. It came up the Charles and Miller's Rivers, flooding all the lands along them nearly to or beyond the Brass Tube Works; where the Parochial School is, there was that day a lake of sea water sever
Journal Building. 32. Somerville Light Infantry, 40, 42. Somerville Mass., 77, 79, 80, 81, 82, 84. Somerville Samaritan Society, 75. Somerville Savings Bank, 8. Somerville Sons and Daughters of New Hampshire, 3. Somerville Y. M. C. A., 3. Southampton, L. I., 28. South-mead, The, 26. South Yarmouth, Mass., 2. Spanish War, The, 83. Spottsylvania, 56, 57, 58, 60. Sprague, Ralph, 79. Sprague. Sarah White, 52. Springfield Street, 34. Spring Hill. 15, 32, 75. Spy Pond, 37. Stearns, Peleg, 52. Stearns, Dr., William, 52. Stevensburg, 22, 44, 45. Stevens, Charles F., 40. Stevens, Edward L., 13. Stevens, Leslie, 18. Stinted Pasture, The, 25, 26, 27. Stokes, Benjamin. 50. Stone, F. W., 8. Stone, Hannah A., 52. Stone. John, 52. Stone, Jonathan, 8. Stone, Jonathan, Jr., .52. Stone, Mrs., Jonathan, 8. Stone, Lucy, 8. Stone. Lydia, 52. Stone, Nathaniel T., 8. 52. Stone. Mrs. N. T., 8. Stone, Sara, 8. Stone, Seth. 52. Stone, Susann