Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Rappahannock (Virginia, United States) or search for Rappahannock (Virginia, United States) in all documents.

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arged with riotous conduct in obstructing the track of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad on the 19th of April, while the Massachusetts troops were en route to Washington. They were under indictment by the Grand Jury, and were admitted to bail.--N. Y. Times, May 26. The military department of Virginia, to embrace eastern Virginia to the summit of the Blue Ridge, and the States of North Carolina and South Carolina, was created; Major-General Benjamin F. Butler was placed in command.--Rappahannock River was blockaded, which rendered perfect the blockade of Virginia.--N. Y. Herald, May 19. Fourteentii Regiment N. Y. S. M. from Brooklyn departed for Washington, amid great enthusiasm.--Doc. 176. The Tug Yankee arrived in Philadelphia, having in tow three schooners loaded with tobacco, viz.: the Emily Ann, the Mary Willis, and the Delaware Farmer, belonging to and bound to Baltimore from Richmond. They surrendered to the Harriet Lane, and were ordered to Philadelphia by the fla
ho took possession, and proceeded to run the steamer to a point known as The Cone, on the Virginia shore. Upon landing at that place, the steamer was boarded by a body of about 1,000 Virginia troops, when the passengers were all landed, and allowed to go on their way. About one hundred and fifty of the troops were then placed on board the steamer, Captain Kirwan and fourteen of the crew being retained as prisoners. Leaving the shore the steamer was run down as far as the mouth of the Rappahannock River, where the new Captain hailed three large brigs which were lying off a few miles from Fredericksburg. These vessels were immediately boarded, and not having a sufficient force on board to offer any resistance they were all then quietly delivered over to the party as prizes. The prizes, one of which was laden with coffee, a second with ice, and the third with coal, were run into Fredericksburg, Virginia, and delivered into the possession of the Virginians, the steamer being kept at th
were made by Lieutenant Budd during her cruise. It was ascertained that the rebels are organizing large forces on the eastern shores of Virginia, and that a large amount of provisions and army stores are carried there across the bay into the Rappahannock and York rivers, and thence transported by way of Fredericksburg, and by the Richmond & York River Railroad to the rebel army on the Potomac. These supplies are introduced into Accomac Co. by two routes. They are brought from New York, aroun Anne through Newtown, across the line to Horntown, Virginia, by which the recruits for the rebel forces pass into Virginia. They and the supplies from New York and Baltimore are transported at night by small vessels, across the bay, into the Rappahannock and York rivers, the blockade of which for some unaccountable reason has been abandoned. The vessels carrying these supplies leave ports as coasters for Maryland, and manage to land their cargoes just below the Maryland line. The rebels ha
llowing to the War Department: To-day I have been to the bridges on the south fork of the Shenandoah, in the Massanutton valley, with a force of cavalry, infantry, and artillery, to protect the two important bridges that cross the river. We were within sight of Luray, at the south bridge. A sharp skirmish occurred with the rebels, in which they lost several men taken prisoners. Their object was the destruction of the bridges. One of the prisoners left the camp on the bank of the Rappahannock Tuesday morning. There were no fortifications there up to that time. Other reports indicate a stronger force at Gordonsville and a contest there, the whole resulting in a belief that they are concentrating at Yorktown. I believe Jackson left this valley yesterday. He is reported to have left Harrisonburgh yesterday for Gordonsville by the mountain road. He encamped last night at McGaugeytown, eleven miles from Harrisonburgh. The anniversary of the attack upon and massacre of Mass
canal, Gen. Winder has detailed a regiment of ladies to march in advance of the mules and clear the tow-path of the pirates. The regiment is armed with pop-guns of the longest range. The ladies will accompany the stampeders to a secluded cave in the mountains of Hepsidam, and leave them there in charge of the children of the vicinage, until McClellan thinks proper to let them come forth. The ladies return to the defence of their country. The National steamer Yankee ascended the Rappahannock River this day to Fredericksburgh, Va., having passed the obstructions placed in the river seven miles below the town in safety.--The Potomac flotilla captured seven rebel schooners--one with a valuable cargo of dry goods, medicines, and saltpetre — and also two small steamers.--Baltimore American, April 23. This afternoon the National gunboat Anacostia, on her way down the Potomac River, when near Lowry's Point was fired into by a party of rebel infantry, who were dispersed by a couple
May 23. Rumors of foreign intervention in American affairs still continue. The Paris correspondent of the London Daily News states that the French and English ministers at Washington have received identical instructions to attempt a moral intervention, exclusive of any idea of force. The Paris correspondent of the Independance Belge also reiterates his former statements in reference to intervention. At a meeting at Ashton under Lyne resolutions were adopted calling on the government to recognize the Confederate States. A letter from Mr. Russell to the London Times charges upon Secretary Stanton the trouble to which he was subjected; he also says that General McClellan has expressed himself strongly in reference to the Secretary's conduct to him and to Mr. Russell also. A pontoon-Bridge was thrown across the Rappahannock River at Fredericksburgh, and General McDowell and staff, with an escort of cavalry, passed over by it and entered Fredericksburgh.--N. Y. Times, May 10.
over the meeting. Gen. Shepley, Military Commandant of New Orleans, this day issued an order extending the time in which those who had been in the military service of the confederate States could take the parole to the tenth instant.--Gen. Butler issued an order authorizing several regiments of volunteers for the United States army to be recruited, and organized in the State of Louisiana. A reconnoissance by the First Maine cavalry was this day made as far as Waterloo, on the Rappahannock River, Va.--A band of rebel guerrillas visited the residence of a Unionist named Pratt, in Lewis County, Mo., and murdered him. John Ross, principal Chief of the Cherokee Indians, addressed a letter to Colonel Weer, commanding United States forces at Leavenworth, Kansas, informing him that on the seventh day of October, 1861, the Cherokee Nation had entered into a treaty with the confederate States. --(Doc. 147.) President Lincoln arrived at Harrison's Landing, on the James River,
d have been induced by them not only to leave your homes, but also to resort to the cowardly practice of bushwhacking, I now promise you that, if you return quietly to your homes and lead orderly lives, you will not be disturbed, but will be protected in your rights. If, on the contrary, you persist in firing upon my soldiers from the woods, you will be hung when you are caught, and your houses and property will be destroyed. To-day the Union army, under Gen. Pope, reached the Rappahannock River, in its retreat from the Rapidan, closely followed by the rebel army, under Gen. Lee. At Brandy Station the two armies came within sight of each other, and the rear-guard of the Nationals, supposing the advance of the rebels to be a mere skirmishing party, turned for the purpose of driving them back; but on charging upon them, they discovered their error, for after receiving two or three volleys, which thinned their ranks considerably, they retreated to the bridge at the station, clos
of the Union army was therefore removed from the left to the right bank of the river, and the bridge was destroyed. New positions were taken, from which the old ones could be enfiladed, and on the rebels appearing in strong force for the purpose of occupying the abandoned position, a terrific cannonade was opened upon them, which drove them back into the woods with great loss. In the afternoon a portion of the rebel army succeeded in crossing the Rappahannock River, in the vicinity of Sulphur Springs, and a sharp engagement took place between them and Gen. Milroy's brigade, the advance of Gen. Sigel's corps, which resulted in the rebels being driven across Great Run, suffering great loss. In consequence of the success of the rebels in throwing a part of their forces across the Rappahannock, General Pope advanced his whole army from his position in the vicinity of Rappahannock Station to Warrenton and Sulphur Springs.--(Doc. 104.) A skirmish occurred near Big Hill, Madison Coun
ried to the rebel camp.--Wheeling Intelligencer. The Union gunboat Darlington, which left Jacksonville, Fla., on the sixth, on an expedition up St. John's River, returned this day, bringing the rebel steamer Governor Milton, which it had captured two hundred miles up the river. A slight skirmish took place near Aldie, Va., between a small party of Union troops and a numerically superior force of rebels, resulting in the retreat of the Nationals without loss. The rebels had one man killed, Leiut. Mars.--An expedition consisting of about one thousand five hundred cavalry, supported by a battery of artillery, under the command of Colonel Davies, left camp at Upton's Hill, Va., on the sixth instant, for the purpose of capturing or destroying five or six locomotives on the Orange and Alexandria Railway at Rappahannock Station. It was discovered that the locomotives had been removed to the other side of the Rappahannock River, and the expedition returned to-day to Centreville.