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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 38 0 Browse Search
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant 38 0 Browse Search
Hon. J. L. M. Curry , LL.D., William Robertson Garrett , A. M. , Ph.D., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 1.1, Legal Justification of the South in secession, The South as a factor in the territorial expansion of the United States (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 22 0 Browse Search
The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 10: The Armies and the Leaders. (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller) 14 0 Browse Search
Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson 12 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 19. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 12 0 Browse Search
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee 12 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 18. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 10 0 Browse Search
Brigadier-General Ellison Capers, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 5, South Carolina (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 10 0 Browse Search
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 1. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.) 10 0 Browse Search
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Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 3: in Mexico. (search)
ors and their prize; but this was the most formidable of all. The Castle of Chapultepec, at first perhaps a monastery, was built upon an insulated and lofty hill ov captain. The first says:-- To the north, and at the base of the mound (Chapultepec), inaccessible on that side, the 11th Infantry, under Lieut.-Colonel Herbert turned the forest on the west, and arriving opposite to the north centre of Chapultepec, Worth came up with the troops in the road under Colonel Tronsdale, and aidey, engaged a battery and large force in the road, immediately on the west of Chapultepec. The advanced section of the battery, under command of the brave Lieutenantrmy, and Commander at Chancellorsville. For his conduct in the battle of Chapultepec, Jackson received the brevet rank of Major. To this he had risen, purely byaptain's guns on his left, emulously pressing forward towards the enemy. At Chapultepec he is assigned to the post of honor and danger, and advances with alacrity.
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 2: birth.-career as officer of Engineers, United States army. (search)
int increased the reputation he was acquiring. At Contreras, Churubusco, Molino del Rey, and Chapultepec he was constantly in the saddle, performing with alacrity and courage the duties of a trusteds bravery: That he was as famous for felicitous execution as for science and daring ; that at Chapultepec Captain Lee was constantly conspicuous, bearing important orders from him, till he fainted frattery in the Third Artillery, the first man to plant the regimental colors on the rampart of Chapultepec; and there too was Thomas Jonathan Jackson, twenty-three years old, second lieutenant of Magr was Longstreet, lieutenant of infantry, twenty-six years old, brevetted twice and wounded at Chapultepec; and Magruder, known among his comrades as Prince John, from courtly manners, distinguished aowers, who commanded a light battery in Pillow's division, was twice brevetted and wounded at Chapultepec. John Sedgwick was with the army, first lieutenant of artillery, a classmate of Bragg and Ea
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Index. (search)
quotation from, 49. Carrick's Ford, 15. Carroll, Governor, of Maryland, 300. Carter, Anne Hill, 16. Carter, Charles Hill, 16. Casey, General, Silas, 167. Catumseh, a chief, 73. Cavalry contest at Gettysburg, 298. Cavalry raids, 266. Cemetery Heights, 292. Cemetery Hill, 273. Cemetery Ridge, 289-296. Cerro Gordo, battle of, 38, 40. Chambliss, General John R., killed, 362. Champe, Sergeant, 9. Chancellorsville, battle of, 241. Chapman, Major, William, 63. Chapultepec, battle of, 41, 42. Charleston Harbor, 86. Charles II, 3, 4. Chase, Salmon P., 268. Chester Gap, 307. Childe, Edward, 19. Childe, Matilda Lee, 19, 60. Chilton, R. H., mentioned, 159. Clay, Henry, mentioned, 32. Clitz, General, Henry, 172. Cobb, General Thomas R., mentioned, 231; killed at Fredericksburg, 233. Cocke, Mrs. Elizabeth R., 402. Coleston's division, 25. Comanches, tribe of, 72. Confederate cavalry, 387. Confederate Congress, 93. Confederate consc
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Advance on the City of Mexico-battle of Contreras-assault at Churubusco-negotiations for peace-battle of Molino del Rey-storming of Chapultepec-San Cosme-evacuation of the City-Halls of the Montezumas (search)
peace-battle of Molino del Rey-storming of Chapultepec-San Cosme-evacuation of the City-Halls of tecond aqueduct starts from the east base of Chapultepec, where it is fed by a spring, and runs north and commanding a view of the road back to Chapultepec, were covered with infantry, protected by pmmanded by the artillery from the summit of Chapultepec as well as by the lighter batteries at hand I do not criticise the failure to capture Chapultepec at this time. The result that followed the through to the north side, looking towards Chapultepec, I happened to notice that there were armedaqueduct road out of range of the guns from Chapultepec. In like manner, the troops designated to act against Belen could have kept east of Chapultepec, out of range, and come on to the aqueduct, also out of range of Chapultepec. Molino del Rey and Chapultepec would both have been necessarily eChapultepec would both have been necessarily evacuated if this course had been pursued, for they would have been turned. General Quitman, a v[8 more...]
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Promotion to first Lieutenant-capture of the City of Mexico-the Army-Mexican soldiers- peace negotiations (search)
stands made by some of these men as I have ever seen made by soldiers. Now Mexico has a standing army larger than that of the United States. They have a military school modelled after West Point. Their officers are educated and, no doubt, generally brave. The Mexican war of 1846-8 would be an impossibility in this generation. The Mexicans have shown a patriotism which it would be well if we would imitate in part, but with more regard to truth. They celebrate the anniversaries of Chapultepec and Molino del Rey as of very great victories. The anniversaries are recognized as national holidays. At these two battles, while the United States troops were victorious, it was at very great sacrifice of life compared with what the Mexicans suffered. The Mexicans, as on many other occasions, stood up as well as any troops ever did. The trouble seemed to be the lack of experience among the officers, which led them after a certain time to simply quit, without being particularly whippe
Mrs. John A. Logan, Reminiscences of a Soldier's Wife: An Autobiography, Chapter 15: (search)
ute, and enjoyed seeing the stirring masses of people surge through the rooms. On February g we went to the reception tendered by the Mexican minister, Sefior Zamacona, and his wife to President and Sefiora Diaz, of Mexico, who were visiting Washington. The costumes were superb. The ballroom — a marquee with a glass roof built especially for the occasion — was beautifully decorated with exotics. A long canvas extending nearly the length of the room, upon which was portrayed a view of Chapultepec, attracted universal attention. On the 10th of February we attended the reception to the foreign legations given at the White House. The decorations, refreshments, and every appointment of the reception were superb. In March our young son, John A. Logan, second, attended Marini's annual fancy-dress ball and had as his partner Fanny Hayes, daughter of the President and Mrs. Hayes. Early in January General Logan began his work on the Fitz-John Porter case, usually taking it up after
Owen Wister, Ulysses S. Grant, IV. (search)
uch a youth. General Richard Taylor, of the Confederacy, remembers him at this time as a modest, amiable, but by no means promising lieutenant in a marching regiment. But Taylor could scarcely have held this estimate after Molino-del-Rey and Chapultepec. In the months of peace preceding, whether in Louisiana or at Corpus Christi, Grant's thoughts still saw the goal of a professorship; nor was his heart in the Mexican War, when it came. He pronounces it unholy, and he writes: The Southern Reas always in the thick of the action. He was commended in reports, brevetted first lieutenant for distinguished service at Molino-del-Rey (but deaths in that battle brought him full first lieutenancy), and for acquitting himself most nobly at Chapultepec he received the brevet of captain. Yet these honours do not show him so much out of the common as what quietly happened between him and General Worth at San Cosme. He had found a belfry which commanded an important position of the enemy; and
l September 7. On the 8th the severe and bloody battle of Molino del Rey was fought, at which Lieutenant McClellan was not present. On the 13th the Castle of Chapultepec was taken by assault, in which also he did not take part, but during the night of the 11th, and on the 12th, he built and armed, mostly in open daylight and under a heavy fire, one of the batteries whose well-directed and shattering fire contributed essentially to the success of the day. Immediately after the fall of Chapultepec, and on the same day, the company of sappers and miners was ordered to the front, and took the lead of General Worth's division in one of the most difficult and dangerous movements of the assault upon the city of Mexico,--the attack of the San Cosme garita, or gate. Of the nature of the important services performed by the company and its officers at this point, and also after the capture of the city, a correct notion may be formed from the statement contained in the report of Major J. L.
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman ., volume 2, chapter 21 (search)
pursuit of Hood by the army under my immediate command may be said to have ceased. During this pursuit, the Fifteenth Corps was commanded by its senior majorgeneral present, P. J. Osterhaus, in the absence of General John A. Logan; and the Seventeenth Corps was commanded by Brigadier-General T. E. G. Ransom, the senior officer present, in the absence of General Frank P. Blair. General Ransom was a young, most gallant, and promising officer, son of the Colonel Ransom who was killed at Chapultepec, in the Mexican War. He had served with the Army of the Tennessee in 1862 and 1863, at Vicksburg, where he was severely wounded. He was not well at the time we started from Atlanta, but he insisted on going along with his command. His symptoms became more aggravated on the march, and when we were encamped near Gaylesville, I visited him in company with Surgeon John Moore, United States Army, who said that the case was one of typhoid fever, which would likely prove fatal. A few days aft
ding events and the various engagements, giving the troops involved and casualties between January, 1861, and August, 1862, appears on page 344.--The Editors.] The Southerner of the hour in 1861. Born in New Orleans on May 28, 1818, the Southern leader upon whom at first all eyes were turned, Pierre Gustave Toutant Beauregard, was graduated from the U. S. Military Academy in 1838. Gallant and dashing, he won the brevets of Captain and Major in the war with Mexico and was wounded at Chapultepec. Early in 1861 he resigned from the army, and joined the Confederacy, being in command of the Confederate forces in the firing on Fort Sumter in April. Owing to his forceful personality, he became a popular and noted leader in the Confederacy. After the Union defeat at Manassas, he was looked upon as the coming Napoleon. He was confirmed as Major-General in the Confederate army on July 30, 1861, but he had held the provisional rank of Brigadier-General since February 20th, before a sh
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