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Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 11: McDowell. (search)
determined to ascend the eastern or right bank of the Shenandoah river to Port Republic, a village seven miles from Harrisonburg, and then, instead of proceeding direct to Staunton by a road of twenty-five miles, to cross the Blue Ridge into Albemarle County, by Brown's Gap, and go thence to Staunton along the line of the Virginia Central Railroad. This route made three marches; but it completely masked his movement, and mystified both friends and foes; for no one, except the General's chief en difficulties, were equal to any display of these qualities, ever made upon the field of a great victory. The mountain-sides afforded a road-bed so stony, that no floods could soften it; and on Saturday, the army passed over to Whitehall in Albemarle, by a track rough, but firm, cheered by a brilliant sun, and full of confidence and elation. The Sabbath morning dawned upon them clear and soft, in their pleasant bivouacs along the green meadows of Moorman's river; and the General, after ha
Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 13: Port Republic. (search)
ern foot of the Blue Ridge, he gained the advantage of a military base parallel to his enemy's line of operations, which enabled him to strike it at right angles, if it were prolonged by further advance into the country. Twice he resorted to this strategy, and each time it arrested the career of the superior army. His march from Swift Run Gap in May had taught him another advantage, belonging to the point which he now selected. A good road led from Port Republic across the mountain into Albemarle by Brown's Gap, offering him a safe outlet in case of disaster, and a means for drawing supplies from that fertile country. Before this road crowns the summit of the Blue Ridge, it passes through a valley, which constitutes the most complete natural fortress in all these mountains. Two arms of the mountain, lofty and ragged as the mother ridge, project from it on the right and left hand, embracing a deep vale of many miles' circuit, watered by a copious mountain stream; and while the mig
Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 14: the Richmond campaign. (search)
he entertained them with military courtesy, until their request was answered by the commanding General. He found them full of boasts and arrogance: they said that the answer to their flag was exceedingly unimportant, because Fremont and Shields were about to effect a junction, when they would recover, by force, all they had lost, and teach Jackson a lesson which would cure his audacity. When Colonel Munford received the instructions we have mentioned, he called for Mr. William Gilmer of Albemarle, a gentleman of infinite spirit and humor, who was serving with his young kinsman as an amateur trooper, and gave him his cue. He silently left the village, but presently returned, in very different fashion, as an orderly, with despatches from General Jackson and from Staunton. With an ostentatious clanking of spurs and sabre, he ascended to Colonel Munford's quarters, and knocked in a hurried manner. Come in, said the gallant Colonel. And what answer do you bring, orderly, from General
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 27 (search)
t receive Confederate notes, as the South would certainly be conquered, and it was merely a question of time. This information was communicated to the Secretary of War to-day, but he will attach no importance to it. Among the papers sent in by the President, to-day, was a communication from Gov. Vance, of North Carolina, inclosing a letter from Augustus S. Montgomery, of Washington City, to Major-Gen. Foster, Newbern, N. C., found in a steamer, captured the other day by our forces, in Albemarle and Chesapeake Canal. It informed Gen. F. that a plan of servile insurrection had been adopted, and urged his co-operation. All the Yankee generals in the South would co-operate: they were to send smart negroes from the camps among the slaves, with instructions to rise simultaneously at night on the 1st August. They were to seize and destroy all railroad bridges, cut the telegraph wires, etc., and then retire into the swamps, concealing themselves until relieved by Federal troops. It
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter28: Gettysburg-Third day. (search)
h N. C., Col. W. M. Barbour. Third Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Edward L. Thomas; 14th, 35th, 45th, and 49th Ga., Col. S. T. Player. Fourth Brigade, Brig.-Gen. A. M. Scales, Lieut.-Col. G. T. Gordon, Col. W. Lee J. Lowrance; 13th N. C., Col. J. H. Hylnan, Lieut.-Col. H. A. Rogers; 16th N. C., Capt. L. W. Stowe; 22d N. C., Col. James Conner; 34th N. C., Col. William Lee J. Lowrance, Lieut.-Col. G. T. Gordon; 38th N. C., Col. W. J. Hoke, Lieut.-Col. John Ashford. Artillery, Maj. William T. Poague; Albemarle (Va.) Art., Capt. James W. Wyatt; Charlotte (N. C.) Art., Capt. Joseph Graham; Madison (Miss.) Light Art., Capt. George Ward; Virginia Batt., Capt. J. V. Brooke. artillery reserve, Col. R. Lindsay Walker :--:McIntosh's Battalion, Maj. D. G. McIntosh; Danville (Va.) Art., Capt. R. S. Rice; Hardaway (Ala.) Art., Capt. W. B. Hurt; 2d Rockbridge (Va.) Art., Lieut. Samuel Wallace; Virginia Batt., Capt. M. Johnson. Pegram's Battalion, Maj. W. J. Pegram, Capt. E. B. Brunson; Crenshaw (Va.) Batt.
y are ready for us. We have just been drawn to the window by sad strains of martial music. The bodies of Captains Wise and Coles were brought by the cars, under special escort. The military met them, and in the dark, cold night, it was melancholy to see the procession by lamplight, as it passed slowly down the street. Captain Wise has been carried to the Capitol, and Captain Coles to the Central Depot, thence to be carried to-morrow to the family burying-ground at Enniscorthy, in Albemarle County. Thus are the bright, glorious young men of the Confederacy passing away. Can their places be supplied in the army? In the hearts and homes of families there must ever be a bleeding blank. Sunday, February 16th, 1862. This morning we left home early, to be present at the funeral of Captain Wise, but we could not even approach the door of St. James's Church, where it took place. The church was filled at an early hour, and the street around the door was densely crowded. The p
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 25: Potpourri (search)
r let me take it South and put it in cotton for you. All right, I replied; only let me first have a piece clipped off to make a breast-pin for mother; which was done next morning. The little pin was made, my mother wore it for years, my sister has it now and my little daughter is to have it. Uncle B. took the three-quarter moon of gold with him, and I cannot recall ever thinking of it again until the fall of 1865, just after I was released from prison. I was on the border line of Albemarle and Orange Counties, Virginia, helping my brother, Randy, to harvest a little corn crop, which he had cultivated on shares, after getting out of prison in the spring. It was toward the gloaming and I was seated on a pile of corn, which we were anxious to finish that night. A solitary horseman came riding across the open country from the direction of the railroad, evidently an ex-Confederate cavalryman, and as we all, in those days, seemed to have a sort of intuitive knowledge of each ot
Charles Congdon, Tribune Essays: Leading Articles Contributing to the New York Tribune from 1857 to 1863. (ed. Horace Greeley), Extemporizing production. (search)
re dreadfully meagre, over the broadest possible surface, and brings up on bowieknives. They are turning out these valuable weapons, it appears, with consummate alacrity, in Portsmouth, Va. And this suggests a more careful examination prove to be principally bayonets, camp-stools, gunpowder, tent-poles, bowie-knives, revolving pistols, drums — and, we presume, fifes, and even flags. But Mr. De Bow, while making up the rose-colored record, and telling us that they are producing leather in Albemarle and shoes in Madison County, does not tell us how much leather nor how many shoes. There are eight tan-yards in Louisa County; but are they large or little tan-yards? and, above all, are they new or old tan-yards? and, finally, are they tan-yards in which leather was or is manufactured? We should like to have a veracious answer to the questions, because, in war, shoes are of more importance than swords, particularly in the. course of a retreat. One good side of sole-leather will be wo
Doc. 53.-Virginia delegates to the Southern Congress. List of Delegates to represent the State in the Southern Congress, which meets at Richmond on the 21st July: 1. R. M. T. Hunter, of Essex. 2. John Tyler, of Charles City. 3. W. H. Macfarland, of Richmond City. 4. Roger A. Pryor, of Petersburg. 5. Thomas S. B. Cook, of Appomatox. 6. W. C. Rives, of Albemarle. 7. Robert E. Scott, of Fauquier. 8. James M. Mason, of Frederick. 9. John W. Brockenbaugh, of Brockenridge. 10. Charles W. Russell, of Wheeling. 11. Robert Johnson, of Harrison. 12. Walter Staples, of Montgomery. 13. Walter Preston, of Washington. State at Large — James A. Seddon, of Goochland; W. B. Preston, of Montgomery.--Baltimore American, June 27
ounds and hunters come To chase the wild deer from the oak; For desolation sere and dumb, Sits in the homes of Roanoke. There first my pale and sanguine race A birthplace found-perhaps a grave ; Virginia Dare, the first offspring of English parents in the New World, was born on Roanoke Island, 1587. Her father came too late to save, He met no welcome and no trace. And vainly rode the anguished carl-- For so the sole direction ran-- Across the tide to Croatan, And searched the groves of Albemarle. Perhaps she loved some Indian brave, And dusky children learned to know Far in the land of Manteo; Or paced, half-famished by the wave, Where gazing wearily at morn, She heard the far surf clash and croak The requiem of the golden corn That never came to Roanoke. Thrice ploughed thy sand the English keel-- They turned their helm through Ocracock-- They perished by the tomahawk, The famine hand, the fever heel. The brave Sir Walter led the way; He saw the blue smoke curling go Up from thy
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