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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 33. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The honor roll of the University of Virginia, from the times-dispatch, December 3, 1905. (search)
, Ala., Frazier's Farm, Va. Holcombe, J. C., Capt., Ga., 1861. Holladay, J. M., Va., Albemarle Co., Va., 1862. Holland, N. W., Capt., Fla., Olustee, Fla. Holleman, G. C., Fla., Seven Pinesa., Atlanta, Ga. Marshall, T., Lt., Col., Fisher's Hill, Va., 1864. Martin, G., Va., Albemarle Co., Va., 1865. Martin, T., Capt., Va., Malvern Hill, Va., 1862. Massie, J. L., Capt., Va., F62. McPherson, S., Ass't Surg., Va., Richmond, Va. 1863. Nelson, H. M., Maj., Va., Albemarle county, Va. 1862. Nelson, J. A., Surg., Va., Culpepper county, Va. 1863. Nelson, H., Capt., VaShiloh, Tenn. 1862. Otey, G. G., Capt., Va., Lynchburg, Va. 1863. Page, Mann, Va., Albemarle county, Va. Paine, H. R., Va., Manassas, Va. Palmer, J. S., Capt., S. C., Atlanta, Ga. 1864. 63. Wyatt, R. O., Capt. Art., Va., Cold Harbor, Va., 1864. Wyatt, J. W., Surg., Va., Albemarle Co., Va., 1861. Wynn, W. B., N. C., Castle William, N. Y., 1864. Wynn, W. G., Va., 1862. W
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 35. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The Warren Blues—Extra Billy's men: Roll of officers and men of a famous band of Veterans. (search)
., sergeant, a Mexican War veteran; went to artillery (dead). Williams, David R. Walters, John W., orderly sergeant, wounded May 6, 1864. James Dickerson (colored), the officers' cook (living). The following soldiers were from Albemarle County, Va., who joined Company D, 49th Virginia Regiment, at Harrisonburg, Va., October 25, 1864, and were brave and dutiful men, and fought February 6th at Hatcher's Run and the 25th of March, 1865, at Fort Steadman, in front of Petersburg, Va. W., wounded at Hatcher's Run. Walton, Rice, wounded at Hatcher's Run. Ward, Samuel, wounded at Hatcher's Run. Lieutenant John G. Brown and Sergeant William A. Compton, of Front Royal, Va., and John L. Jarman, Lucien A. Michie, of Albemarle County, Va., and myself, have made out the foregoing roll as accuate as possible, as no roll of the last recruits is in our possession, but one made out November 1, 1864, is in Washington, D. C., I am General Ainsworth, of which I failed
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 36. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.9 (search)
Sidney at nightfall, and bivouacked there. This was Saturday night, and it rained all night, and Hunter was on ground new to Jones. Jones felt himself without sufficient force; and, more, he was in an ugly humor, as the sequel will show. About dark or later a courier galloped up to the little chicken-coop of an office in which three telegraph operators lay, two of them trying to sleep: General Jones's orders are one of you go at once and open an office at Meechum's River Depot, in Albemarle county. Mounting my horse, I galloped over to see the General, and found him seated at the foot of a giant white oak tree, apparently intent on some map of the country, and alone. Approaching in company with Captain Alexander Baker, quartermaster of the post at Harrisonburg, General Jones, I come for specific orders, I said. We have three men here, which is to go? * * * I don't care which, he jerked out, but one of you go instantly, or I'll put you all in irons. I believed my contentio
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 36. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Monument to Wyatt First to die in War. From the News leader, December 30, 1908. (search)
Monument to Wyatt First to die in War. From the News leader, December 30, 1908. Charlottesville progress says he was native of Albemarle County. Under the lead of the Selma Chapter of the Daughters of the Confederacy, zealously assisted by Captain John A. Mitchener, $844 has been raised for the Wyatt memorial, lacking only $156 of the first thousand needed as a fine beginning to erect in the capitol square in Raleigh, a memorial to Henry W. Wyatt, of Edgecombe county, the first man towith an aldermanic abdomen on good capon lined. We told him that although Wyatt, the youth who fell at Big Bethel, the first Confederate killed in actual battle, came to Virginia as a member of a North Carolina company, he was a native of Albemarle county, in this State, and went out with his father's family to the North State when twelve years of age. We then told him that his claim for North Carolina at Gettysburg contradicted the well-established facts of history since all the world kne
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 37. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Munford's Marylanders never surrendered to foe. From Richmond, Va., Times-dispatch, February 6, 1910. (search)
morning, April 10, we were formed in line, and Colonel Dorsey informed us that it had been determined at yesterday's conference to disband the cavalry for a short time. Acting upon this agreement, we were free to go where we pleased until April 25, when he would expect every man to meet him at the Cattle Scales, in Augusta county. We at once broke ranks; our color-bearer, John Ridgely, stripped our beloved flag from its staff, placed it in his haversack, and carried it with him to Albemarle county, Va. The men scattered in every direction. About April 15, while riding along the road, I was invited by a boy to the house of his mother, a widow, who owned a small place in Deep Gully, through which ran a small stream called Hickory Creek. Here I remained until April 24. On that date I started for our appointed rendezvous, met Lieutenant Ditty and Private Johnson, of our command, on the road, and together we crossed the Blue Ridge at Rockfish Gap. Upon reaching Waynesboro I left t
hich place they were escorted by carriages and a cavalcade. The bells of New Haven were set ringing as they drew near, and those who had not gone out to meet them, thronged the windows and doors to gaze. There they were encouraged by Roger Sherman, whom solid sense and the power of clear analysis were to constitute one of the master builders of our republic. The parliament of Great Britain, said he, can rightfully make laws for America in no case whatever. The freeholders of Albemarle county, in Virginia, had a Chap. IX.} 1774. Aug. month earlier expressed the same conclusion, and, in the language of Jefferson, claimed to hold the privilege of exemption from the authority of every other legislature than their own as one of the common rights of mankind. After resting one night at New Haven, and visiting the grave of the regicide Dixwell, the envoys continued on their way. As they reached the Hudson, they found that the British ministry had failed to allure, to intimidate, or t
The Daily Dispatch: November 21, 1860., [Electronic resource], Business Management of French Newspapers. (search)
Fatal Accident. --A letter from Memphis states that John L. Elam, a young man from Virginia, was killed on the 15th inst., by the stage, upon which he was traveling, turning over five miles below Oakland, Yallabusha county, Mississippi. Mr. Elam formerly resided in Lynchburg, and was a native of Albemarle county, where his father now resides.
Death. --Wm. Garth, a member of the Virginia Legislature, from Albemarle county, died suddenly on the 27th inst. A writ will be issued for an election to fill the vacancy in the Legislature, which meets on the 7th of January.
Old Relic gone. --The house in which Thomas Jefferson was born, at Shadwell Depot, in the county of Albemarle, Va., was burned on Thursday night.
The Secretary of the Navy has accepted the resignations of Lieut. Chapman and Master Mills, (both Alabamans,) of the Brooklyn. Mr. Z. Lewis, Sr one of the oldest citizens of Albemarle county, Va., died a few days since.
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