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Jefferson Davis, The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government 1 1 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 16. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 1 1 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 18. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 1 1 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 22. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 1 1 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 33. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 1 1 Browse Search
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property, 139, 144. Col. Wirt, 37, 341. Admiral (ship), 212. Alabama Reconstruction, 633-35. (Merchantship), 236. Building and preparation for action, 208-11 Activities, 212-16. Aldrich, Judge A. P., 626-27, 628-29. Alexander, General, 130. Lt. J. W., 165, 166. Alexandria (ship), Trial case before English jury, 228-29, 234. Allegiance, Oath of, 249-50. Amelia Court House, reports concerning lack of supplies for Lee, 568-72. Ames, Gen. A., 637 Ammen, General, 50. Anderson, Col. Archer, 100, 103, 585. Gen. G. B., 76, 282, 436. Gen. J. R., 83, 132, 296, 300, 301, 302, 303-06, 308, 309, 310, 561, 563, 564. John, 201. Gen. R. H., 131, 269, 282. Major Robert, 352. Andersonville prison, 418, 505, 508. delegation of prisoners to Washington, 509-10. Andrew, Gov. John A., 89. Archer, General, 268, 273, 283, 297. Ariel (ship), 213. Arizona (gunboat), 199. Arkansas Modified constitution, 254. Ratification of emancipation amendment, 225. Reconstruction,
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 16. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Index. (search)
ms, Capt. R. H. T., 91. Adger, Capt., J. Elison, 181. Aiken, Col., D. Wyatt, 26. Aiken, Col. Hugh K., 26. Alexander, 6. Alexander, Gen. E. P., 93, 318. Alexander, Capt. J. H., 91. Alexander, Dr., Joseph, 13. Alleghany Mountains, 90. Allemong, killed, Lt., 399. Alien, Col. H. W., 303. Allen, Capt., John, 107. Allen, death of, J. C., 270. Allen, Lt., Wade, 389. Allensworth, Major A. J., 107. Allison, Lt., Alex., 58. Allston, Washington, 428. Ammen, Col., 305, 317. Anderson, Col. Archer, 296. Anderson, Gen., 393, 403, 405. Anderson, Gen., Patton, 301. Anderson, Gen., Geo. T., 267. Anderson, Gen. Joseph R., 19. Anderson, Major, 263. Anderson, Major, Robert, 337. Anderson, S. W.. 175. Andrews, Lt., 403. Appomattox C. H., 21, 32. Archer, Gen. J. J., 268. Archer, Capt. James W., 107. Ard, E. G., 129. Ard, Joseph, 117. Arkansas Inf., 13th Regiment, 70. Army of Northern Virginia, 25; Annual Meeting of Society of, 281; Officers of, 296; Articles of
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 18. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Index. (search)
Index. American Government, Theories of, 220. Anderson, Col. Archer, His tribute to Gen. Joseph E. Johnston, 159 Anderson's Division, How constituted and commanded, 4. Appomattox C. H., Troops surrendered at, 71, 75, 386; Reports to Gen. Lee after the surrender, 71. Archer, Col. A. W., Remarks of, 145. Armistead, D. L., His account of the wounding of Gen. J. E. Johnston, 185 Army Life in 1864, Glimpses of, 406. Bacon, John Lyddall, 288 Baker, Gen. L. S., Command of, 97. Ballard, Capt. J. N., Address of, 125. Bartlett, General, 17. Bennett, Col. R. T., 233, 241; His Address on The Confederate Soldier, 272; on Gen. Junius Daniel, 340. Bernard, Geo. S., Address of, 3; Account of Battle of Malvern Hill, 56. Blackburn, Surgeon L. P., 430. Blackmore, Courier J. H., 6. Bonham, Gen. M. L., Death of, 93. Bosher, Lt. C. G., 430. Boudinot, Hon., Elias, Death of, 93. Bowley, Lt. F. S., 10. Boyce, Major, Ker, Death of, 93. Brady, Major A. G., 1
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 22. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Index. (search)
Index. Adams, John Quincy, on Secession, 31. Alabama Claims, The, 96. American Soldiery, Gallantry of, 40. Anderson, Col. Archer, 386. Appeal-Avalanche, The, Memphis, Tennessee, cited, 63. Arkansas Post. Its fall Jan. 11, 1863; report of Col R. R. Garland, 10. Arnold, Wm., 158. Artillery, C. S., Its prowess, 319. Association of the Army of No. Va. Proceedings at the Annual Meeting, Dec. 13, 1894; officers of, 334; some present at, 281 Atkinson, Col., John Wilder, 49. August, Col., Thos, P., 49. Aylett, Col Wm. R. His address; Women of the South, 54. Baldwin, Col. John B., Inspector-General of Virginia, 48. Bennett, Hon. R. T., late Colonel 14th N. C. Infantry, C. S. A., 81. Bernard, George S., 69. Blockades, Importance of, 89. Blue and Gray, Blending of the, 67. Boynton, Gen. H. V., 67. Bronaugh, Wm., 46. Brown. Col., Commandant of Fort Pulaski, 140. Buchannan, C. S. N., Admiral Franklin, 77. Burgwyn, Col. H. K.; killed, 123.
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 33. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Index. (search)
Index. Aether as an anesthetic, 161; Alabama Brigade at Crater, 362; Infantry History of 12th, 193; officers of field and staff and company and survivors of 197, 102; company E 195 battle flag of, 197; casualties in, 198, 201, 225; at Appomattox, 211; Wealth and position of members of company F, 271; Associations of, 292; Chaplains, 234-5; depot at Richmond, 293 Amenities of warriors. 351, 357; Anderson, Col. Archer 25 Andrews, D. D., Rev. M. S., 234 Appomattox C. H.,191, 211 Arkansas C. S. Ram, achievements of, 1; officers and form of, 3; end of, 11 Army N. Va., Christion Association of, 291; reorganization of in May, 1863, 136 Artillery, importance of the, 343; 13th Va. Battalion of, 340 Bachelder Col. J. B., 145 Balloons, used in C. S. Army 32 Bartlett, hero, Gen. W. F., 385 Battine, Capt. Cecil, 79; his incorrect estimates of Confederate and Federal forces and losses 80 Baumgarten J. B., Engraver, 188 Beall, John Yates, hero and martyr,