Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: October 8, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Gay (Georgia, United States) or search for Gay (Georgia, United States) in all documents.

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Searching coffins and Churches. --The Baltimore Sun contains the following item in it local column: The search of premises in this city by the Federal police continues, but for several days past no seizures of arms have been made. On Wednesday afternoon the coffin warehouse of Mr. John H. Weaver, on Fayette street, near Gay, was visited, and the whole establishment thoroughly searched. Several hundred coffins and metallic burial cases were opened in all parts of the building, but without any successful result. The search occupied several hours. After leaving the establishment of Mr. Weaver, a window of Christ Church was forced, and that temple of worship was searched, but no arms could be found. Late on Tuesday evening the premises of Mr. John Staylor, Jr., on Greenmount Avenue, were visited by a squad of eleven Federal policemen, who demanded to search the premises. They stated that they had received information that a quantity of arms were buried in the yard, three